*** July 2012 Babies ***

I know, and the problem with all the messages etc. is that you have to respond really because otherwise people think something must be happening because you're ignoring them and then they get even more excited :wall2:

My Mum came over on Wed, Thurs and Fri last week, and she's coming over again tomorrow which is probably good 'cos otherwise she'd be ringing obsessively. It's been quite nice 'cos she's been working from home some of the time so I've had some time to myself still, but we have lunch together each day and have sat and chatted and watched crap TV together as well :)
I'm also getting flooded with calls and texts and I'm only one day over! My Dad lives in Scotland and I see him once a year maybe, but last week he called four times!! Must be the most I've spoken to him on the phone in the last two years!

I don't mind the calls and messages etc as people are just excited xxx

Haha... I know! If I don't reply they text again, is this it? Eh no... I was in the shower!

Aw bless your dad :) its cute they are excited!
Just put on facebook 'I'm not in labour, no baby yet, no need to call or txt!' Lol x
Haha!!! Good idea :) might need to do that. Iv told everyone about my induction date, so hope that will keep them happy for now xx
Hmpfh. Well that was pointless, she couldn't do the sweep - my body is really not ready yet apparently. Still managed to make me bleed slightly from all the poking around though :wall2:

She's made me an appointment to try and do the sweep again on Thursday morning, but otherwise I'm booked in for an induction next week. Would have to go into hospital next Tuesday late afternoon and stay overnight so ready for induction first thing on Wednesday morning. Really hope LO comes before then :sad:
Oh boo hiss to not being able to do the sweep, but I've heard even having a poke around can work. The fact that you had a bloody show after is a good sign.

I thought things were kicking off last night, but it's calmed down this morning. Waaaahhh!

Although induction isn't how we'd prefer to go, but I'd be happy with that as thus not knowing business is so frustrating!


Hmpfh. Well that was pointless, she couldn't do the sweep - my body is really not ready yet apparently. Still managed to make me bleed slightly from all the poking around though :wall2:

She's made me an appointment to try and do the sweep again on Thursday morning, but otherwise I'm booked in for an induction next week. Would have to go into hospital next Tuesday late afternoon and stay overnight so ready for induction first thing on Wednesday morning. Really hope LO comes before then :sad:

Aw we're so the same...!!! Naughty babies!! When my midwife felt the babies positioning she said a sweep was pointless as babies head won't have put any pressure on. Boo!! She booked my induction there and then. I have a sweep tomorrow. But she said that will just be to determine if my cervix is favourable or not, cause if it's not I'll be in Friday morning...!!xxx
And totally agree with firstbaby, it's great having an end date... I think this waiting would drive me insane xx
I don't think it was my show, I think it was just a bit of blood because she jabbed me with the end of her fingers - there was a little bit of blood on her glove so she gave me a pad and told me not to worry, that it was quite normal :(

My Mum came over again today. She was telling me that she went to see the consultant before she had me and he told her that her cervix 'wasn't ripe' and that they'd have to induce her the next day. She went into labour that evening and had me in the early hours of the next day and so never needed the induction... I think the moral of the story was that there's still hope that this baby will appear before next week :lol:

However - OH has just decided that because the midwife didn't think anything would happen soon it's safe for him to have a cider... so let's hope that LO doesn't decide to make a speedy appearance :lol:
There was blood on my Mw glove too and she's written bloody show in my notes, so I just assumed it was the same thing.

Proper chuckled at your OH thinking having a cider, don't blame him. I really fancy one now you mention it :D not long now til I can have a very small one.

Fx for us all that our LOs arrive soon, preferably tonight for me! xx

Proper chuckled at your OH thinking having a cider, don't blame him. I really fancy one now you mention it :D not long now til I can have a very small one.
Yeah, he really wanted to be able to drink it last week when it was hot and sunny, even put it in the fridge ready, but then he didn't dare just in case :D

COME ON JULY BABIES, you've got less than 1.5 hours to make an appearance in, otherwise that's it, you become August babies :lol:
Well with a half hour to go, I think it's safe to say I'm out the July baby race :( never mind!!!
Ha... We went to asda tonight and my boyfriend got some little cans of strawberry and lime cider, he asked if he could have one. Bless... Could have rugby tackled it off him.xxx
I suppose being due on the 29th there was always a high chance I'd have a Aug baby. At least they he can always have a summer birthday party :)

I'm off to crash the August baby thread :D xx

Yeah come keep me company over there, my bump buddy didn't last too long in August before she popped lol x

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