X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Walking and rocking on a ball is the advice I have for the baby getting into gear and position! :) colleen it's you next!! Hehe oh and I know what you mean about the comments - im 36 weeks this week and people are already asking , and then saying Ohh you won't make your due date! Everything irritates me now! I'm currently sat waiting to see midwife for 36 week app, go through birth plan and whatever else, still having all the pre labour signs and niggles only they ramped up last night follwing a walk.. So who knows! :/ would like a couple more weeks to be honest! x x
Seriously thinking about getting a birthing ball but not sure if I would get to use it, I would have to fight my little boy and 2 dogs to get anywhere near it!!!

Michelle x
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I feel you Michelle, so fed up too. Struggling to get any form of housework done so everything is a tip. No motivation to do anything, hips are always so sore and heavy, bump is getting in the way of everything so my feet keep hitting everthing, my toes are covered in bruises and I can't reach anything with my stupid stumpy arms. Fed up of the constant knicker watch, fed up of being in pain when I'm getting up for my 50 million wees in the nighttime. Fed up is definitely the word of the month this July. Could've actually launched myself at my male friend yesterday too, he goes "Ohh it's only 6 weeks tops, not long left". How the f*#@$@ hell would you know :wall2: :wall2: :wall2: even though it's true, it's so not something you say to a heavily pregnant lady! :lol: :lol:

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Hope everyone's ok!! I've had such a worrying few days with baby slowing right down on movements ( only worried due to last scan n her possibly stopping growing) but today she's wriggling again and back to playing footsie!

So interesting / gross thing happened went to toilet as getting stabbing pains and when wiped there was a mini type pebble! That's all I can describe it as, a solid mini pebble like u see in a fish tank! What's this?? Plug ? I'm clueless.

We are nearly there ladies! Can't believe it's August in just ten days!!!!! Hope everyone starts feeling better , if not just think not long to go then baby cuddles! Xxxx
Seriously thinking about getting a birthing ball but not sure if I would get to use it, I would have to fight my little boy and 2 dogs to get anywhere near it!!!

Michelle x

I bought a birthing ball, I've probably say on it for the whole of 5 minutes. My 3 year daughter currently has it on her trampoline outside with her. But usually my shih tzu is barking at it and chasing it around my house.

It's probably just easier for me to get on the trampoline xx
Trampoline sounds fab! That would def get baby lower! I'm still breech or would be trying everything!!! She will not budge! X
Oh Michelle, I feel for you.
I don't have all the niggles and knicker watching like you but I have a serious lack of energy.
I see our bedroom and it sickens me but I have no oomph left :s Terrible start considering I have 4 weeks left.
I'm even bowing out of work early today. I know I only have 4 days left but da,m, I'm tired. So feeble! haha.

x x
Jess, I was breech till last week and I think it was cleaning the kitchen floor on my hands and knees that got baby to turn.
How many weeks are u lollie? I'm 36 I've tried everything! Ball, ice packs, acupuncture , heat sticks for toes! Dr says it might be because she's too little but us would have thought that would make it easier!!!! Could u feel baby turning?
I'm 35 today and baby turned on Friday at 34+3. I didn't feel baby turn at all, it was a complete shock when the sonographer told me baby was head down! I had cleaned the kitchen floor twice last week so guessing that's what did it.
Morning ladies.

Lulu, the best of luck today, you have done so well, last hurdle.

Brown eyed girl your wee man is such a dote, congratulations again :)

So I have nothing to report. Usual pains and aches but absolutely nothing happening. Looks like I will still be sitting here in a few weeks. Trying to do plenty of walking but are there any other ways to get baby engaged?

Hope everyone is ok x

I went for a 2.5 mile walk yesterday and the nurse that has been seeing me everyday since my op said oh your bump has dropped today!! Maybe it was the walk??? I'm already 2/5ths engaged at my last midwife appt which was Friday last week but had no bump drop til today xxx

That's all the motivation I need to get off my arse, stop watching this morning and take my big mutt for walkies lol... Thanks Colleen xx

Good luck... I Wasn't going to do 2.5 miles as it's hard work and I do get pain when I walk, I just stayed at a nice steady pace and slowed down when it got uncomfortable, I felt loads better after it and slept the best ive slept in recent weeks! going again when the oh gets home from work! I want this baby out xxx
I still feel her kicking me low down and her head in my rib, so I thought I would know if she turned , but If u didn't then I hope she has swizzled around! My scan ( doppler, brain, heart ) etc is Friday so fx I will find out then! I think a Doppler scan is same as an ultrasound? Not sure,

Best get scrubbing my kitchen floor!!!
Looks like i will be seeing my midwife weekly now aswell as hosp. My blood pressure was borderline high again. She called southern they said keep app for friday but call if I feel unwell. If bp keeps like this or goes up she said they might just decide to deliver me n not let me go past the 40 weeks. Says baby head is right down aswell lol xx
Aaaahhh pesky bp! Are you having any other symptoms?

I still feel her kicking me low down and her head in my rib, so I thought I would know if she turned , but If u didn't then I hope she has swizzled around! My scan ( doppler, brain, heart ) etc is Friday so fx I will find out then! I think a Doppler scan is same as an ultrasound? Not sure,

Best get scrubbing my kitchen floor!!!

I saw my midwife on the Thursday and she said baby was still breech, I had my scan the following day and baby was head down. I was still getting what I thought was baby's head in my ribs but it turns out its baby's bottom!
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There's so much going on here recently! Every time I check in I've got pages and pages to go through lol. Fx lulu won't be too much longer! It's just made my day realising that there's 10 days until August! Phew!

I think I lost a lot of my plug today! Whoop! Is it normal to get some odd coloured discharge (sorry, tmi!!) afterwards? Just in my pants there's a bit of greeny colour stuff... Dunno if it's from the plug?? X
Sounds like it could be from your plug huni, it can vary in colour from cream to yellow to light green then brown or red

Michelle x
Beautiful!! I wonder if this means anything is progressing.... X
Certainly sounds like things are moving in the right direction anyway. I have been loosing mine for over a week now. Thought things were happening over the weekend but it's all calmed down again. So frustrating!!!

Michelle x

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