Blimey Lulu , your second home is that hospital !!! Hope you can wait a bit longer, keep chatting to us, hospitals are sooo boring to be stuck in on your own x. Think yourll be our first august baby!
Ml600 sounds like Noah has been really spoilt, glad u enjoyed your baby shower
Im getting periody and irritable uterus all the time now, think were all getting the same things now as babies go down lower and get ready. Weighed myself this morning at 1 stone 3 lbs so still got a bit more to gain for my usual in next 7.5 weeks till birth, normally gain upto 1.5 stone ish.
My house is not very ready yet! And having a facebook break as hubby still not told his mum and dad !! Sick of cropping photos and leading a double life just to not surprise them on there!
Looking forward to turning 32 weeks in two days... Got to get on with nursery end of boys room and ive repacked bags so all ready for a monitoring visit to hosp that could end up having baby ( just as I had sudden bleeding at 36 wk last time and had baby that day from a triage visit, and traveling light by train this time).
Jess- good baby bag packing- I always find a travel change mat from your change bag handy to protect your hosp bed sheets, esp from first nasty poos and sudden wees!
I think by the sound of all your symptoms ladies, I think half the august ladies will be popping in late july!
Hope you have lovely sundays, much cooler so far today which will mean easier to get jobs done x