X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Hey kumber! Yeah it is pretty warm. I felt it in the night as I had to shut the window! I live in front of a park and there was a muntjac barking for aaaages! Just about to make myself (and bunnies) a nice frozen smoothie!! X
It is sunny but not too hot here.

I had an awful nights sleep, I just wasn't comfortable in any position - even sitting up. Every time I turned over my tummy would really hurt as it's so heavy and baby is in an awkward position. I have a huge pregnancy pillow but that was useless too! Moan, moan, moan haha.
R mum enjoy your last day and hopefully u will have some nice cakes to celebrate.

Ml glad thrust is settling, it's a nasty thing.

Kumber glad u are feeling better.

Lollie have you tried a wee wedge pillow? I find it brilliant under my bump. Much comfort than pregnancy pillow.

Kumber I'm stil in my lovely air conditioned room. I have 12 mins left so I intend to enjoy the cold lol!!

Michelle that's mad that u have the same dream. That's similar to the online prediction u had or am I imaging that? Xx
Thanks Bubbles! I have just had a look and will go and get one!
R mum enjoy your last day and hopefully u will have some nice cakes to celebrate.

Ml glad thrust is settling, it's a nasty thing.

Kumber glad u are feeling better.

Lollie have you tried a wee wedge pillow? I find it brilliant under my bump. Much comfort than pregnancy pillow.

Kumber I'm stil in my lovely air conditioned room. I have 12 mins left so I intend to enjoy the cold lol!!

Michelle that's mad that u have the same dream. That's similar to the online prediction u had or am I imaging that? Xx

yes my prediction was 38 weeks so no sure if that's playing on my mind or its just a coincidence.

Michelle x
Glad you were sent home Lulu regardless of how frustrating it is that nothing is really happening :(

I've had a bit of a shock at the hospital today. Finally got my scan & baby weighs 7lbs 2oz and ready to be born! So my due date is way off. According to the ultrasound machine and baby head measurements I am 39 + 6. I am to go back in on Monday for a new growth chart and hopefully agree on a newer due date. They are leaning towards August 1st which is according to my lmp. I even got a note from Dr to take in with me if I go into labor this weekend so I am not treated as a premature labor until they get my growth charts sorted! So nervous yet so glad I'm almost there, I feel like I cheated a bit and got Fast forwarded through the miserable end stage. But need to get cracking as I have so much shopping for me to do and to pack hospital bag! Also hoping she doesn't come before Wednesday otherwise I will be alone in the delivery room.
Blimey MT!! That is a shock! Surely if you're measuring 39+6 your due date should be tomorrow?! How did the other hospital get it so wrong? It's so exciting though! I'd love to fast forward to the final week now lol x
Gosh mysticteen, how exciting that baby could arrive at time. Can't believe your other hospital got it so wrong.

Michelle x
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Omg MT, how exciting but how scary! Baby MT is imminent, I wonder when you'll pop!

I will see if they will give me an exact due date on Monday. They only said August 1st as it is when I would be due according to my last period. I am super nervous and excited and have loads to do! Haven't even washed any clothes yet.
I doubt they will be able to give me an accurate due date as once you reach this point each baby is different weight wise. Plus I think she just has a big head as there is no way I could be 39 + 6. I had a massive head, was first think midwife said to my mum when I was born lol. But we shall see when Mrs decides to make an appearance! :)
I can't believe I saw over 5 OBs and they all got my due date way off. Kinda scary and in future pregnancies I won't be going back! So many people complain about the nhs but honestly everyone has been so helpful and lovely that I'm so glad I'm in the UK and having my princess here. I feel so much safer and trust them all so much more.
Oh my Mystic!! Yourll be the first due date in aug mummies or joint with Collette
The race is on between you and Lulu to have the first baby... Nothingike a bit of labour watch to get us all going :)

Kumber thanks- can't believe I didn't think that 2 of those family calendars side by side would work now that baby G is arriving to make our family 8!!

How did today go Lulu? Oh and Henry is a fab name, ignore others being very rude before he is born - you have the name you want x
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Just managed to catch up on everything! Wow MT baby will be here soon! Its shocking they got it so wrong! You're right though every baby is a different size now but least they're aware and won't let you go past 1 aug hopefully. Exciting! Lulu how was your app? Ignore people Henry is a lovely name and you will only be angry at yourself if you change it now. Stick with what you want :) there's been too much to write! Strange baby dreams! And spa days and last days of work! We're getting closer now. Jj mum im the same trying to manage everyones schedules and appointments and my own and I've still one week left at work! 2 calendars would be fab for you :) good idea.

Well my 34 week consultant app went ok yesterday,bloods results from midwife app tues showed my levels have dropped again, as expected because ive not been feeling well. So double iron tablets and folic acid. Hopefully boost before labour as im high risk for heamorrage. Also consultant couldn't feel his head, he's dropped down further than Tuesday he could only feel 2/5 now. Wow this baby is keen! I need a few more weeks yet!! :/ he said if I haven't given birth he will see me in 4 weeks and we will go from there . He doesn't want him to be larger than my second son as the risk of heamorrage is higher if he was to get stuck etc. So, all good so far :) I know he's dropped so low its very uncomfortable now!!

I'm the same as everyone with heat, and can't seem to get comfortable at all in bed. Or even sat on the sofa. Swollen feet too :/ the glamour !!

X x
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Wow mt, how exciting :) :)

Ladies I feel rough as anything tonight. Have felt sick all day, can hardly look at food although I'm trying to eat small snacks. Loads of Brixton hicks and running to the loo. I really hope this doesn't last for the next 4 weeks :-(
Ah bubbles hope that doesn't last for you too. Probably just your body getting prepared, not long for you now!
I've felt really sick lately , but I've put that down to my low blood levels and the heat and still being quite busy.. I'm hoping to feel better and enjoy the last weeks. Hope things settle for you too. Or maybe your baby is keen and could come in a week or so? :/ you never know! Xx
Ml glad the thrush has calmed down! It really hasn't sunk in about maternity leave! I'm not sure if it'll be when baby arrives that I'll realise haha! So glad I've time to get the house sorted now for our new arrival and then it'll be ball bouncing and out walking to get the little one out hehe! So exciting!

MT that's mental! So so exciting though but scary that they can get it so wrong! Hopefully everything will be a lot clearer on Monday!

Sugar, glad apt went ok! You thought your bloods were up the left so at least you're getting treated! Exciting that the wee man is keen also!

Bubbles I felt sick earlier but hubby took me for lunch after work and I think it may have been the heat in the car! My appetite has really gone too in the last few weeks too and it's to the point where hubby is continually checking to make sure I'm eating enough! Not sure if it's the heat or if I've just reached a point in my pregnancy when my body isn't needing the amount I have been eating! I hope you get a good nights sleep tonight and feel better tomorrow!

Lulu, hope your apt went ok today! It's so strange but I've really come to associate your baby with his name and I'm sure that's how you feel too! Go with your instincts!
I hate to be the bearer or bad news, but has anyone else seen the forecast for a second heatwave?! The end of July is meant to be the hottest on record and reach over 38degrees!! I can't cope! X
Morning ladies. How are we all on this nice Saturday morning?

I have had braxton hicks all bloody night. Had about 4 hours sleep in total. Lying in bed here and can't get back to sleep for love nor money. Sickness feels a bit better and not running to loo so it's def just body practicing for the real thing.

God I hate being a first timer at this. every ache and pain I panic a little inside my head lol. I need to stop reading stuff and just let nature get on with it. I could have potentially another 5 weeks of this so I need to 'calm my knickers' lol x
Oohhh ML thanks for the heads up, maybe get a fan in when I'm shopping.
Bubbles glad you're not feeling as sick, not so great about the lack of sleep though :mad:!
It's going to be a bit of clear out in our house today! Dump and charity runs and getting rid of a load of rubbish that is really irritating me!
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