X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

So frustrating, I'm really trying to catch up with everyone but I'm so brain dead at the moment. I hope you're all doing better than me.

Contractions still going but not regular so I reckon I'll make it to the 17th. You had better not pop before me MT I will lose my mind LOL.

I'm sorry to say I have totally gone off Henry and I'm upset that I've gone off it. Maybe I will love it again once he's here. 6 days my lovelies!!!!! xx
Lulu, your one amazing lady. I would of lost the plot by now. You must be so fed up and exhausted.

Michelle x
Aw thank you Michelle, you're so sweet. I am yeah but I know I don't have long left and I'll have him with me. We're so excited xx
Well my ear is killing me. Drops and antibiotics, still can only hear half a conversation. Then to top yesterday day off, I was helping clear the bottom of my garden, when I stood on a broken beer bottle. The blood was all over the garden and my kitchen, it took ages to stop bleeding. The cut is deep but I won't go to hospital even though my husband insists I do.

My lovely friend who is having twins text me this morning she's gone into labour 9 weeks early. So fingers crossed all they are all ok xx
Lulu, fair play to you, Iadmiration and respect :)

Jd you are having an awful time too... Think your body could be telling you to slow down, rest up and hopefully you will feel better soon.
Lulu I will try & keep her in until after you! I am not ready to have her just yet. You should be proud of how well you're holding up:) hopefully he will be here soon and all this will be history.

Sorry to hear about your ear infection :( they are bloody awful!

I had 6 contractions early morning at around 5am and was terrified this was it. But they stopped on their own just plenty of BH today. So scary tbh.
Ah lulu you're doing so well. And 6 days :) :) wow he will be here before you know it! So exciting! MT hopefully not long for you either! Can't believe the time is pretty much here for us! Think there will be a few early August mummies :)

Jd hope your ear ache is better soon, I feel your pain I have suffered a lot with ear problems.

I'm probably over doing it this weekend, been busy painting tonight , and moving furniture and going to vax some carpets tomorrow... :/ lots to do!! I wanted literally everything to be ready by Friday, my last day at work. Oh is away and my sister is helping, can't wait until it's all done. I am in agony tonight aching all over! :/ feet are too hot sore and swollen too! I can't seem to settle! :/

boo hoo moan moan moan now haha xxx
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Hiya *waves*

I'm 34weeks + 3 and due on 20th of August. I feel MASSIVE, can't believe I have at least 5 more weeks in which to get even bigger! I am a teacher and have one week left of work, can't wait to have a wee bit of time to myself away from the noise of 8 year olds!

Hope you are all holding up well, and feeling the relief now the weather has gone cooler again. xxx Clare
Hi ceebelle :wave:

Welcome to the August mummies! There's been a lot going on so please just dive in with the ongoing convos and anything you're confused about, just ask!

Hi ceebelle, congratulations :)

Well I went to watch Magic Mike XXL and bought a massive Tango slush from the cinema last night. So that made my night. What a beautiful man Channing Tattum is lol. Never realised how uncomfortable cinema seats are though!

Hope everyone's ok?
The village I live in are celebrating our football team going up today. So they resurrect a coffin and walk it through the village and have a carnival. So I will be around a few drunks today xx
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Hi ceebelle, nice to have another mummy join us.

You know one thing I'm not going to miss about being pregnant, the bambinos constant hiccups!!! xx
Welcome Ceeebelle, always nice to see a new August Mummy x

Michelle x
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Omg Magic Mike makes me feel so awkward, I just want to cry! I'm such a prude, my cousin dragged me to see the first one and I sat squirming and hiding the whole time! :shock: :shock: you're much braver than me jd!

Lol I loved it, my mum thinks it's worse than 50 shades but I haven't seen that xx
I haven't seen the new Magic Mike! Saw the original, and didn't rate the storyline but Channing tatum is in it so who cares! :) hehehe... I've started losing a lot of mucus today, and was up with contractions through the night but nothing regular! :/ it's probably because I have been busy with jobs and over did it. I have some things to get finished tonight then a week left at work then r-e-l-a-x :) I don't want baby coming for a few weeks anyway I'm not quite ready!!
How's lulu today? And everyone that was having niggles and pains? Surely babies will start arriving soon! Eek almost August!! :) x x
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Welcome ceebelle:)

Oh sugar how exciting :) you need to put your feet up as much as possible over the next couple of weeks :)

All my niggles have calmed down, I know I'll still be sitting here at 42 weeks lol!! Really thought something was happening on Friday night... Pure ftm syndrome lol

Have lay on the couch all day basically eating junk. Feel so lazy and lethargic... Need a kick in the ass to get up and do something lol

Jd your village carnival sounds wierd but like good fun, hope the drunks don't annoy u too much though lol
Get those feet up Suagr!

I've found it so hard to get stuff done today, squish is moving constantly and it's been quite painful to do almost anything with how he's moving. Very strange! No more squeezes though which is probably a good thing. Can't shake this exhaustion though, is everyone else finding the same? I don't remember being this tired with Riley, I literally want to sleep all the time. Iron levels have all been fine, I just feel really run down iykwim? Not sure what it could be but just wanna make sure it's not just me, feeling like a right wimp atm.

How has everyone's Sundays been? It's mad to think some of our mummies will be at term this week!

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Can't believe I will be 34 weeks tomorrow, eeekkkk!!! Nearly there now.

I have the midwife and Consultant on Tuesday then finish work on Friday, wooohooo.

The last couple of days I have been noticing an increase in symptoms, been getting lots of cramps, backache, loose bowels, feeling sick, sore boobs, loosing mucus plug and feeling very wet. I know this is all normal at this stage but I feel like I am back in the TWW. Symptom spotting and knicker watching its crazy.

Michelle x
Welcome ceebelle! Same due date as me!! :)
Can't believe how fast these last few weeks have gone... Not long now ladies!! Curious to see who will be arriving early or late! I'm imaging Lulu is going to be first. Xxxx

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