X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Hope your ok Lulu, you sound very uncomfortable xx
How are you feeling today lulu? I hope you managed to get some sleep. Are you still contracting?

I got up 7 times in the night to pee! 7!!! I feel like that's taking the piss... Excuse the pun!!

How's everyone else doing today? I've got a huuuuge food shop being delivered this morning and the health visitor coming to see me this afternoon. Anyone had a HV visit pre birth? I assume they are just there to check I'm ok and chat about feeding and sleeping etc?? X
Gosh Lulu I hope you're ok. You are having a really tough time and the Dr sounds horrific, that's the last thing you needed after all you've been through. Glad you are home and hopefully a little more comfortable.
Michelle, glad you finally got a sit down, I'm sure the ice cream was beaut!!
JJ mum it's really flying in! Can't believe some are on the countdown for their section's it so exciting that the end is near!!
God Ml 7 times, I think I would've got fed up after 3 and slept on the loo lol!!!
Another lazy night for me, could hardly string a sentence together I was so tired. Work have made the decision for me about coming into work the week after I was meant to finish. Found out this morning that the girl filling in for me is on holiday that week. With us being closed a week over the 12th I will have A LOT to catch up with on top of people trying to contact as soon as we are open again, usually it's stress that I love but not this time. They can figure it out as they go along as far as I'm concerned. I'll worry about the mess in a year's time haha!!
Think I'll stick with struggling to keep awake this week hahaha!!! xxx
Ml600, our HV popped round to introduce herself, asked if I had an concerns or worries. She spoke about feeding and sleeping and gave a lot of leaflets for baby groups, toy libraries etc. She was very nice and not pushy in the slightest.
I've got my midwife appointment today at 36 weeks. So I'm wondering if my appointments will go to two weekly or weekly now? Xx
ml, I think it's just for them to introduce themselves before baby as afterwards can be a bit overwhelming.

Tmum, you're getting a week off for the 12th? Is that just your company?

jd, mine go fortnightly from 36-40 weeks and then weekly but I think it varies depending on your Trust

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ml, I think it's just for them to introduce themselves before baby as afterwards can be a bit overwhelming.

Tmum, you're getting a week off for the th? Is that just your company?

jd, mine go fortnightly from 36-40 weeks and then weekly but I think it varies depending on your Trust

I hope there 2 weekly, my doctors is a nightmare to park lol xx
Ml my HV visit was just as the other girls have said, a quick chat about things im general, feeding, sleeping, the service they offer. Lots of leaflets on groups and support and gave me babies red book which she explained a little bit about it and future visits. She did ask questions about domestic violence, drugs and smoking but we have nothing to hide so didn't bother me.

jd my visits are 2 weekly now 36,38 & 40 then 41 if baby hasnt made an appearance. Xx
Thank you everyone! I'm a huuuuuge clean freak anyway but hearing the HV is coming, I have gone into overdrive! Deep cleaned my oven, cleaned out my fridge, I even cleaned my cleaning cupboard!! Like she's going to look in any of these places lol! I'll blame the nearing rather than my ocd! I want my food shopping to hurry up... I'm starving!! X
Eurgh it's so bloody stuffy today! And I have to put on actual clothes this week as we have a friend coming from home to stay for a week. Looking forward to seeing him but I absolutely dread the nasty bump sweat I'm going to get. Been wearing a loose vest, bra and knickers since the heatwave! God roll on next Tuesday so I can find out why this child is so bloody big. Can feel literally every single movement, even him wiggling his toes and fingers and it's getting so painful. Blergh.

It's gone very cool here in Derbyshire, its been raining this morning. My fault as I've bought some lovely summery maternity clothes so now I can't wear them!
Lollie where in Derbyshire do you live??? In from Derbyshire! :)
Hope everyone is managing ok.
Lulu sorry to hear you've been having such a hard time. Not long left now.
Yes Kumber we get a week for the 12th. Hubby was meant to get a week also with being a joiner but they are so busy I think he's only getting the Monday now with it being the bank holiday.
Just back to work after being at the dr. Thursh, a yeast infection and piles...who said this pregnancy lark was all glam lol?! xx
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Well I've had my appointment. Next one is in 2 weeks at 38 weeks, all good. It's head is engaged which apparently a good thing because it rarely happens early after your first. It's a good sized baby according to mw and the graph lol.

I asked about a sweep on my due date if the baby isent here by then. Luckily I'm 40 weeks on the day I see midwife, they will only do it if the baby's head is engaged, if it's not there not allowed to do it xx
I feel really strange tonight. I've not eaten since 2 and even then it was just 6 ham buns, I've got a pizza sat in front of me and it's just making me feel ill. Hunger is coming and going, mostly going. I've had what I think could be classed as a "clearing out" but I can't remember what it was like with Riley. I've had horrible pains all day, a couple of which could be described as contractions but nothing regular. It's like my body can't decide if this baby is coming or staying! Absolutely horrid, I wish my body would just commit to one way or the other.

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Eeek XJDs youve had your 36 week appoint!! Your nearly there!!

How are you Lulu today? Was it more comfy/nicer being at home last night?

Ml600- we don't see our hv till two weeks after baby here, but you can't beat a good excuse for a bit of nesting/cleaning ready :)

Tmum- sorry you had everything when you went to midwifes/docs - hugs pregnancy def isn 't glammy is it x

Ml600- are you having early signs as well ? Eeekk hope your ok x

Sugar how were your blood results you were getting back today?

Ive had a pretty easy pregnancy this time round , ive been very lucky tbh- my irritable uterus is getting very stuck hard most of the time now which is annoying and today I got 5 hrs sleep from my little boys which is fab but i still woke body exhausted for some reason... Hopefully I can kick back into gear thursday.

I'm On my armchair in the boys room/nursery as I speak. My 20 mth pickle is playing up again every time I try to get into bed, so im sleeping on it testing it out , legs over the arm etc, it's not too bad ;) i fell asleep during the bed run earlier too as it took about 2 hrs! Wonder if these boys realise how little sleep their going to get soon, perhaps it will help them settle ! Ha ha

Anyone else clearing the freezer ready for some cooking ahead to help once baby is here? Were eating everything up and then ill make lasagne, casserole, chilli, shepherds pie, spag bol sauce for pasta, etc - poundland/£1 shop does good throwaway oven trays too so you can have enougth containers. I used to do it for hubby to feed kids while I was in hosp but he never uses them - they eat crap for days like hotdogs /chips/burgers etc!! Now I don 't mind as when I come out it saves me cooking :)
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JJ, much comfier being at home. Still contracting, I honestly cannot believe I still have no baby. All I do is eat/cry/sleep xx
Omg I've woken up with hearing in just one ear.!what is going on? I feel like I'm in a wind tunnel lol xx
Aww Lulu, I am so sorry your suffering so much. Is there really nothing they can do for you before your next appointment?

Michelle x
Hey ladies hope everyone is ok. Lots of things happening for us August mummies.

I'm doing grand. Off work now so it's really strange. I keep making loads of plans but then I'm exhausted to fully enjoy them.

Have the usual aches and pains but finally figured out thanks to kumber that my period pains are Brixton hicks lol. Restless legs seems to have settled the past couple of nights thankfully, I think that's because it has massively cooled down over here in Belfast.

Going on a wee spa day today and getting a pregnancy massage which I am super excited about, I wouldn't normally do things like this so it is a massive treat.

36 weeks today. I will officially meet my baba in less than 38 days... Exciting and scary lol xx

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