X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Morning Lulu, sounded like a very uncomfy bight for you :(. Glad your getting the second steroid jab, they do a fab job but just hurt your bum bigtime don't they. Can they not give you some medicine to stop these contractions as they are bot doing anything anyway? Just seems if theycarry on they will section ratter than induce which seems such a shame to me and you have 11 dats ish till induction. Theyshould just start the induction if not trying to stop it and feed you, id feel sick on no food , big hugs xx
They think he has an infection hence why things have started themselves and for that reason they won't induce. The baby doctor came and spoke to me and said if he's born now he will be taken to neonatal for 48 hours. I still feel very in the dark to be honest but I think they are too and just taking each day as it comes xx
Has anyone started or intending to use a birthing ball?
Sorry to hear you've had an uncomfortable night Lulu. Hope today brings you some more info and you're not so in the dark!
Aww big hugs Lulu. Hope you get some better news today and baby let's you get a rest and something to eat. Looks like he is very keen on meeting his mummy and daddy.

Michelle X
His daddy is a nervous wreck. Had my mum with me all night as he had a meeting at 7am that he couldn't miss (unless the baby was coming of course). I'm the calm one, just fed up of the pain and I know it's only going to get worse. Had 3 midwives so far who have all been absolutely fantastic, I've loved them all. Will be passed over to someone else at 8:30, praying she's as nice xx
Really hoping he makes an appearance soon, all this umming and ahhing must be so frustrating!

Ahh lulu how frustrating. Hope you get some answers today, if you're not dilating I hope they either bring labour on or do something to help you get some rest and food too. I've had the steriod injections, your bum will be sore! But theyre worth it to help baby! It's good you're being looked after, there are lots of fab midwives they do an amazing job :)
I've woke up today so exhausted, barely able to walk with shooting pains. Hope it settles! I have flashing lights in my eyes this morning and so out of breath, I am familiar with these signs so I'll be glad when my bloods are checked tomorrow.
How is everyone else doing? Xx
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Oh and I have been using my birthing ball to sit on for a few weeks. It's a god send, I dont feel comfortable in any other position! :) x x
Doctor has been in to see me. I said I want to go home but there's no chance she said! Staying on labour ward and will be reviewed again after lunch and if my trace is ok, I'll be going back up to an antenatal ward. Just my luck that this happens to me. Naughty Henry xx
Oh lulu! If baby is happy and you're not dilating I don't understand why they won't let you home for some rest. It would be good if he stays in abit longer but considering you were being induced next Friday anyway, it'd be nice if he just decided to kick start things properly for you so you could just have him here and stop all the unknown. They should be giving you some more answers really! :/ hang in there, :) x x
Yeah I know. I'd love a bath, my own bed, lots of junk food haha. They aid the can't risk it as things were fine at 9am yesterday then by 9:30 had a massive bleed and was rushed to labour ward. It's all very mysterious. I just have a gut feeling it'll be emergency section before they week is over xx
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Aww it's hard to relax in hospital, we all know we get more rest actually being at home!! Have they scanned and checked placenta? With regards to the bleed. It's all abit mysterious! They don't seem to be doing much other than waiting? What's the reason not to induce you this week instead of next so you can have him naturally? hope it's not a csection for you, but baby Henry will be here soon and all this will be forgotten about! :) x x
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Aww Lulu! If she was so sure they wouldn't let you home you'd think she would've given you a bit more to go on. Really feel for you! I'm sure your hubby is a nervous wreck bless him feeling a bit helpless. I remember when I was induced with Tyler and his heart rate kept dropping my hubby walked out of the room and honestly grabbed the 1st person he could find. It's funny now but at the time he said he just felt so helpless because he himself couldn't do anything to help! Are you contracting at the minute? Xx
Oh Sugar, I must get mine blown up, wasn't sure when I could start using it lol! Xx
Lulu, I hope you get some answers soon!! Must be very frustrating!

I just had a MW appointment, little devil hadn't grown in 3 weeks! Having a scan anyway in 2 weeks to check my placenta so they will check his size then, fx he catches up! I also gave a urine infection! Fun times! I asked about his hiccups (he gets them about 6 times a day!) and they said it's all normal, so that's one thing off my mind! Now to sit and eat my weight in chocolate... Obviously to try and fatten up baby! X
Well at least if you can get back on antenatal ward Lulu they might let you eat more otherwise it's pointless, are you 36 weeks yet, as that's normally a good gestation now , esp if normal labour.

Sugar - do watch those funny eyes regards preeclampsia , god job you have midwives tomorow.

Ml600 - brilliant and cunning plan that chocolate eating one, that should help and counts as almost prescription chocolate ;)

Im consultant led , but i'm wondering if I should have booked a midwifes appointment tbh? I had 8 weeks booking in, 12 week scan, 15 weeks midwifes chk, 18 weeks book in with consultant, 20 week scan, 28 weeks consultant chk and rpt bloods

I am 32 weeks tomorow and still have 34 week fetal anemia scan with a special clinic just due to my blood antebodies
Consulant chk at 37 weeks where I presume my fundal measurement will be checked for a second time
Preop bloods and paperwork at hosp 38 weeks
Section date for birth at 39 plus 1

Do you think I should book a midwifes 34 week chkup?
JJmum, not sure if this is any help but I am also consultant led. I see them every four weeks and I see my midwife in between. Mw said as long as I'm being seen every two weeks by one of them to have my bp and urine checked then it doesn't matter who sees me... Hope that makes sense!

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