X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Oh gosh Jess, really glad you went in to be checked , good luck for section, in just a few days time yourll be a mummy xx

Make sure you take a nightie for first day/night after surgery until catheter comes out, pj's just don't work, big comfy bridget jones knickers and pack your bag so things can be reached easily from the bedside chair xx
Oh Michelle I'm so glad you went in, ask a midwife to check while your waiting for doc hun, xxx

Tmum -hope scan was ok x
Michelle mine was the same, if u eat sweets , pop , and turn to left side it night get baby moving? Mine did after 1hr 20 of no movement? Worth trying . I hope your scan goes ok, are u getting scanned now?

Keep us posted please!! Did u say u thought u were leaking fluid?

Jj thank u great tips I'll go buy nighties tomorrow , do I still need maternity pads, breast pads etc, same hops bag I have packed now? X
My goodness!! It's gone crazy in here tonight!

Michelle I really hope everything is ok and baby is just being lazy! Please update us when you can.

Jess that's incredible how quickly things can change! At least with daily check you'll be reassured! I believe you'll still need everything you would for a vaginal birth, just as JJ said with extra big pants and nighties! X
They put me back on the monitor for 20 mins after eating and drinking and got me to lie on each side and still no change I was getting lots of backache and cramps so just waiting to be scanned and see a Dr and find out what's happening.

Michelle X
Hope your all ok ladies. Good luck :) will keep looking in on your thread x xx
Home and into bed! I thought scan went well but Dr wasn't happy with the deep in weight. Trace was textbook which was good but we're back on Monday for a trace and another test and then scan on Thursday instead of 2 weeks away. Any reduction in movement and I've to ring straight away!
I'm not too concerned as baby is weighing 6lb atm but the increase in monitoring and appointments has me a little anxious!

Jess hoping the little lady is ok! Bet you can't wait to see her!
Michelle I hope your scan goes ok and the wee one is just having a lazy day!

Hope everyone else is having a less eventful day lol xx
Oh gosh!!

Tmum they're probably just being cautious, try not to worry. Fingers crossed for Monday. Oh no Michelle have you had any news yet? Hope everything's ok. Keep us updated. Jess wow you get to meet hoir baby girl next week yay!! Ut must be the best thing for her to come out or they wouldn't do it, so think of the positives, if she has to go to neonatal im sure it won't be for long, it's such an anxious and exciting time! :) ml glad your scan went well and you can have natural birth. Natalie glad your bp was good hope things go ok with check ups, and dolly too, good they are keeping eye on things baby seems a good weight though ..
Lots to read tonight! :) sorry if I've got any information wrong! ! ! !

What a busy day on here! Our August babies! Wonder how many have their babies in July!

I've had a rather busy day (which I wasn't planning on!) decided to have a washing marathon whilst weather was nice and then sort garden and clear out rubbish from garage and tidy it all up. Wow I can barely move tonight! Run a bath that I'm going to relax in now :) on the plus side think its helped things along, as standing is unbearable with pains and I've lots of goo on my sanitary pad today. I can tell things are changing. Still could take weeks but least I know he's getting ready! It's ️oh birthday tomorrow so we joked about him arriving then and how nice it would be. But doesn't look like that's going to happen! :/

Have anybody's boobs got really sore in the last couple weeks too? I'm sure it's all down to milk and getting closer to baby arriving etc.
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Very sore boobaloobs here too Sugar, and lots of crusty nips too. Mmmm pregnancy is scrummy.

Haha sure is!!
Can't belive were all at the end! Shouldn't really wish it away either, as much as we want to meet our newborns, I remember feeling sad about the bump not being there. Was very odd. :( xx
I honestly don't miss my bumps. Well bump as this is only my second. I hate not being able to reach anything or do anything, I'm forever falling and tripping and walking into stuff cus my centre of gravity is all over the place. I'm sad this may be my last bump, at least for another 5 or 6 years, but I'm glad that I'll be done with it soon. I love being pregnant and feel very privileged to be pregnant, but it gets a bit much for me. Cus I'm a wimp.

Finally on my way home from hospital. Got scanned baby is ok but still breech. Fluid levels are borderline so I have to go back tomorrow for another scan and see the Consultant. They gave me an internal which showed no infection and my cervix is closed which is good. They think I will have to be monitored twice a week until section date now. If anything changes they will bring the section forward.

Michelle X
So glad you're on your way home and can settle now. Its Good they are keeping eye on your fluid levels and if little madam needs to come sooner then she will be just fine :) :) try and get some rest now! I Have had a bath but im in agony with my back and feel so hot! :; x x
Glad baby was ok TMum - don't worry about the extra monitoring, all shows they are taking great care of you xx

Michelle - great your home and baby Sasha is ok after that. Didn't you have a fluid problem with Riley that brought section forward? And actually I think it must be good to know still breech would cause you to have a elective anyway whatever your choice , always made me feel better after my daughter was stuck breech that third baby would have forced sections if my original surg at 20 hadn't already. Again, a pain but extra monitoring all good for keeping an eye on your baby now.

Sugar- ive had bad lower back and tail pain today too from standing /walking - be nice to your back friday :)
Your a champion nester!

Hope everyone else is doing ok , how are you getting on Colleen?

Well ive had a lovely chilled day pottering with my kids, home cooked burgers and marshmallows for tea and got flowers from hubby as today (thurs) was my 42nd birthday. What a lovely position to be in that just next month ill be having my last child and in 18 years time - I will turn the big 60 and he will turn the big 18 , 4 weeks later :)

Happy birthday to you too xjds for friday 24th - enjoy your special day and I hope hubby took the hints xx
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Gosh these August babies really keep us on our toes don't they!!

Thank u everyone , sorry if I've missed any threads drifting in and out of sleep feeling a bit ill, not sure if injection or just lack of sleep/ food two days !!

Michelle and dolly , tmum glad all went well, and Michelle really pleased u are home and they are monitoring u closely!!!! Go back if u feel any more reduced movements, I'm so mad at myself leaving it 5 days!!!! But u do don't u thinking it's ok.....

With all the negative press on NHS at the moment I couldn't fault them, they've been so amazing now.

Sugar hope pain goes soon and kumber I know what u mean with bump n bending! Everything takes so much longer doesn't it.

Jj quick question, u mentioned cathetor at c section I had no clue about that? Will I be able to walk after it or bed ridden? I've had operations before but not as big , just gall bladder and appendix x
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Gosh these August babies really keep us on our toes don't they!!

Thank u everyone , sorry if I've missed any threads drifting in and out of sleep feeling a bit ill, not sure if injection or just lack of sleep/ food two days !!

Michelle and dolly , tmum glad all went well, and Michelle really pleased u are home and they are monitoring u closely!!!! Go back if u feel any more reduced movements, I'm so mad at myself leaving it 5 days!!!! But u do don't u thinking it's ok.....

With all the negative press on NHS at the moment I couldn't fault them, they've been so amazing now.

Sugar hope pain goes soon and kumber I know what u mean with bump n bending! Everything takes so much longer doesn't it.

Jj quick question, u mentioned cathetor at c section I had no clue about that? Will I be able to walk after it or bed ridden? I've had operations before but not as big , just gall bladder and appendix x

Jess- they pop catheter in once the spinals in place and working so you wont know they are doing it. Saves you going to the loo for a day :) if you have section in the morning , you tend to be bed ridden till teatime/evening. If your ready to get up briefly that night and spruce up/shower gently you can do it with catheter in place ( wee bag - it can be held by a hook in bathroom , in your hand or in large dressing gown pocket :) sometimes they remove that night once mobile, other ladies or evening section ladies choose to wait till morning to get up/shower. ( like my emerg section at 9 pm at night) They wont remove till youve flushed througth a set amount of clear pee , so drink lots. ( im taking one of those little travel juice concentrate squirters you know the ones that cost about £2 but you squirt a fewdrops into water to turn into juice to help me drink lots as im rubbish with plain hosp water.
So one nightie will prob cover you till your up and can use loose pj's. Ive had prev bladder surg so sometimes they refuse to take mine out for a few days till docs nod grrrr

Make sure your slippers slip on rather than need help to put the backs on , like summer ones, as yourll be leaving them on the floor x

Was your apendix keyhole or open surg? My freind used to liken her section to her apendix op for pain and recovery , don't worry it's really fine x
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Happy birthday JJmum! :)

Last day at work today!! So happy to be able to relax for a while before baby comes along. Love my job but it has been tough this last few weeks. I'm sure I'll be ready to go back next year, will be v strange going back as a mumma!
Bring on the daytime telly!!
Just catching up on all the other posts from yesterday. We really do have some naughty babies.

So pleased everything is okay with your babies TMum and Jess. Glad you are both being monitored closely . So exciting Jess that your going to meet your little one in a few days.

Michelle X
Morning girls

How are we all and how are the naughty babies today?

Well I am dog sitting for my sister this weekend and I swear I am going to do them in already. I am a dog lover I have one of my own but her 2 don't listen grrr.

I forgot to say yesterday my daughter has no shame what so ever cause she flashed us yesterday at her scan lol xx

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