***November 2019 Mummies***

B0F376BB-3E55-43D7-BEBC-DB6DCAF500C4.jpeg Bump update at 31 + 2

How’s everyone getting on? My sickness is doing better now I’m on my tablets it’s more just nausea.
I’m also feeling baby boy constantly ..:they’re like rolls now? He likes to roll under my ribs. I’m still quite tiny bump wise and sometimes I think he gets his big head really low and it’s a struggle to walk. Somebody in work commented that my bump is so small I might need a growth scan and it really upset me. I see the midwife next week so will see what she says but Ive been ill this 3rd tri and was super fit pre pregnancy so I thought I just carried well.
You’ve obv got really good stomach muscles to hold baby back. My friend was tiny, massive gym goer and no more than a size 6. Baby was literally a bowing ball on her. Weight of baby was over 9lb !! So the size of your bump really doesn’t reflect the baby. Your midwife would be raising concerns when she measures you if you were on the small side. It’s about your uterus size. I get small bump comments all the time but I’m measuring a week ahead. Last time my baby was 9lb 4oz and I’m a size 8. He was 14 days overdue so cooked him well ha.
Glad sickness is easing !!

I’ve got midwife tomorrow - 33+4. But consultant in 2 weeks when I get scanned again. Hoping to get a C Sec date ... fingers crossed.
View attachment 87981 Bump update at 31 + 2

How’s everyone getting on? My sickness is doing better now I’m on my tablets it’s more just nausea.
I’m also feeling baby boy constantly ..:they’re like rolls now? He likes to roll under my ribs. I’m still quite tiny bump wise and sometimes I think he gets his big head really low and it’s a struggle to walk. Somebody in work commented that my bump is so small I might need a growth scan and it really upset me. I see the midwife next week so will see what she says but Ive been ill this 3rd tri and was super fit pre pregnancy so I thought I just carried well.

Aww so glad your starting to feel better!
Your bump is amazing :D

And dont take ppl on, their not you and your body and like sparklisam said, your midwife would of said something should she be worried!

I'm starting with really bad back ache, not sleeping as I can't get comfy..the list goes on !!!

Nursery is coming together, just the cot to buy but that's no rush as yet.

I've got baby constantly pushing their little bum up towards my right boob.....its so uncomfortable and when its not their bum it's their head pushing out or my bladder having the river dance done on it LOL

I have said to hubby though...I will miss this so much, as much as I complain how uncomfy iam it makes me sad to think about not having the bump :bump: but even happier that we'll have a baby <3


Hi ladies just popping by from the December mummies thread. Don’t listen to people @Aprilxxx ive had so many comment on my bump but the opposite for me and how big I am. It really got me down. My MW said she doesn’t understand why people think they have the right to comment on anyone’s bump. You wouldn’t do that to a non-pregnant woman?!? Your bump looks perfect and in proportion for you. If your MW has any concerns she’ll raise them but I’m sure you’ll be fine <3 xx
Thanks for all the lovely reassuring words ladies. I know I’m fine for my frame but why women feel the need to comment constantly is annoying.

Woke up at 5am sick again today. Don’t think I can call in sick again tho.

@ChloB your bump is fab! Glad everything is coming together so nicely!! My baby does the same thing...as long as their comfy tho ..right? Ha

@Sparklisam good luck with your app!! Hope all goes well

@Sjf0709 thanks for the encouraging words

Sorry to hear you're still getting sick April :( Must be such a pain. Bet you're counting the days until maternity leave!

Sleep is still ok for me although I'm starting to get awful restless legs at night, yesterday was particularly bad. I always manage to eventually sleep through them but it's not half annoying! Have looked and it can be down to low iron levels, which my 28 week bloods did show that my levels were borderline - MW said to make sure I keep taking pregnacare as these have iron and I've ran out the last few days which explains why the restlessness has gotten worse. Will need to start eating some iron rich foods alongside as well I think!

I also keep saying to hubby about how much I'll miss bump, it's such a special time and although I can't wait for him to arrive it's lovely having him all to myself for now. Any comfort issues or anxiety I have over labour I just always go back to how lucky we all our to be carrying our little bundles. There are so many women who would kill to be us and it's easy to forget sometimes!

Nursery furniture is coming today so I'll be spending the weekend starting to wash little mans clothes and putting them away, and washing bedding to get his various beds ready (how many places does one baby need to sleep lol) <3 Also plan to properly pack his and my birth bags so I can work out what I still need to get/put in.

32 weeks today :bump:
Aww so exciting about the furniture @TTChloexx ! <3

I was iron deficient as well, actually had an Iron count of only 1 haha MW said shes never seen a 1 before so Ive been taking Iron supplements in addition to my pregnancy vitamins because they just didnt have enough iron in them.

We had our 3rd attempt at a 3D ultrasound yesterday and finally got a nice profile shot of little man. He wasnt having any of it the first 2 times and even though he was in a good position yesterday, the placenta was blocking the view a little (damn you anterior placenta! Lol) But it was just nice to see him wriggling around anyway <3<3

I’m also low in iron and on meds so think it must be common!!

OMG so amazing Mandy!! Glad you finally got a good picture! Would you recommend a ultrasound at this time? Could you see much?

Good luck with the furniture Chloe! What did you get? My bf put our wardrobe and changing table up yesterday and it drive him mad! Hoping to come home to the cot put up before the weekend tho if I’m lucky ha.

Baby boy done the weirdest movement last night. So he was going crazy on my left side ..I’d never felt him there before only on my right. I lifted my top up to watch my belly shake and a few mins into it I saw his body stretch right out my belly like he was going to break out. I think he must of flipped or changed positions but the movement was so strong it had me throwing up straight after. Anyone had that?
Yeah I do think low iron levels are common, although mine definitely wasn't a 1 haha! It was just below the level they like so MW was happy to not bother with specific iron supplements or repeat bloods.

Our furniture came yay! We went for the 3 piece Tutti Bambini Modena set - it's mad how much some of the sets cost so this one didn't seem so bad! But we had a bit of a nightmare in that a pipe in the nursery broke, so hubby spent all day sorting that and hasn't actually managed to put anything together lol! Oh well, we still have the weekend I suppose.

Those pics are beautiful Mandy! Really hits home that they are actual little people doesn't it <3

April it definitely sounds like he's flipped. At this stage because of their size I think the movements can feel very strong, I know I've had some that have made me stop in my tracks although not sick like you :( They run out of room soon and that's why they like baby to be in the right position come 34 weeks as it's more of a struggle for them to do big movements like that anymore (although not impossible). Maybe he's gone head down :D I think our little boy is generally settling head down but is still small enough to shift as I feel kicks everywhere! I always feel hiccups low down so I figure that must be where his head is most of the time! Little wrigglers xxxx
I’m also low in iron and on meds so think it must be common!!

OMG so amazing Mandy!! Glad you finally got a good picture! Would you recommend a ultrasound at this time? Could you see much?

Good luck with the furniture Chloe! What did you get? My bf put our wardrobe and changing table up yesterday and it drive him mad! Hoping to come home to the cot put up before the weekend tho if I’m lucky ha.

Baby boy done the weirdest movement last night. So he was going crazy on my left side ..I’d never felt him there before only on my right. I lifted my top up to watch my belly shake and a few mins into it I saw his body stretch right out my belly like he was going to break out. I think he must of flipped or changed positions but the movement was so strong it had me throwing up straight after. Anyone had that?
They did say the recommended timeframe for a 3D ultrasound is 28-32 weeks, but apparently it's always best to do it a bit earlier with an anterior placenta as it can get in the way in the later stages. That's what happened to me at least, but I didn't know when I booked the appointment. But to be quite honest in the end it does all depend on the actual position baby is in at that day and time. If he would have turned his head over a little we would have had a perfect view, even though I was 31+6 weeks along already.
But she also did a "normal" ultrasound and we could see so much in that one, he was even sucking on his thumb which was the cutest thing to see :)
Hi ladies, how is everyone? Just thought I'd give a little update my side...

Went for my 32 week scan yesterday which was to check that my placenta had moved and baby boys kidneys were ok. Both were checked and were absolutely fine. Sonographer was just about to let us go but when she put in the measurements she took it showed a slow down in growth. So at my 20 week scan he was showing as 75th percentile, and then yesterday he had dropped to the 37th. So I was sent to the day assessment unit straight away for a CTG where I was monitored for 30 mins and to speak to a consultant.

Essentially they can't see any reason why growth might have dropped off. I'm not getting any reduced movement, the CTG was fine, no bleeding, no waters etc. So they're going to have me back in 2 weeks for a repeat scan to see how he's growing then. The sonographer did originally say that the amount of growth they do between 20 and 32 weeks is huge, so it's less likely to follow a perfect pattern. So by doing a repeat scan in 2 weeks they'll be able to see a better comparison. If all goes fine then no problems, but if growth continues to drop I'll be offered an induction at 37 weeks. An option I've already decided I'm declining if it gets that far - as a FTM and being induced that early I honestly don't think it will work, so I'd rather opt for an elective c-section or better yet increased monitoring.

So yeah it was a bit scary but luckily I had done my research when it comes to growth scans - they can be so inaccurate so none of the above bothers me at the moment as it's all going off two measurements with a difference of 12 weeks. My instinct tells me that everything is fine - I feel him happy and healthy in there kicking around <3
Hi ladies, how is everyone? Just thought I'd give a little update my side...

Went for my 32 week scan yesterday which was to check that my placenta had moved and baby boys kidneys were ok. Both were checked and were absolutely fine. Sonographer was just about to let us go but when she put in the measurements she took it showed a slow down in growth. So at my 20 week scan he was showing as 75th percentile, and then yesterday he had dropped to the 37th. So I was sent to the day assessment unit straight away for a CTG where I was monitored for 30 mins and to speak to a consultant.

Essentially they can't see any reason why growth might have dropped off. I'm not getting any reduced movement, the CTG was fine, no bleeding, no waters etc. So they're going to have me back in 2 weeks for a repeat scan to see how he's growing then. The sonographer did originally say that the amount of growth they do between 20 and 32 weeks is huge, so it's less likely to follow a perfect pattern. So by doing a repeat scan in 2 weeks they'll be able to see a better comparison. If all goes fine then no problems, but if growth continues to drop I'll be offered an induction at 37 weeks. An option I've already decided I'm declining if it gets that far - as a FTM and being induced that early I honestly don't think it will work, so I'd rather opt for an elective c-section or better yet increased monitoring.

So yeah it was a bit scary but luckily I had done my research when it comes to growth scans - they can be so inaccurate so none of the above bothers me at the moment as it's all going off two measurements with a difference of 12 weeks. My instinct tells me that everything is fine - I feel him happy and healthy in there kicking around <3

I’m glad baby’s kidney and placenta is doing ok!
I’m glad you feel so calm and doing your research has helped you process the information a little better. Is usually common for reduced growth to go with reduced movement then?
I think our instincts are worth a lot so I’m glad you trust them! And you get to see baby again soon which is always nice! Sorry you are going through this tho xxxx
@Aprilxxx Thanks sweet, I really feel ok about everything at the moment as I know consultants like to use caution at all times so I'm taking everything with a pinch of salt. Agree that instinct is so important!
I think what they're worried about is that my placenta isn't working properly and that's why expected growth has (so say) tailed off. They didn't say reduced movement was linked but I assume so as they asked about any issues I've had including waters, bleeds, movements etc of which I've had literally none.
We'll see what 2 weeks brings but yes it's lovely seeing our boy again xxxx
@Aprilxxx Thanks sweet, I really feel ok about everything at the moment as I know consultants like to use caution at all times so I'm taking everything with a pinch of salt. Agree that instinct is so important!
I think what they're worried about is that my placenta isn't working properly and that's why expected growth has (so say) tailed off. They didn't say reduced movement was linked but I assume so as they asked about any issues I've had including waters, bleeds, movements etc of which I've had literally none.
We'll see what 2 weeks brings but yes it's lovely seeing our boy again xxxx
Yes they definitely do like to go with caution! Your attitude is perfect. A friend in works SIL has just gave birth (c section) due a growth issue and their baby boy is perfect I’ve seem some cute videos!!
Yes they definitely do like to go with caution! Your attitude is perfect. A friend in works SIL has just gave birth (c section) due a growth issue and their baby boy is perfect I’ve seem some cute videos!!
Chloe just read back at your msgs.
Glad your placenta scan went well, you sound so positive about babies growth and your right to.trust your instincts!
See how your next check up goes.
I saw the midwife today and mentioned the growth they gave me at my last scan and she said dont look into it too much as it's never a spot on measurement.

I'm so jealous that everyones babies sound like their head down, were still breech and 34 wks tomorrow........I've been given a website for 'spinning babies' and its safe to say I'm starting to try some positions and they are weird....keep your fingers crossed for me!!!

Oh that was another thing he’s breech too :rotfl: he is a trouble maker from the start! So yep you’re not alone @ChloB! Heard spinning babies is very good for moving them around :D xxx
Oh that was another thing he’s breech too :rotfl: he is a trouble maker from the start! So yep you’re not alone @ChloB! Heard spinning babies is very good for moving them around :D xxx

Aw he's a cheeky one :D
Hubby's just had me doing a 2nd lot of them, I feel like if I do them for he next 2 weeks, we can only but see what happens lol

I'm also struggling to sleep SO BAD !!!
And suffering restless legs alot too xx
I’m fine with sleep, in fact most nights I don’t even need to get up for a wee! Which I know is so rare at this stage so counting myself very lucky. Although it might mean baby is too high :?
The restless legs though I’ve had for weeks and weeks. It’s something I got every now and then before pregnancy anyway, but it’s every day now and just when I sit down on the sofa to relax to lie down in bed to sleep. So irritating! X
I’m fine with sleep, in fact most nights I don’t even need to get up for a wee! Which I know is so rare at this stage so counting myself very lucky. Although it might mean baby is too high :?
The restless legs though I’ve had for weeks and weeks. It’s something I got every now and then before pregnancy anyway, but it’s every day now and just when I sit down on the sofa to relax to lie down in bed to sleep. So irritating! X

Your so lucky with the sleep thing LOL!!
The joys we have with pregnancy Haha xxx
@TTChloexx Hooe your second scan is more reassuring in relation to growth. I was induced as he was 2 weeks late and it was awful but very induction is different. Sounds like you’ve done your research and have a good plan on the way you want things to go.

Next week I hopefully will get a date for my C Section and Surgery ... fingers crossed.

34+6 today so it’s all getting very real as I know C Sec will be 39 weeks latest !!

My baby is so active I honestly wonder how it has the energy to move practically continually !! I have 2 weeks left at work now. Looking forward to finishing and getting the nesting going to prep for the arrival !!

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