X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Best of luck Dolly im sure all will go ok. Think we are all getting to the fed up stage. Power nap later is defo in order! X
I'm glad the insomnia club is still going! I woke up at 4 with an awful headache so reached for the paracetamol that I keep my bed (usually for my backache) to find that my OH had taken the last of them and left the empty pack there!! I could have smothered him there and then!! Then my bunnies were making loads of noise. Then Noah woke up and got the hiccups. So just feeling a bit crappy now!! Still got my damn headache! And hip and backache. But will have to walk to the shop in pain to get painkillers as he took my last ones!! Excuse the rant!!
Good luck dolly!! Let us know how you get on!!
Oooooooohhh ladies, we should start an insomnia club when babies are here so we can all support each oher during those horrid nighttime feeds!

Hey well I am home they scanned her 3 times and they got her weight at 6lb 10 they are saying her growth has slowed down and her fluid levels are borderline. So I have to see the consultant again on Monday morning for another scan and depending on what she sees on Monday my date and plan for induction will be set. On the upside my blood pressure was perfect xx
Aw dolly thats a shame your needing to go back. Looks like some babies have other plans n want to get here early xx
Dolly... With regards to baby's growth, were they concerned baby was too big or too small? Fx you get a more definite answer on Monday x
They are concerned that she has dropped from the 95th centile to the 50th but for the babies in my family she would be on track but they seem concerned cause till Tuesday she had been following the 95th centile perfectly. But I feel like I have no more space for her to grow xx
I'm sorry to hear of so many having sleeping issues :(
I actually had a super sleep last night, but energy I gained last night is being whittled away today for sure. Baby boy is kicking me so much right now. It is just so uncomfortable, I can barely concentrate on my work. The best way I can describe it is it feels like I've ingested and electronic massager, with the ball rotating and rolling within.
I hate being so inexperienced and far away from my family sometimes.
Sorry! So much whining. I think I am having a funny couple of days :/

Hope everyone is feeling better now and has been able to catch up on a bit of rest.

x x
Omg dolly, if your baby is 6lb on the 95th what sort of elephant am I growing?! :shock: how tall are you?! Could it be how you're carrying do they think or is it a serious concern?

Loulabelle, that sounds rough! They're so squished at this stage, it's horrid for us and must be horrid for them too! Roll on labour!

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Oh I see dolly! Surely as long as baby is still growing, and remains a healthy weight, then there shouldn't be a problem? Fair enough they should keep an eye on it as you don't want it to drop too much, but like you say, you may have run out of space! But that said.... I'm not a doctor lol. My baby was in the 31st percentile yesterday, so looks like I'll have a wee one too! X
To follow the 95th centile she should of been well over 7lb this week :shock: she didn't say anything else besides the fluid is borderline and I just have to keep an eye on her movements over the weekend as well
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Aaaahh I see dolly. I'm sure she's ok in there and they're just being over cautious.

I think they are too cause she is moving great. And i am only 5'4 so at some stage she had to slow down. I feel like when I bend over that her wee bones are rub against my ribs. But I think the doctor is worried about my heart condition as well xx
Sorry it wasn't better news dolly, at least they are on the case and can work out the best course of action.

My mw said that all the tri 1 symptoms can make a return, I've been getting horrible heartburn again recently :(
I think they are too cause she is moving great. And i am only 5'4 so at some stage she had to slow down. I feel like when I bend over that her wee bones are rub against my ribs. But I think the doctor is worried about my heart condition as well xx

Bolded that bit cus I just wanted to make everyone aware that babies shouldn't slow down with movement as they get bigger, from 32 weeks it should stay at the same level right through until baby is out, so even during labour too! If babies slow down at this point, always get checked immediately, don't wait! Better to be safe sorry.

Kumber, I think I'm growing an elephant too! Weight was estimated at 5lb 7 at 34 weeks.

I have finally ordered the pushchair! The car seat is awaiting collection at our local Mother care too!
I think they are too cause she is moving great. And i am only 5'4 so at some stage she had to slow down. I feel like when I bend over that her wee bones are rub against my ribs. But I think the doctor is worried about my heart condition as well xx

Bolded that bit cus I just wanted to make everyone aware that babies shouldn't slow down with movement as they get bigger, from 32 weeks it should stay at the same level right through until baby is out, so even during labour too! If babies slow down at this point, always get checked immediately, don't wait! Better to be safe sorry.

I think Dolly meant slow down in growth rather than movement?
What buggy and seqt have you gone for Lolie? Yay for elephants!

We are getting the Phil and Ted's Navigator v2 with the carrycot attachment and the car seat is the Cybex Sirona.
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Oooohh fancy! Just seen your other post too, didn't even register dolly probably meant growth, sorry dolly!


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