Xjd, has your hearing returned? Sounds like a rude awakening to wake up with just one ear!!
Michelle- bargain on the video monitor there
Bubbles - your massage day sounded lovely, just what you need post work and pre baby as a treat, hope you enjoy yours ml600 and your dreaded thrush starts to go away by then , yours too Tmum - horrible x
Tmum- good luck for last day at work tomorrow, hope they spoil you rotten. It will take a week to sink in, but you will love it, let the socialising, relaxing and nesting begin x
Kumber- that did sound a scare last night, i wonder if dehydration was an issue, my uterus and braxton hicks reay get frequent and very pattern like if ive not managed to drink enougth on a warm day, they can drive you nuts - really charming of the staff tho to treat you like that! They say best to get checked don't they and then make you feel like a fraud! Xx
Still ticking off jobs to do before baby - huge list, sure im the only one in the house that cares!! Grrr
Completely Forgot id ordered sains shopping online today and just caught the chap by chance on way back from nursery pickup! Ooops
Ive just brought myself a new half year starting diary in fluorescent orange in the hope that ill use it! Im loosing track of appointments, dates and kids activities , orthodontist/school/scout stuff etc with my scatty preg brain!! I need to get organised...
I just cant wait to see little Griffin again on the 22nd at my 34 wk scan , wonder what position he is in? You guys sll seem to know, i have no idea ha