X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

I need some advice ladies. ....

I have only felt baby move twice since I got up at 7am. I have one of those fetal dopplers at home so just listened to see if I could pick up babies heartbeat which I found loud and clear straightaway. It was very low down but still never felt any baby movements. Could this just be that baby is now engaged and their is no room to move? Is it normal to have quit days this far along?

Michelle x
I would go to your maternity assessment unit - baby's movement shouldn't slow down at this stage, they should remain the same. It could be she's having a sleepy day but you're best getting checked. Home dopplers aren't great to use at this stage, a hb doesn't indicate everything's ok so go get checked.

I'd ring your PAU and get yourself checked. I've been in twice and will go again if movements werent normal. Always better to be safe.
Thank you huni. Just having a big glass of ice cold water at the moment to see if that has any effect then will phone the midwives.
God these last few weeks of pregnancy are more stressful than the first few weeks.

Michelle x
Give the hospital a wee call Michelle and let them know what's going on xx
Afternoon everyone! Had a wee trawl through to catch up! It's so warm here today I've had to take my rings off!
At the hospital atm for our growth scan! Baby hasn't moved much today but we'll see what's happening with it!!
Dolly fx all is grand! When they say about her fluid being borderline does that mean you've lost some?
Michelle I's give the midwife a wee shout! Just to be safe! Xx
On my way into the hospital now. I know as soon as I get there baby will start kicking the chap out of me and I will feel like an idiot!!!

Michelle X
It's better to go and baby start moving than sitting at home worrying xx
We're just waiting for a trace! Baby has slowed down growth wise and with less movement today the Dr wasn't happy.
Am I being weird by being pleased enough that baby is 6lbs atm? I'm 37 weeks tomorrow. My lb was born at 39 weeks weighing 5lbs 10oz and never met any centile lines whereas this wee 1 is between 25th and 50. Xx
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Hi everyone sorry I haven't been catching up today, ended up in hospital got admitted and still here!

Baby slowed down, been on traces and she's looking healthy but a bit tired, Doppler scan revealed same and now there's barely any fluid. I'm a first time mummy but with her small size it all matches up apparentley and it's too risky for her to be in my tummy.

So I'm going to be a July mummy! She's still breech and they can't turn her due to risks, they also can't induce due to risks so whatever happens c section is booked for 37 weeks. I'm going to be a July mummy!!!!

Signed all consent forms, extremely worried and nervous as looking like special care for her, but pleased they are looking after us. Steroids to be taken from now and daily hospital traces.. Baby arriving early next week!
Oh jess best of luck! Looks like we might have a few july mummies rather than august. I have daycare tommorow and I have a feeling they are gonna suggest inducing me and not letting me got past 40 weeks. Might be wrong but just got a feeling lol ended up at half 12 having a nap for a few hours x
Ooooo Jess... That's a lot to take in!! It must be very nerve wracking, but very exciting! When are you 37 weeks?! Don't worry about bubba being in special care... They do amazing things and you know they'll be looked after.

Good luck Michelle! Keep us posted. I hope baby has a good old wriggle soon! X
Oh wow Jess what a day for you! Sounds like you're both being well looked after. My midwife also said to me that by this stage some babies are just better out than in, and at least then she can be properly looked after rather than worrying about the what ifs if she stays in your tummy. It's bound to be worrying but exciting too that you get to meet your little girl next week! Do you have to stay in hospital until then or can you go home? Xx
Yes good luck Michelle u did right thing!! That's why I went yesterday reduced movements. I hope all is ok please keep us posted!

I'm still In shock!! She's still so tiny and has no fluid in there, deepest pool 1.8cm now, so they think thes swallowing more to grow, but as I'm going to hospital every day they can check x

Hope everyone else is ok xxx
My goodness, what an evening!

Good luck Michelle, Tmum and Jess!

These August babies are determined wee monkeys to cause us worry xx
I know aren't they cheeky babies!!

I'm 37 weeks on Tuesday! So c section booked Tuesday / weds latest exact date confirmed tomorrow.

I've had first dose of steroids, second dose tomoz and just landed home. I have to go in every day to be monitored on the trace machine, Monday pre surgery assessment , tues scan and baby , or weds scan and baby!

I'm in shock but just want her to be ok. Just shows u always trust instinct!

I've been having reduced movement since Saturday, I kept saying to oh I'm really not happy but as she was moving slightly n through out day felt bad ringing but best thing I did as there's just no fluid left. Infact my bump has shrunk , and deflated . 30cm now poor little lady!

I feel so guilty I can't grow her or help her x
Waiting to be scanned and see a Dr. Was on a monitor for over an hour and baby hasn't moved once. Just have to wait and see what the scan and Dr says.

Michelle X

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