September babies

Not the greatest echo, they think Jacob has a heart murmur and also might have a hole in between his aorta / pulmary artery and a fast heart rate, due to the heart speed, can't be sure, had another chest xray and being referred to Birmingham children's hospital, gotta stay at new cross till Birmingham have a bed for us so will probably be here the night now.
well sat in hospital all day, didn't get taken to Birmingham as they have decided after his scan they wanna monitor him over night and there are no beds available, new cross have offered to do the over night observation here so I just litterally get taken have the echo and get brought back but Birmingham said no = wasted day!!!
Missing all of you ladies loads, I just wondere who still comes on? I've joined te baby group on here now that would possibly be of interest to alot of you ladies, it'd for "sept/oct 2012 mummies" so if any of u guys wanna join to keep in touch please join it too, would be nice to see how you're all getting on, here is the link

Love to you all x x

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