X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Thanks kumber I think I might have to do my birth plan soon so it's in writing xx
Dolly I hope you don't have to have an Epi in the end! Fingers crossed everything goes ok for you.
On a more positive note my appt went great! Bumps measuring spot on, heartbeat great so all looking good! Just got growth scan next week :) xxxx
Sugar, I see you're online - we need an update!

Has anyone heard from Lulu? I've not spoken to her in a few hours which is quite unusual, I'm a bit worried!

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Well going home to soak my fat feet in cool water after a hard days work lol heres a little laugh for yous had a wardrobe malfunction at work today my pants snapped and had to spend the afternoon commando at work lol how are you all feeling? Xx
Wow... Lots of naughty babies at the moment!! Lulu I hope you're ok and they didn't mean they were inducing you today?! And sugar I do hope you're ok too!! Dolly fx you get the birth you want, I guess they are just trying to cover themselves and let you know the worst case!! Natalie that's hilarious about your pants!! I hope you weren't wearing a floaty dress!! X
Lol no leggins under my horrible work scrubs. Sat with my legs crossed the full way home lol xx
Hahaha!! I feel you can get away with it when you're pregnant... Just enjoy and sit with pride!! X
Hi, sorry had abit of a hectic nights got home around 5, feel they faffed around for so long and by time the doctor arrived he wanted a scan to check fluids and babys position it was too late so I have to go back down tomorrow! It's just typical! So anyway, I did have some swabs which showed lots of discharge but no infection. So that's good. And the doctor is certain babys bum is by my ribs and is head down, tomorrow will confirm position and fluids and also my growth chart will be ready as so far I haven't had one to plot my fundal measurements. Was quite annoyed to have wasted the afternoon only to have to leave work tomorrow in my lunch and go for this scan. :/ hope lulu is ok! Wonder what her doctor said today .glad everything else seems ok with everyone! I feel fine in myself ! Just because I'm not showing any growth they wana just cover their backs really and check. I know it's best their doing something but the doctor was laughing at me because I was desperate to get home! He was really nice actually! Made it more enjoyable! Just manic when I got home and had to sort everyone out! :) x x
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Oh my goodness all these little rascals! Sugar, not so great about a wasted afternoon but glad that everything seems ok!
Lulu hope you're ok!!

I'm lying in bed with a sore leg grrrr!
It's my lb's sports day tomorrow and his 5th birthday on Fri plus we're flying to London on Fri for the wedding! Haven't told the wee Man yet or we'd get no sleep LOL!!
I'm really sorry I've taken so long to reply I've just had such a stressful day. I'm not expanding and they're concerned because I'm in a lot of pain when he moves. I've been booked in for a scan at noon on Friday and if it shows he's too cramped they're going to induce me asap. I'm just upset that my body isn't doing what it should. I don't want him to come any sooner than 37 weeks but they said he had a better chance of growing on the outside than the inside xx
Aww Lulu, sorry your having such a hard time. Fx you get good news on Friday and baby can stay in there safely for a few more weeks. Sending you lots of love huni

Michelle x
Ah Lulu how worrying. But be assured you're in the best hands, and Henry will be fine:) I know it's easy for anyone to say though. Did they give an indication of when? They will probably give you steriods before hand to help baby too.
I'm in a similar position, I'm not growing but baby they think is above average so is abit cramped and I'm in agony when he moves. But as long as fluid is fine and he is head down tomorrow they won't be concerned. But I assume if they were concerned in afew weeks time they'd re-assess, but I'm not worried. I didn't grow at the same rate as my last son and he came out a decent size full term. They will look at each case individually and if they think that's best for you and baby , then you will be in great hands. And also, have cuddles even sooner!! :) x x
I will find everything out on Friday! When I had my 28 week growth scan they said how cramped he was so I'm not feeling very optimistic to be honest. They said he's above average so I'm just praying he's a decent weight. I don't think they'll give me steroids though, because that's not going to help ME grow is it? That's the problem, me not getting bigger, he seems more than happy at the moment but if I'm not growing, how long will he keep growing for. They told me 3 weeks ago "don't worry you will get bigger" not even a cm bigger in all that time. I'm so upset xx
I mean if they are going to induce earlier than the scheduled 37 weeks, they may give you sterioids, it's for babys lungs. I know it's worrying, but try not to worry too much and see what is said on Friday and go from there. I know you wanted to hang on until 37 weeks, and you never know they may possibly just monitor you closely and maybe you'll get close to 37 weeks. I've heard of babies being born at 33/34 weeks (well, one at 34 weeks only last week and was almost 6lb) so im sure they wouldn't bring him out sooner without good cause. It will all be fine whatever happens. Stay positive :) :) x x
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Just catching up with last 6 pages so sorry not more personal comments ladies -

Sugar - good luck for growth scan later today , what a waste of your gardening time yesterday!

Lulu- good luck for friday on growth scan, great he was showing above average at 28 weeks tho. Yes steroids are for baby's lung development not you. You usually get two , a day apart if the have time. They hurt like mmmmmmm in your butt but well worth it. Ive had 3 out of 5 babies have wet lungs and my earliest was 36 weeks and only had time for one jab and he was fine!! Hopefully if tight in there it's because your smaller frame and he's big and healthy.
How were your bile acid numbers ?

Hope everyone else is doing ok, we do have naughty august babies... Some of us need to make to august births ha ha

Anyone use facebook and good with it? I am on a group set up by one of the mums from my last son 19 mths ago so everyone stays in touch, and if were on the cusp of some possibly popping already maybee we should set one up ready? What do people think? Not that I know how to do it tho ha !
Thanks girls. Bile acids are being kept low which is brilliant. Just Sod's law that something else would creep up. Trying to stay positive. I feel better after a good sleep. Fingers crossed all is ok on Friday! Obviously I'll update you all then xx
Finally a day off work, loads of catching up to do, housework the usual. It's pouring down :( but 33 weeks today so dd is slowly creeping up xx
Oooh not long for you xjds! Im only 29 plus 1 today...still a way off, thank goodness as my house is not sorted out yet, i'm not having a baby till I have done so!

How are you feeling Michelle? Will they be giving you a growth scan?
I have finally got a few things for my hospital bag... And I really do mean a few! Our changing bag has arrived and I have a lot of baby things now so progress has been made! Just need to buy the big items now.

We are seeing the midwife tomorrow and the HV is popping round too then we are off to look in Mother care and Curry's as we are so tempted by those American style fridge freezers, does anyone have one?

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