X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Natalie if u go back a couple of pages I just packed baby's hospital bag with a list and everyone said it was ok x or us it hospital bag for yourself ? I haven't done that yet must hurry on that!

Still haven't even got a pram or car seat/changing bag!!!
I'm 35+2 hun. Induction is in 12 days but I'm praying he comes on his own xx
Aww good luck Hun!! Thinking of you and keep us posted!
Blimey Lulu , your second home is that hospital !!! Hope you can wait a bit longer, keep chatting to us, hospitals are sooo boring to be stuck in on your own x. Think yourll be our first august baby!

Ml600 sounds like Noah has been really spoilt, glad u enjoyed your baby shower

Im getting periody and irritable uterus all the time now, think were all getting the same things now as babies go down lower and get ready. Weighed myself this morning at 1 stone 3 lbs so still got a bit more to gain for my usual in next 7.5 weeks till birth, normally gain upto 1.5 stone ish.

My house is not very ready yet! And having a facebook break as hubby still not told his mum and dad !! Sick of cropping photos and leading a double life just to not surprise them on there!

Looking forward to turning 32 weeks in two days... Got to get on with nursery end of boys room and ive repacked bags so all ready for a monitoring visit to hosp that could end up having baby ( just as I had sudden bleeding at 36 wk last time and had baby that day from a triage visit, and traveling light by train this time).

Jess- good baby bag packing- I always find a travel change mat from your change bag handy to protect your hosp bed sheets, esp from first nasty poos and sudden wees!

I think by the sound of all your symptoms ladies, I think half the august ladies will be popping in late july!

Hope you have lovely sundays, much cooler so far today which will mean easier to get jobs done x
Not long had a gush of blood so midwife said to pop a pad on. Those of you who already have babies, is it normal to feel sick whilst in labour? xx
Just having a nose into all you pregnant ladies!

When I was in early labour the contractions made me sick so I had to have an anti sickness injection in the end.
Oh kumber hope all is ok! Glad they're investigating the growth spurt so you can be reassured earlier, are you being kept in hospital? What have they said about increased movements?
Dolly that's awful of your oh aunt! :/ id be fuming too!
Jess, I'm not breast feeding either and have my own personal reasons, formula fed babies are no different to any other. I hate all the hype around it. Eveyones always been supportive though so it's never been as issue.
Oh no lulu! Glad you're not leaking fluid and dilating. Least this may mean that even if you do make it to induction then your body has had a good warm up with lots of braxton hicks, and he should be on his way fairly easily! Exciting:) But do hope you're ok and it's good they are monitoring things. Hopefully the Doctor won't take too long to see you.
Wow our babies are so keen aren't they!! :) x x
Ohh missed a couple of posts! Lulu I didn't feel sick during early labour, only once I started on pain medication and then after having baby which is because of a bad heamorrage. But it does sound like your body is gearing up. The blood is something they will want to check as it could be from placenta or infection or something. Hope you're ok. You've done so well! :) Keep us posted! It does sound like a few more will be July mummies! Wow jj mum can't believe he hasn't told his parents! Cutting it abit fine now isn't he! That's a good weight gain. I've gained 2 stone, but don't feel huge, I tend to have large placentas and heavy babies so I'm on track with my weight gain I'll probably put another 7-10 lbs on. I'm having niggles like baby has moved lower and body is getting ready but im not convinced I'll go early so another 6weeks plus for me :) xx
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Oh my lulu!! In a way I guess it would be good for you to start labour now to avoid induction, but Henry could have another 12 days of cooking if he stays put!! Either way as long as the two of you are healthy, that's all that matters! Keep us posted!! X
Also, how frequently does everyone feel baby having the hiccups?? Mine seems to get them an awful lot!! But not sure what's normal and don't want to google as I know it will say something horrendous! X
Ml600, mine seems to get the hiccups about twice a day (that I'm aware of) for roughly a minute each time.

JJmum, hope he tells his folks soon so you can relax a little!

Kumber, hope things are okay now?

Lulu, glad you're in the right place! Keep us updated!

Dolly, I just laugh when people say I'm huge :) I've had total strangers say I can't have long left and when I say 8 weeks they shake their heads and say I won't go full term. I just agree haha!
Starting to get a couple of stretch marks at side of my belly. Is baby oil just as good to use as bio oil? X
Lulu, I felt horribly sick in labour last time. Been thinking of you all morning, hope you're ok.

All ok my end girls, they don't know why there's been a movement increase as he wasn't showing any signs of distress when on the trace so hopefully the antenatal appointment will give us more info.

Hiccups-wise, this baby doesn't get them often but Riley got them daily and still does! Both me and him are prone to hiccups, nothing to worry about as far as I'm aware.

Glad all ok kumber! When is your next appointment? Mine gets hiccups most days, and they can last for a while sometime but I don't think its anything to worry about. Never heard anything about hiccups being a sign of anything else. Lulu I hope you're ok!! Xx
Next appt is the 14th at the antenatal clinic. Apparently if he's still breech they'll want to discuss a c-sec or book me in for a discussion, something like that. Apparently my glucose levels are nothing to worry about so his growth isn't caused by diabetes and both hospital and community mws said it doesn't feel like there's a lot of water so we're all a bit clueless really.

Just catching upon today posts, gosh Lulu. Keep us update. Fx baby stays put for a wee while yet. We really do have a naughty bunch of babies don't we.

Michelle x
My baby has been good for a while now after a few moments! - but yes we do have some very naughty babies! I think we're going to have some July mummies :) hopefully not just yet. Another couple weeks of cooking for those early August mummies would be better. Hope Lulu is ok! :) I have midwife Tuesday, hoping My fundal measurement has progressed abit more. Otherwise he will run out of room! I think that's why I feel like he's dropping already. Bloods taken too. We've just had thunder and heavy rain, after it's been quite nice most the day! :/ x
Busy day on here today. Trying to catch up with everything. Hope your lil man stays put for a bit longer Lulu.

I've been at my friends baby shower, it was very nice, she's having twin boys :)

I'm shattered for the day now xx
Just popping by from September Mummies, Lulu hope your ok doll xxxx
Lulu I hope you're doing ok! And sugar fx your bump had grown! I hope it doesn't pop all of a sudden.

How's everyone doing stretch mark wise? I haven't got any yet but I know there's plenty of time!

My OH is away for work tonight and I feel pants. Heads banging, throat hurts, I just want to sleep! I've had a busy weekend so think I'm just a bit run down. Bubble bath and early night needed! And to top it all off, my nipples are killing! So glam, this pregnancy business! X

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