X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

My Granny has one Lolie, I'm not a fan but we need a lot of freezer space between us and the furry ones. I think if you tend to eat more fresh bits, then they're great.

I am currently sat in a vest and knicks with a towel under my bump to stop vile bump sweat and I've just realised I have the doctors at 4! Good job I remembered but now I've gotta throw myself in the bath which I just can't be bothered with. Feeling so lazy today.

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Oooh not long for you xjds! Im only 29 plus 1 today...still a way off, thank goodness as my house is not sorted out yet, i'm not having a baby till I have done so!

How are you feeling Michelle? Will they be giving you a growth scan?

I am ok JJMum. Had my heart scan yesterday. Nothing unexpected showed up so that's good. I have an appointment with the midwife and Consultant in July. Not sure if I will get a scan then or not. But I should get a date for our elective section section!!!

Michelle x
I have finally got a few things for my hospital bag... And I really do mean a few! Our changing bag has arrived and I have a lot of baby things now so progress has been made! Just need to buy the big items now.

We are seeing the midwife tomorrow and the HV is popping round too then we are off to look in Mother care and Curry's as we are so tempted by those American style fridge freezers, does anyone have one?

We have ones of those big fridge freezers. It's a black Samsung one. I love it. Love having cold filtered water and ice on tap. I am forever using it. The dogs loves the ice too. The fridge is massive which is great. Would like the freezer side to be bigger but we don't tend to have a lot of frozen food so it is perfect for us.

Michelle x
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Hey everyone!
How are we all today?
Lulu and Sugar hope you're both ok!
Michelle, glad there was nothing unexpected showing in the heart scan!

JJ I think a fb group would be a great idea!!
Lollie we have an American Style fridge freezer! I love it! The water and ice machine is fab. The only downside would be the freezer is now proving to be a bit small for us so we're thinking of getting a freezer for the shed outside in time for all the frozen purees when weaning lol!!
We eat a lot more fresh than frozen so it should be okay for us then, just need to work out if we have the room for it! :)
Yeah it does take up quite a bit of room and it's very very heavy. Thankfully we live in a bungalow the poor delivery men were sweating buckets bringing it into the house.

Michelle x
All good Tmum. Uncomfortable and tired, but aren't we all. Had a busy, but lovely day and the weather in London is lovely. Hot but a lovely breeze too! My hospital bag is completely done, all I need to chuck in last minute are my coming home clothes and chargers. Going to have a nice chilled day tomorrow as I'm sure Friday will be a really long day. I really wanted my mum with me but my step sister is getting married on Friday and its 2 hours away. Just my luck but hey ho. If I need her to, she will drive back.

What's everyone else been doing today? I forget a lot of you are still working xx
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Michelle- yayy glad your heart scan went well, and hope you get your date soon to look forward to x
Lollie, when our fridge freezer died last year we got an variation on an american one with a discount from our setvice contract. I would also prefer the freezer side to be bigger than the fridge side but that's only as I freeze alot of homemade ready meals, bread if on special offer and we have an alotment so have fruit and veg to last winter in there. My family is also large at 7 people. As a couple with a couple of young kids id be fine.
It's amazing at xmas storing food in fridge, drinks, etc we even have room to store a plastic cake dome tub in the top shelf as there is always baking for after school there.

We went for one without ice and water to save my kids breaking it! And also as you need it to have plumbing which we couldn't really on the only wall we had left.

Also worth mentioning, ours has a door alarm and my kids esp 4 yr old are always sneeking in it and then leaving door open , the alarm goes off! Its not loud but soooooo saved the day many times over
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How did you get on today Sugar, at lunchtime scan?
Thank you JJmum! Luckily we can plumb ours in, just need to ensure there will be enough space for it! We grow our own veg too so will have to consider that factor too - hadn't considered that.
Missed your last post earlier Lulu, glad your is now done just incase needed for Henry x
Feel like a massive weight has been lifted. I keep thinking I'm not prepared but I am. All I have to buy is a changing bag and my car seat adaptors but I don't think they're necessities really are they? I mean if they induce me next week, I won't be lost without those things xx
Lulu, when you say car seat adapters do you mean those isofix base things ?
Baby Car seats from newborn should always be able to be used with the car seat straps anyway, as isofix bases are optional - ive never had one. Do get it strapped into car /practice with hubby now to make sure you have it fitted right before you bring baby home .

Xjds- bargain and great height if your sore or have a section after xx
No hun, I mean for my pram! I didn't bother getting a base for the car seat, I won't be using the car seat enough to justify the price of it (I'm tight I know) xx
Just after some reassurance ladies,
I know it's normal to get increased discharge at this stage in pregnancy but how do you know the difference between normal discharge and leaking amniotic fluid?
For the past couple of days I have been feeling constantly wet so I have been Wearing panty liners,. I have had to change these liners 4/5 times a days due to the amount of fluid I am leaking. When I got up this morning I had leaked through the liner, my underwear and even my pj bottoms were wet. Is this normal?
when I was carrying my son they had to bring my planned section forward due to me slowly leaking fluid which then stopped me from feeling him move. I wasn't aware I was leaking. As I first time mum I didn't know what to look out for so trying not to make the same mistake again.

Michelle x
That does sound quite excessive Michelle, discharge does increase but not to that extent I don't think.

I would ring hosp Michelle, doesn't sound normal to me. I have increased discharge but it's thick, white and doesn't leak through a panty liner. Let us know what they say if you do decide to ring xx
Yes, ring Michelle!! After my experience a few days ago, excess fluid can mean a lot of things. An increase is normal but normal discharge shouldn't leak through clothing. They advised me to put a maternity pad on and if that got wet, go in to get checked. If I were you I'd pop one on and monitor. If it does become damp, call them ASAP. Also, keep any pads or liners that you change as they like to look at them - what a job!! I hope everything's ok x
Thanks ladies. Just popped a proper maternity pad on so I can monitor it properly. Getting a lot of pressure at their bottom of my bump so hoping it's just baby pressing down that's making my bladder leak and nothing more serious. Will let you know how I get on. nothings ever simple is it.

Michelle X

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