X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Aww that's great info thank u so much!!! I bought some flip flop type slippers, so that's even better! My appendix was open surgery, but gall bladder keyhole so have a rough idea about the wound pain I think. Nervous tho!

Fab tip re the juice squirty I know exactly which ones u mean so will go buy one today.

Then re pack my hospital bag, I've popped two long dresses maternity ones in as though might be comfier than trousers or at least have that option!

Oh and Happy birthday!!!!!

Michelle I know doesn't feel real! Still in shock , just hope it goes quite quickly, and gives us days to get sorted , milk bought etc.

Dolly good luck with doggies and naughty baby flashing hehe x
Thanks Jess just trying not to let the dogs push my blood pressure up lol thankfully I am going out for breakfast with a friend and then going to collect my pram eek so excited about that xx
Wow, I only went for a meal last night and loads has happened on here.

Glad everyone's ok :) these baby's are defiantly keeping us on our toes.

I've nothing really to report my LO is defiantly staying put, I'm the first one up as usual. Hubby's only doing half a day as its my birthday, well that's his excuse to get out of work early anyway.

Hope you all have a great day, thanks for the birthday wishes :)

I'm off to eat loads of cake ....
Dolly, how exciting that your picking up your pram. Which one did you get?

XjDX, happy birthday and enjoy eating lots of cake!!!

How is everyone else today? What's everyone else up to? X

Happy birthday jd and jj mum!
Jess can't believe you get to meet your baby next week! :) just DAYS away! Looks like you will be our August mummy number 4! :! Exciting and scary isn't it.
Well it's the school hols and weather doesn't look too bad so will be going the shops this morning and then play in the garden if it's still nice. I feel my extreme nesting has me ready for baby coming over the next few days , even done all the washing and my mother has offered to take my ironing so all good and ready ! I feel my niggles aren't going to lead to anything this weekend though, and it's oh birthday today so as much as it would be nice if baby was here today , it'd be nice if the weekend was a chilled one!

How are you today Michelle? And everyone? Can't belive how naughty our babies are!

Anyone having any more pre labour niggles? X x
Michelle so glad you got home! How are you feeling today?
JD Happy Birthday! Have a lovely day!
Dolly so excited for you! I loved collecting pram last time, it was delivered this time lol!
Wee man and I are just awake which I'm very grateful for because I woke at 3.30 for the loo and didn't get back over until 5.30! Going to get breakfast and ready and meeting a friend and her kids for a big walk which I'm looking forward to!
Hope everyone else has a lovely day and that these rascals behave today :) xxx
Halpy birthday JJ and jd!

Glad all hospital appts were ok last night, there is a queue remember :p :p :p I can't wait to see who's going to go next, will it be Jess or will someone slip in over the weekend? Eeeeeeep it's exciting!

I keep getting horrid period cramps in tne middle of the night, y'know when your hips feel super heavy? Is anyine else getting them?

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Happy birthday JJMum and XJDX, hope you are spoilt rotten.

I hardly slept at all last night. Got home after midnight was so shattered but just couldn't get comfortable in bed. Then I was up at 7am with my little boy.
Still getting lots of camps and backache which i guess is down to baby being breach. She is complete breach so not sure if she will have room to move round now as my little boy was exactly the same.
I know it's too early for her to come just now but God I wish she would. Had enough of all this now. So stressful, uncomfortable and exhausted. All I seem to do lately is complain which I know I shouldn't as I know how blessed I am to be pregnant and have a healthy baby. Just having a down day I guess.

Michelle x
Happy birthday girls :) hope you are being looked after!

I go for my first stretch and sweep today (they are trying to get baby here earlier as only just discovered I am diabetic & baby is measuring above 90th percentile).
Pretty scared now and feel so tired :-(
Hope you are all ️ok ️xx
Aaaahh there you are ljd! Was getting worried about you, we haven't seen you for yonks! Is all ok with you and bump?

Happy birthday ladies, hope you both get a chance to put your feet up. Have only scanned through the last couple of pages but glad everyone is home and not in hospital. Jess, dolly and Michelle, hope you are ok it looks like you both had a fright. Jess you are just hours away from meeting your wee baby, how exciting.

Been really busy all week minding nieces and nephews and I have a friend staying. I can see me sleeping all day tomorrow lol! Been trying to walk 3 miles a day but no sign of baby dropping, looks like I am in for the long haul! No sign of anything, but in a way I think another 2/3 weeks on my own is ok, I am enjoying the time off and savouring my last few days without responsibility. Is that really selfish?

Hope you are all ok, have a good Friday folks x
Happy birthday jd and jj, hope you both have/ had lovely days!

Glad to see everyone is home and being looked after! There won't be many of us left to go naturally the way these babies are keeping everyone on there toes!

Hope everyone has a better day and lovely relaxed weekend and remember there is still one week of July left, lets give the July mummies a chance to finish before to many of us jump the queue hehe! Xx
Happy birthday ladies hope u get spoiled rotten.

I got the Venicci in graphite I will post a pic once I get it. I am currently getting my car valeted after having my sisters dogs in it cause the husky has my back seats white xx
Oh Dolly I love the Venicci, gorgeous pram I bet you can't wait to use it x

Michelle x
My goodness! I got home from work yesterday absolutely exhausted. Feel asleep straight away and I have so much to catch up on!

Glad everything is o.k with you Michelle and TMum! Good that everything is being closely monitored. That should give a little peace of mind.
Sad that you've had all the stress Jess, but great that you get to meet your baby sooner than expected!
At this rate I really think that I will be the last one. I see a lot of ladies around my due date all have planned sections! I have to admit, I'm quite jealous. There's no way they will do that here for me unless there is something wrong with the wee lad. At least is is so super active that if he goes quiet I definitely know it! Also, he is totally taking after his father :p He's in the prime position to come out but nuh uh. This dude is comfy and there's no way he's moving.
Sugar, I understand the double birthday! I was born on my mothers birthday and I absolutely love it. Closest person in the world to me is that woman :p She sure as hell will never let me forget that I stole her birthday for the next 18 years though!!
Kumber...crustry nips? I nearly erupted with laughter in the middle of work xD
Happy birthday JJ and JD! Hope you both have wonderful days and get spoilt rotten.
Sugar, I can join in your celebrations!! LAST 3 HOURS BEFORE ML!!! :D :D
I keep getting the weirdest pains down below...as embarrasing as it is it feels like I've had a 3 hour sex marathon :| Pressure pushing down as well as pressure pulling down. So uncomfortable.

Hope everyone is having a great Friday!!! x x
Gosh super active thread!

Ljd u could pip me to being next, but by the sounds of things otherwise will be soon too!

Michelle and kumber hope your ok and feeling better soon!

Off to hospital at tea time for steroids and trace , bags packed in car just incase! Ha x
Beautiful pram dolly! I'm a little jealous as I got my pram early on as I was too excited, so did no research and just agreed to one in the shop. It's fine and will do the job, but nothing special!

Happy birthdays ladies! Hope you have a fab day!

Glad things are ok Michelle! Cheeky little one you have there

Good luck for later Jess, fingers crossed you can go home again!

Things with me are very uneventful! After last weekend I kind of thought he would be here already, but I'm glad he's not! I'm starting operation baby eviction on Tuesday (my birthday) so getting lots of rest before the pineapple curry eating, marathon walking, stair running and sex having begins! Oh... And 3 hours of nipple rubbing a day!! I read a piece of research that said 40% of women who stimulated their nipples for 1-3hrs per day had their baby within 3 days, as opposed to only 3% of women who didn't do it! It's worth a try!! X
My mum told me to pick 3 out and then we went and picked the best one so its been in the shop from I was 16 weeks but didn't collect it till today so the warranty didn't start till today xx

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