X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Sugar they scanned me yesterday and it isn't the placenta, they have no idea what the blood is. Was just fresh dark red blood, no clots or anything.

Still contracting Tmum. Feels like his head is slamming down now with every contraction.

JJ, I'm 35+3 xx
Oh the blood is a mystery, but could have been a slight tear or something from placenta and as long as there is no more or shouldn't be a problem. I hope they do something with you soon, it's unfair to leave you like this. You could go home for some rest, or they could could just induce labour now instead of next Friday. Baby is a good size now you're almost 36weeks. Hope you get some food and rest - keep thinking of the end result meeting Henry and stay positive. :)
Jj mum yea I'll keep eye on the lights in eyes, for me it's more likely to be my bloods have took a big dip which they tend to do towards the end, I've felt like this for a week or so but knew I was seeing midwife tomorrow and was having repeat bloods anyway. I'm consultant led too, and I see him Thursday for 34 wk appt. it was 6 weekly but thinki I could see him at 37wks after that. Not sure how the midwives appts go after 34 weeks can't remember if it's fortnight from then or not.
Ml600 fingers crossed for the scan hope he's caught up. You're tall though aren't you? So maybe that has an affect? Not sure! :) x
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You can tell we're all getting to the end of pg, all these extra checks to make sure our babbas are ok in there!

Is anyone else just feeling dog rough? I don't know what's wrong with me but I constantly need to go iykwim, I find it so hard to move off the sofa and must do anything. Everything hurts, even my toes! I feel so drained all the time but nothing's coming back on my bloods or anything. Is it just cus I've had 2 so close together?

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Everything's an effort. I'm going to stop driving soon my bump touches the steering wheel. I'm hungry but my stomach feels full, I've no happy medium xx
Totally busted tonight! I'm not joking, I'm currently sitting on the kitchen floor waiting for the stuff to cook in the oven...can't be assed moving. I may need hubby to help me up when the timer goes hahaha!
I feel like no matter how much sleep I get I just look like crap with big fat ankles. Bump constantly in the way even when im trying to eat my dinner. Xx
I feel exhausted! I have found myself wanting to nap through a day! And that's so unlike me! Even running after the kids im normally fine with plenty of energy! I have my 2year old at home on my days off so I feel bad about being so tired.
I'm concerned my bump hasn't grown but it does seems lower so that could be why, everyone seems to be having growth spurts think I had mine around 28 weeks! :/ x x
Sounds like we're all absolutely bushed! I don't think this weather is helping either, heat always makes you more tired doesn't it?

It's warm but very wet here this evening! I'm lying on the sofa trying to motivate myself to go up and run a bath! Quite achey tonight, think I sat for too long in work today! My replacement was selected today so it'll be interesting to see if they start them before I finish work on Friday!
I'm sitting here in my hospital bed scoffing 20 chicken nuggets with not a care in the world.

Still contracting but nowhere near as painful as yesterday. I'm having a bit of a leaky leak which they're keeping an eye on but no gushing or anything. The scratching is back in full swing though, fantastic.

I asked will I be going home tomorrow and they said no. I sure hope the plan isn't to keep me til the 17th xx
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Hey ladies, sounds like we are all having a rough time, Lulu especially. Hope you are ok Mrs, you sound so chilled, I am super impressed with your attitude :)

So I took a wee run over to the hospital last nite. Was taking what I thought to be sore period type aches and pains and although I knew it was probably normal I just wanted checked (I'm now an official NHS time waster!). Also baby was super active over the past few days and Dr google was scaring the life out of me.

Anyways, pains are normal from here on in, no contractions picked up, waters fine, baby perfect and cervix closed. Felt like an idiot, especially as someone in the next cubicle was in early labour and shouting out in pain and there was me with fecking period pains - mortified. Although glad I went as feel much better now.

Hope you are all ok, can't believe how time is flying by! I am due one month today eekkk!!!
Thanks bubbles, everyone's been saying I'm super chilled, maybe because this is only 1% of the pain I'll be experiencing in active labour haha!! Uh oh xx
Hope your ok Lulu, you its be exhausted.

My pacapod arrived today in the post. I love it, who knew I would get so excited over a changing bag xx
Haha I was like that jd! I got the pink lining, yummy mummy one with owls on and I was skipping about when it arrived! X
Feel like I should be putting nappies in it and getting organised xx
Lulu how are u today?

I'm getting a Paco pod ... I want the rucksack one but has anyone seen it in person, is it big?

What's the best one to get?

I need to -
Buy changing bag
Buy pram , car seat and Isofix
Pack my own hospital bag

Then I'm done! Eeeek
34 weeks today x
We have got a bog standard 5 in 1 changing bag... I feel the odd one out :)

Jess, I need to buy the car seat (car is going in to have isofix fitted tomorrow) and the pram, plus reusable nappies, monitor, breast pump and fingers crossed I think that is it! Need to finish mine and baby's bag too. I'm 33 weeks today!
Omg I am so struggling at work today. Everything hurts. I never felt like this with my son. I just want to cry. Been on my feet since 8am and still got 2 hrs to go :cry:

Michelle X
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Big (gentle) hugs michelle, I felt like that after wondering round the shops on Sunday so being on your feet all day at work must be so tough.

I had mw today, baby is now head up transverse. He has got two weeks before we need to start thinking about getting him turned or opting for a section. Has anyone on here had their baby turned? We aren't sure which way to go if he doesn't move by himself. Otherwise all is ok so I am grateful for that!
Big hugs Michelle, I've been feeling like this too although not to the same extent I think. I think our bodies are just exhausted - we didn't give them much time to recover after our Rileys! You're nearly there, it's almost home time, you can do it!!!

SP, what a monkey! We have been offered a turn (ECV I think it's called) but we have opted not to - I've heard it's massively painful and it's noy 100% or even 90% that baby will stay head down. I'm not comfortable with it being done to my bump but you might not feel the same and are fine with it. I don't know of anyone myself that's had it done so no use there I'm afraid. Glad all is well with bump otherwise :)


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