X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

It really is! These babys like to tease!! Little monkeys! X
Hey girls

Lulu ur doing so well

Well I had my 36 week appt and on the scan it looked like baby has only gained 5ozs in 3 weeks so have to have another scan on Thursday morning to double check her weight and my consultant is to be phoned straight after the scan. Xx
Sorry your 36 week appointment didn't go as planned Dolly. Did they say what the the Consultant was planning after the scan huni?

Michelle x
Just that my next review is depending on the scan so I think the consultant is thinking if the measurements are right that she might be better out than in xx
Hopefully we both dont end up induced Dolly. Im happy to let baby come when its ready lol x
Yay for plug loss, it's progress! So annoying it's not an indication of imminent labour :(

Sorry your appt didn't go as hoped dolly, hope Thursdays one is more what you want.

Ohhhh I'm in so much pain. Gutted the kitchen as we have finally gotten rid of those horrid flies but hubby has a mard arse on him cus I told him off for leaving insect powder and fly spray in the dry food cupboard. Why you would put it in there and not under the sink I don't know? Currently vegitating on the sofa debating whether to take that codeine I was prescribed. It's really strong and can be dangerous for baby in labour and delivery. I'm not in labour but I'm worried, should I just suck it up or take the tablet?

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Dolly: hope Thursday scan gives better news.

Kumber: sorry your in so much pain, as Natalie has said take half the dose and see how it goes.

How is everyone else doing? Any more plug loss, pains or songs of anything happening?

Michelle x
I'm so jealous of everyone loosing their plug... I want to see goo lol!

Kumber I would take half and go to the bath... Wouldn't a glass of wine be lovely with a bath, oh I can dream!!

Dolly hope you are ok but on the bright side you might get to meet baby sooner than what you thought!

Nothing to update my end unfortunately, baby moving again at rapid speeds. I have noticed that it has a couple of quiet days every week. Every time it happens I freak out inside but then the third day it's back to kicking the life out of me. Usual period type pains but that's about it!
Thanks girls I am just worried that if today's scan is right that she has dropped from the 95th centile to below the 50th centile in 3 weeks.

Kumber I agree with Natalie and Michelle take half and try to rest up xx
I think my body is having its clear out just now. And midwife already told me today that baby head definitely right down. Thats as exciting as it gets. Loads of pooing and some dampness going on lol very attractive but a sign the end is near I think haha x
Oh my goodness ladies, you lot all sound like your ready to drop babies at any minute! As the lady whos due date is last of us im not as preg as you guys yet and so its all very exciting tbh :) just who will be next!

Ive had a lovely day today, my light bleeding stopped over night which is fab
We went to the allotment this afternoon on our bikes, ( god im unfit!) hubby pulled my kids trailer instead of me which was fab and did loads of tidying up/weeding etc. can't wait to get in the bubble bath tho for a soak after this kiddy bed run is done :) Discovered cherry coke today ( don't normally drink any fizzy but have been drinking diet pink grapefruit for weeks while preg with lots of ice) just realised it has caffine in so no wonder I got more done today! Better give the rest to hubby.

Lets hope Lulu's baby arrives tonight and then another of you can pop tomorow -
Natalie Reid, Colleen, mystic tean, sugar, ml600, jess, dolly and im sure there are others...

Eeeek whos next xx

Off for my fetal anemia clinic scan tomorow, hubbys going to stay up after nights to have boys so i can race there on trains , can't wait to see my boy on screen again x
Think I have over done it today. Been on all fours a lot of the day playing with my little boy. Now I am getting really bad lower backache and stabbing pains in my cervix.

Michelle x
Bubbles my little one has a similar movement pattern, I'm used to it now though!

Very exciting times ladies, can't wait to see some baby pics soon!
Well I had my 36 weeks appt today, not much change in fundal height so they're keepong eye on that. Also had bloods re-done due to my anemia. baby's head is still engaged so even though it's my 4th it's looking like he's in position and he's there to stay! So that's good! Went through a birth plan, although because of my high risk there's not a lot of options! But im happy to just get to hospital and her baby here safely. That's the only plan I have. Lots of back pains tonight shooting round the front and Feeling so sick and also had loose stools for first time lately! This baby keeps playing games I honestly don't know what to make of it all! Could still be weeks yet.

Hope lulu is getting on ok!!
Dolly hope your app goes well thurs. Jj mum you're crazy riding a bike!! I'd just fall off! Haha!

How are we all going to be updating, does anyone want a facebook group or anything? I remember it being mentioned abit ago! My labours haven't been at all speedy so I'll be fine letting you all know on here that im on route to baby cuddles! :)

oh, MI600 I never noticed any plug or anything with orevious pregnancies, and in this pregnancy I lost mine at 26 weeks but haven't seen any this week, I'm hoping it means things are progressing for you!! :) kumber hope you feel better soon :) x x
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Wow ladies it's all happening today!!!!
Had to read 3 or 4 pages lol!
Dolly, really hope Thursday's scan goes better than today!
Kumber, hope you feel better!
Jj I don't think I could get my leg over a bike ATM, go you!!!
Sugar, I think a fb group sounds fab!!
Hope everyone gets a good nights sleep tonight and when we wake in the Lulu's baby will be here :) xx
Not being able to sleep is driving me insane. I should be shattered as never slept great lastnight! So annoying anyone else got a bit of insomnia? Lol x
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4:30 - can't sleep.
I know how you feel JJ - bike is the le mode de transport in this country. I wouldn't get anywhere without one but it is getting tiresome. And it hurts my butt! Haha, everything is giving me butt ache it seems. Still, better than the waddle walk alternative!
Michelle, I'm sorry to hear you're in discomfort :( you should have yourself a nice warm soak.
Can't wait to hear some news from lulu and wondering who will be next :D
But, up for work in a couple of hours so going to force myself to sleep.

X x
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Morning everyone! Can I join the 'no sleep' club? Suffered with dreadful back and hip ache last night so just couldn't settle! Buuuuut I've got my scan today to check my placenta and baby's growth. So excited to see him again.

I'm so happy for lulu! She must be so tired but so happy right now! She deserves it after her pregnancy!

What is everyone else doing today?

JJ I know you have a scan too, all the best! Xxx
Can I join in too, couldn't get off to sleep until at least after 1 and now I'm wide awake sitiing in bed with a cuppa tea. Xx

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