*November mummies tri 3 thread*

I've found this pregnancy harder too (my third as well) my girls are 7 and 4 which is easier but still a mission!
I'm finally able to enjoy it tho as we aren't at risk of preterm anymore and everything seems to be fine now.. The girls were very easy to carry I'm convinced this is a boy!!

Hopefully it won't be much longer for you babe xx
I have heard you're more likely to go overdue if it's a boy! x
I have 2 girls and they were both late, Im team yellow.

ive read your posts and im glad you reached term now, hopefully you will have a healthy baby!
Ive never heard of boys more likely to be overdue.. both my sisters kids were overdue by 2 weeks and she has a boy and girl..

Thanks im so happy that weve reached full term :D

Ive got two girls and my first was 5 days early and second was 3 days early.. my first was also a tad bigger than my second so mines never standard lol! babies are supposed to be earlier and bigger each time round.. im hoping this one is later and smaller lol!!
my biggest was my middle one !!!! but was also the only one that wasnt induced !!!! i think u r team blue and maybe have him on 11th ? xxx
11th would be wicked :) bubs was measuring a week ahead at 33w (prob that growth spurt!) and 5lb.. he said if it keeps growing at that rate im looking at a 8 and a half pounder :shock:
sorry i posted in the wrong section :/
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I get it really bad at night too and it's only rennies and the tesco brand that help.. A good burp seems to help too somehow lol
Maybe go see ur doc and they'll prescribe something stronger to help?
Lol sorry about that, I thought I'd pressed new thread, didn't realise I was still on this thread :dohh: lol.
Lol thanks. I'm not even due in november I was just having a nosy haha! And thanks yeah I'll have to try docs and didnt even know there was anything stronger than gaviscon lol x
A few people on here have had stronger things from the docs it's worth a try!
Gaviscon never worked for me!

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