X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

The last couple of days I have been noticing an increase in symptoms, been getting lots of cramps, backache, loose bowels, feeling sick, sore boobs, loosing mucus plug and feeling very wet. I know this is all normal at this stage but I feel like I am back in the TWW. Symptom spotting and knicker watching its crazy.

Michelle x

Michelle I could have written this myself (apart from plug) thank god as I feel sometimes it's all in my head lol! Am I right in saying though that I could still go to 2 weeks over even with this????
Unfortunately yes huni, all these symptoms indicate that we are moving in the right direction but none of them suggest that labour is imminent, just our bodies preparing for the big event. It kind of sucks as I am so fed up now.

Michelle x
Hope everyone has had a lovely Sunday?

My bump is so low and heavy, I have to hold it when I turn over in bed! I have two fibroids as well as baby in there, consultant said its like having triplets! I love my bump, still surprises me when I catch sight of myself in the mirror :)
I think we need to see your beautiful bumpage Lolie!

Welcome Ceebelle!!

How's everyone doing? Bank holiday here so it's nice to still be in bed with lo and hubby even though lo has been up for the last half hour we're lying chatting and now he's watching the iPad lol!
We had a christening yesterday and there was a baby at 15 weeks and another at 6! It made me so excited and scared all at the same time!! They were quite unsettled babies for a while. I remember when Tyler was wee and unsettled I would get a bit flustered and I was hoping id be a bit more laid back this time! Hopefully less than 5 weeks to find out hehe!!! Xx
Hi everyone and welcome ceebelle!

Hope everyone's ok (all things considered), sorry not been on in a while, been crazy busy at work (no nice and easy wind down for me), however I'm glad to say I finally finished on Friday woohoo! So I'm now a temporary lady of leisure. Have loads of stuff to sort out though, like hospital bag, nursery etc, so think I'll be kept quite busy.

Got my 36 week midwife app this afternoon, last time she said I was 2/5 engaged, so hoping that's at least the same and baba hasn't been wiggling around too much. Think I've got SPD my pelvis is so painful and turning over in bed is horrendous, it take about 5 mins lol, makes me feel like an old granny! Do you think it's important to actually get it diagnosed, or just bear with it?
Def get referred for it hun, your labour team will need to know to get you in the right position for birth so your hips aren't in agony.

Thanks Kumber, will do. I'm interested to see if my midwife takes any notice when I tell her, she's really rubbish! I've been saying I have pelvis pain in every appointment but she just nods her head at me and doesn't say anything about it, which was kind of ok at previous appointments as the pain was no where near as bad as it is now. Hopefully she'll take it seriously!
Morning everyone,
well I'm painting our bedroom today. After a coffee and Jeremy Kyle lol. Well I'm starting it, I can't paper the walls so that's my husbands job.

Hope everyone has a good day xx
Not sure wether I dare bring up this subject cos it gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it, but is anyone doing ..... :S perineal massage ....(nervously awaits response)!
WTT, I would bypass your mw altogether and go straight to your GP - it'll be a quicker referral to physio. And as for the massage, never have, never will, the only thing that goes near my bum is tissue!

jd, I'm watching JK too, it's my guilty pleasure :shock: :whistle: :whistle:

4 days!!!!!!!!!

I had a dream that I gave birth last night and I woke up depressed, I want him now!!!! xx
Omg Lulu it's come round so quick :)

Don't know if anybody is after a Pink Lining bag, but a few have gone on offer today on their website. I'm buying one for a friend xx
Aaaaahhh I love Pink Lining, can't wait to see the new Autumn designs!

Lulu, it's so exciting! Can't believe he will be here by the end of the week!

I think we need to see your beautiful bumpage Lolie!

I haven't got any photos, we don't have a full length mirror so it is difficult. Hopefully I can get someone to take a bump photo with me and my oh as I'd love to have one framed.
I've stripped my room of wallpaper and glossed it. So that's me goosed today. My friend has had her twins 8 and half week early today. They are bloody gorgeous xx
Hi everyone! Had phone issues so haven't checked for a few days! Hope everyone's ok!!

Looking at all symptoms exactly same as u all, super tired, cramps , more discharge etc. Crazy how much my body has changed in a week!!

All feeling very real now, I'm getting a bit scared! Is anyone else?

Baby is still breech , so find out what happens next week! She could be here in 3 weeks!!

Lulu I can't believe it's just 4 days I bet you are so excited, can't wait to see the little man!

Mystic teen crazy news re you being further along!!!!! Hope you are ok, xx
Hi ladies bank holiday over here today so just visiting family all day. Have had around 12 hours sleep in 72 hours so bloody knackered but in good form. Feel like I am such a moaning mini the past week, so many aches, pains and sickness. Thankfully I only moan on here and to hubby or I would have no friends left lol.

Hope you are all doing well x
Isn't tomorrow induction day for Lulu? So exciting!

I am beyond stressed at this point. I have been at hospital everyday now from one Dr to another and they all seem more confused about my due date than I am! Today I was told I need to get a glucose test tomorrow morning just incase as I was never offered one? Does the thing you drink taste really gross? How long do you wait for your results? I also have a scan scheduled in two weeks to see how baby is growing. I don't think they are gonna sort out a due date. I think they are secretly hoping I go into labor before the two weeks are over and have it all over with. I am guessing if she is on the bigger size in two weeks they will probably just induce me. I am just worried she gets too big as she was already a good size on Friday. Stressing so much and praying I just go into labor really.
MT - sorry can't say much about GTT as haven't had one, hope it's not too gross though and they get their act together with your due date.

Lulu - can't believe your time has nearly come already!

Well my midwife (as suspected) wasn't really interested in the SPD barely said anything about it and just wrote 'pelvic pain' in my notes. I had to ask her how it might affect delivery and if I should notify the hospital for labour, she didn't really say much.

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