X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Let us know how you get on Michelle, well worth talking to midwifes about esp if you had an issue last time x
Ahh Lulu, yes I wouldn't even use the car seat on pram tbh, they are not supposed to be in them long anyway, so sounds like you have everything , good luck for your scan tomorow- you keep us updated too xx
Gosh bit worried about Sugar, she had her growth scan yesterday and no posts since the night before , anyone heard from her ?
Just after some reassurance ladies,
I know it's normal to get increased discharge at this stage in pregnancy but how do you know the difference between normal discharge and leaking amniotic fluid?
For the past couple of days I have been feeling constantly wet so I have been Wearing panty liners,. I have had to change these liners 4/5 times a days due to the amount of fluid I am leaking. When I got up this morning I had leaked through the liner, my underwear and even my pj bottoms were wet. Is this normal?
when I was carrying my son they had to bring my planned section forward due to me slowly leaking fluid which then stopped me from feeling him move. I wasn't aware I was leaking. As I first time mum I didn't know what to look out for so trying not to make the same mistake again.

Michelle x

I have had this checked recently too, as I have been feeling abnormally 'wet' down below! Turns out mines discharge and abit of bladder leakage from baby pressing down. No infection or amniotic fluid.
Jj mum thanks for asking about acan, had a stressful day yesterday and feel so exhausted I have been wanting to nod off at work all day! :/ it's awful! The scan went well, showed baby head down (as I suspected) and fluid is ok. And although he is squashed, they aren't concerned right now. Will just keep an eye on my growth, and make sure he has enough room. So that's good news! Just my bloods to monitor now in these last 9 weeks. They've took a dip, having them rechecked at 34weeks.
Brill you are all sorted now lulu, and Everyone seems to be pretty much organised for baby coming! It's really happening soon isn't it?? :)
How is everyone? It's been cold today, not loving it! X x
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Gosh bit worried about Sugar, she had her growth scan yesterday and no posts since the night before , anyone heard from her ?

Oh I'm so sorry!! I was too exhausted by the time i got chance to sit down last night i was soon asleep! And been working today, finding it really hard now. Only 4 weeks left though :) x x
Glad to hear all is well in there Sugar, must be a relief!

Good to hear all is well Sugar.

Just back from the midwife, bump is measuring 2 weeks ahead and baby is on the 90th centile! Does this mean I'm having a big baby?? Good news is I have apparently only put on 2kg so far so I am all bump!
Baby had the hiccups as we were listening to the heartbeat which was really really cute!!
Baby is also breech oblique or something as well.

Appt with the Health Visitor went well too, she seems really nice and chatty!
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It could be you just have a lot of water Lolie :)

Yayy great news Sugar that all is well, sorry i'm a bit of a worrier !! I'm struggling with 1:30 pm onwards if stuck indoors if 4 yr old falls asleep and have had to have coffee to keep me awake and I'm not even working!! Good job your finishing in 4 weeks, bet you can't wait now :) was it your iron levels etc that had dropped from your bloods?

Lollie that's cute about hiccups - lovely to hear , don't worry about measuring larger, it's a super inaccurate way of doing it as every lady will be different! I measured small for dates each first three pregnancy, babys all average. Then last three Ive measured spot on! But I know even for a slim lady , theres a good tyre of chubby roll on my tum nowadays for my frame that normally lives in my jean top, but that must be adding the extra bit for me, ha ha ( just to be clear i'm not saying yours is also muffin roll, just trying to show how flawed a system it is). If you were measured by two diff midwifes that will also change it!!

That's good youve seen a health visitor already before birth, they must be good in your area, i always have to chase them up 3 weeks after birth and say I'm here :)
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Thanks ladies! No my water is within the normal range as seen on my 28wk scan but I do have two fibroids so my tummy will probably be bigger due to that. I have my 32 week scan in less than 2 weeks now, everything seems to be gathering speed now... It will soon be August!

JJ - the HV says its a pretty new thing coming out early, said it was just to introduce herself and see if I had any concerns or needed support with anything.
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JJ maybe you're right. I thought it'd be ideal for when I walk the dogs but after thinking about it, maybe a sling would be better. How was I planning to walk 3 dogs and push a pram.

So glad your scan went well sugar. I'm really nervous about mine tomorrow but I'm sure everything will be ok xx
Pleased to hear all is well Sugar

Lolie so cute you heard little baby hiccups. It's just amazing what they get up to in there

Michelle X
JJ maybe you're right. I thought it'd be ideal for when I walk the dogs but after thinking about it, maybe a sling would be better. How was I planning to walk 3 dogs and push a pram.

So glad your scan went well sugar. I'm really nervous about mine tomorrow but I'm sure everything will be ok xx

Slings/carriers are just fab, can't manage without mine now. I do alot of cooking with it on, hanging washing on line where really you need two hands etc - i even found a coat on ebay that zips up with baby inside a fleece and or raincoat safely!
Do you have any recommendations when it comes to slings/carriers JJ? A few mummies around my area have been selling their carriers, but I don't know if buying new would be better, any ideas? Buying 2nd hand really doesn't bother me, but I know some things are recommended bought new xx
Lulu - the health visitor gave me a leaflet today about hiring out slings/carriers from our local library, you can hire them on a weekly/monthly basis in case you didn't want to buy one. Maybe your local library does a similar scheme?
Wow really Lolie? I've never heard of that before, I'm definitely going to ask at my local library. Thank you so much for letting me know xx
No worries Lulu, I wasn't aware either. I'm thinking of hiring one for a week to see how I get on with it with a view to buying one.
That's a good idea hun. I'll probably do the same if they do that here xx
Is there such a thing as pregnancy hayfever...I dont get hayfever but honestly feel like I have it today! Lol sounds daft I know xx
Hi ladies!

Hope everyone is doing ok! There are sling meets everywhere, have a search on FB ladies for your local group. I found one local to me that way and they run them everymonth, I went a few months ago and they advised me to come back when baby is born and they can fit it for me and I can walk away with one.

Did a massive toiletry shop last week so have most of my bits for my hospital bag. Just need to get some nappies and storage boxes form ikea so I can make space in ds room!


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