X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

I only managed 4 hrs kip too .... Don't know what is going on! Nothing is hurting just wake up n then can't get back off!!

So excited we have second August bubba! Well done lulu!!!!!!

Who will be third?? Shall we have a guess? Xx
Yes Jess! Let's start a sweepstake ��
I think it's fair that Coleen goes next as she's been waiting the longest (i think??)... X
Morning girls

I actually had a great nights sleep last night but I normally only have 1/2 good nights a week :( between needing to pee and my hips and back.
Morning ladies, so pleased Lulu's little man has arrived safely. So who's next now?

Michelle X
Morning! Love waking up for baby arrival news :family:!!! It's so exciting and a little scary that we're just waiting for the next person to go :bump:!
I slept all night...I think but I am so so tired this morning! Couldn't get up when hubby and the little man where talking and messing after 7. Hoping I can shake it off!
I've a breastfeeding workshop and a lesson on how to use a tens machine today! Then back tomorrow for our scan, I'm so excited about that :)!
Hope Michelle, Sugar and Kumber are feeling better this morning!!
I can join the not sleeping club too! Up and down and tossing and turning all night! And when I wake up for a wee I usually have to go through a 'process' of sit up, stand up, and walk .... Slowly! Because my back hurts so much! It's all just ridiculous now!

Loved waking up to baby news! Well done lulu :) wow we have 2 August babies. MI I think you're right I think it's colleen next! Then I think it could be any of us! MI600, kumber, dolly and others , things are sounding promising with you all. We should start a sweepstake!! :)

I don't think ill go in July though. Every niggle that turns into something more always fizzles out! Like last night I was timing the contractions, from 6pm, every 30 mins , then around 1am they just fizzled out ! This warm up can be so frustrating can't It! X
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Aww TMum bet u are excited seeing bubba again! Glad everyone's ok n got a bit more sleep?

My sweepstake is sugar and Michelle!

Don't know why just have a feeling x
Morning ladies. I'm in the no sleeping club too. Couldn't sleep until 3 then up and down. Taking nieces to cinema today and have lots to do so couldn't lie on :-(

i think Colleen or sugar could be next :)
Tmum hope the scan goes well today! And anyone else with appts and scans :) it is very busy with us all now!

I think MI600 could be next!! But colleen is closest to due date so who knows! :)
Eek this is so exciting! X x
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Lovely baby news from lulu today :)

I'm at hospital today for a presentation scan to see what baby is up to. Mw couldn't work out if he is breech or not so scan it is! Fingers crossed for head down.
Left my last mw appt feeling a bit down, my bmi has shot up to 33 and of it goes to 35 I won't be allowed a water birth. Really annoyed as my bmi has always been high as I'm quite muscly - lots of horse riding and working out pre preg but that's not taken into account, bmi just shows me as being heavy so that must mean I'm overweight... I'm aware I have put on weight and have had plenty of treats but I'm still in some of my pre preg clothes!! Grr rant over. No more treats now until baby comes!
Morning girls :wave:

What a night that was! Was obsessively checking for news every time I went for a wee. Think I overdid it yesterday though, I didn't take a painkiller in the end as when I was up and about I wasn't too bad but when I went to bed, ohhhhhhh dear. Lying still completely stiffened my hip up, hubby had to help me hobble to the bathroom before I wet myself. He then proceeded to laugh at me, saying he thought we had an elephant in the flat as all he could hear was kerTHUMP kerTHUMP as I hobbled myself to the toilet later in the night! Not my fault I had to limp and hobble :cry:

So excited to see who goes next! Hope that whoever it is won't keep us waiting too long. I'd like to go at 39 weeks but he has to be born on a Saturday or Sunday morning as eveyone in our little family is a weekend baby including the cats! This baby has a lot to live up to :lol: :lol:

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Glad to hear Lulu has had her little boy.

I've got a midwife appointment today. Still hoping my samples and things are fine so I can go in the birthing centre :) I feel really bunged up today, don't know what I ate last night.

Been to the shop and bought lots of baking stuff so I can bake with my daughter, as it's pouring down so we can't do anything else. My boys finish school today to.

Scary to think I will be getting 4 kids ready for the school run in September lol xx
Good luck to everyone who has scans or midwife appointments today hope everything is good with those little bubba's.

My money is on Sugar or Colleen going next, so exciting. Can't wait to read the next labour thread.

The "not sleeping club" seems to have a lot of members at the moment. It totally sucks. I ,use of seen every hour through the night just couldn't get comfortable. I am going to get a birthing ball today to see if that helps anything? Is there a limit that you can spend on the ball or anything you shouldn't do n the ball!

Michelle x
Eek, I am full term today :) 37 weeks although I think this baby will hold on for another 5 weeks haha!

Good luck today with all your appointments ladies, hope everyone gets positive news!

I think next it could be Coleen, ml or sugar. Xx
Fab news SP, it's just Jess's baby now isn't it? Come on baby Jess, get your tushie into gear and roll over!

I have a naughty one!!!! Midwife at 1:20 really hope my bump has grown, if not I have a feeling she will send me in, think bubba is still breech but u never know! I'll keep u all posted!

Good luck to everyone else who has scans/appts x
Was awake till 3am again so not long up. Intended on getting up early but never happened lol x

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