X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Im 35 weeks today and ive noticed some have appeared just a few on my sides so ive put some baby oil on them x
I am riddled in them, yay! They're gradually working their way up to my boobs, they're currently halfway between them and my bellybutton!

Glad all is ok kumber

Lulu -gosh sudden bleeding - they might keep you in till it stops or pull baby if it continues but your nearly there now, if it helps my 36 weeker pulled from bleeding - was really quite healthy and only popped to scbu for one night x

Re the hicups question - ive only had it the once with baby Griffin where I'd got paranoid last weekend that he wasn't moving and tried everything in the book to get him moving and my belly def had hicups, think I woke him from a deep sleep , ooops !

Picture taken this eve by my 4yr old - hubby has got this chair from loft and put it up in my soon to be 3 boys room! I have a bedtime run/sentry seat now, feeding chair and a sort of bed now! Big relief to have a solution now


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Nearly 29 hours contracting and still not even a cm dilated. I'm in agony, it's all in my back. They said if I bleed again it will be emergency section. Even if it wears off they won't let me go home. The contractions haven't stopped since 9:30am, no break whatsoever. Doctor said even if its stop/start there's no chance of going home, so could be here a week xx
God Lulu I hope you're ok!!! I didn't feel sick during labour from what I remember but I was very bokey straight after giving birth! Had to fire baby at hubby and was sick everywhere, not pleasant but we joked it was like a final morning sickness episode lol! Take care chick xx
Aww, Lulu. So sorry your having a really rough time of it. Sending you lots hugs. You must be exhausted.

Michelle x
Can i ask a bit of a gross question??? What's the deal with your mucus plug?
Have any of you lost bits of it or clumps of it? How much is enough to start getting concerned about?

Michelle x
Lulu, oh you poor thing, fingers crossed they calm down for you to get some rest, hope you don 't have a section
Rest up and try to make the most of the hosp sponge puddings if they are letting you eat, can't starve you all week xx
Big squeezes Lulu, he needs to get his act together and come say hello!

Michelle, I've lost a couple of bits. I would ring your mw or delivery suite to be on the safe side, any plug loss should always be checked.

Michelle I only lost mine or most I think once at the 36 week birth ( well list it a week before at 35 weeks - bled at 36 wk so birth. I hear it can be lost really early and reform thougth somehow.

Are you loosing plug? Is it a "bloody show" or just snotty
Popping in from sept mummies to say hope you are ok Lulu ~ we are all thinking of you xx
They're not letting me eat anything heavy, all I've eaten is toast since yesterday morning. Absolutely wrecked, never felt so tired in my life and can't sleep because the contractions are every 3 mins xx
Just been to the loo and when I wiped two very big blobs of yellow stretchy snotty mucus was on the paper, sorry tmi!!! I wasn't bloody at all so not really sure if this is anything to worry about or not as I know it can grow back. Just wasn't sure if this is normal for this stage of pregnancy or not?

Michelle x
Hi ladies!
Been a but busy lately so only had time to lurk on here and not really post.

Sounds like some of you are really having a time of it - lulu especially I hope you are doing ok!

All fine with me, usual aches, pains and swelling. Baby still feels transverse, got mw on tues so hoping she will confirm either way. I know he still has a few weeks to turn but would be nice if he was at least heading in the right direction!
Gosh lulu I hope your ok and hanging on in their u must be exhausted!!!! Sending my love.

Michelle I lost some plug last week when I ended up in hospital, they said bits start coming away early for some and as long as not too much, and not dilating they aren't concerned.

If I were u just get checked out to make sure all ok ...

Jj that chair is brilliant!

Kumber re stretch marks I've got none yet ( probably coz bump is behind ) but it's tight n I suspect they'll show soon ! I use boots stretch mark oil it's only 4.99 for a bottle n is honestly brilliant , makes it more comfortable to move n not itch! N so far not a mark
Omg Lulu, I am praying so hard for you and sending you lots of positive thoughts! Little Henry needs to either come or you get relief from those awful contractions. Stay strong xo
Lulu Henry is being really naughty! He is Teasing! Hope you're managing some rest and will know more tomorrow.
I haven't got any pregnancy stretch marks - yet - I have one down my belly button from first pegnancy and the rest are just small ones on hips etc from teenage years. I must have my mums genes for that, she has 4 children and not a single stretch mark. I use moisturiser for dry skin anyway.
As for the plug, I lost some or all of it at 25 weeks, I had blood too, but nothing happened following that so there was no cause for concern and I assume I now have more. I never noticed it in my other pregnancies it must've come away in small amounts like discharge or all at once and i never knew. I'd definitely mention it to your midwife.
Wow it's been a busy weekend on here! I can't get comfy anymore :( anybody in pain when baby moves? I'm finding it really hard now when he moves around and kicks about, I could've cried before he was really hurting my side..
Morning ladies,

Still no baby! Contractions still very strong. Got examined before bed and cervix still soft and closed. Feeling horribly sick still. Just about to have 2nd steroid injection xx
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