X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Jess, could be her knees and elbows? This one has his head under my right rib still, bottom in my hip and, knees up under left hip by placenta and feet right on top of my bladder. He likes to literally kick wee out of me!

I cleaned my nips with a baby wipe earlier, the amount of crusty colostrum that came out was shocking! Parts of the wipe changed colour! So gross. I clean them daily with soap but I don't think that was doing anything :shock:

Natalie, I'm going to be using the Tommee Tippee manual, simply because I'm only planning on expressing when my mom has him. If you're gonna be expressing regularly, I've heard the Madela Swing electric is fab!

My mw told me I have to hand express first before using an electric one, has anyone else been told the same?
I had a single TT electric breast pump last time, I successfully breastfed until 13 months. This time I've bought the lansinoh double pump from toys r us on offer. I found having a single pump worked but the other side would always leak which would be a waste of milk, unless she was feeding from that breast. Hopefully I can pump and freeze more with a double.

I would hand express at first, it needs to be done in a c motion, then when your milk properly comes through use a pump. I personally have never got on with a manual pump but that's me xx
I was advised to hand express first to encourage your milk to come through then use a pump. I wasn't able to produce any milk with my son so I am really hoping this time round I am more successful. I have an electric tommee tippee pump as it was on offer in boots a while back.
I was also advised to apply lansinoh nipple cream twice a day from 36 weeks to help soften the nipples in prep from breast feeding it is meant to stop them cracking later on.

Michelle x
My plan is for the first week is to breast feed to establish milk then express after that. So either manual or electric then? X
I bought an electric one for easiness but everyone is different. You could always hire one and see how you get on with it before you spend lots of money on a fancy pump

Michelle x
Your midwife should be able to point you in the right direction. My local hospital hires them out, they come sterilised and with all the attachments and you can get them for a couple of weeks just to see how you get on with them before you go out and buy one.

Michelle xc
Hope you've had a lovely baby shower ml600 :) we had some Thunder and lightening late last night thought we were in for a miserable Saturday but it's been nice! Just windy tonight. I've had a lot of sharp pains in my groin this week, when baby must be pressing on my sciatic nerve. And I couldn't walk earlier because I was in agony feeling like he was right 'there '! I think he's just gearing up into position. Guess I'm fully cooked in 4 weeks so it's all normal! I have midwife Tuesday will be curious to know if she says he's dropped lower into pelvis or not. How is everyone feeling? I'm interested in my bloods that are being done Tuesday as I've felt so light headed and nauseous. I'll be worriwd if they have dropped more with only 6 weeks left. Hope the ones with pains and leakkng fluid are doing ok. And as for position of baby I sometimes wonder too! I know he's head down but his body shifts from side to side! And sometimes I have nothing directly below my boobs. :) x
Re pumps, I think it depends on the frequency you want to pump. If you're looking to pump a lot, I think an electric is better as they're more efficient at getting the milk out. If you're looking at doing it occasionally, I think a manual is the way to go. I do not recommend a manual for frequent expressing cus it bloomin' hurts.

Re hand expressing, I didn't hand express but ebf until my milk came in and then starting pumping. I managed to pump quite a lot but I don't know if this was down to what I did or down to luck.

Re hiring a pump - some areas don't hire out pumps until baby is 6 weeks, by which point babies often refuse to take a bottle. It's ludicrous to say the least! Check your area but do your research just in case too.

I've been in hospital this evening with increased movements and other strange symptoms. All is fine but they're a bit puzzled as to why I'm feeling so sick all the time, why my BH are going so crazy and why his movements have increased. They are concerned about my growth though, so are getting me in tne day before my mw clinic to assess me in the antenatal department. Very pleased with that, it means I'll know where we stand sooner rather than later!

Ive had fat feet for a week now and when im eating my dinner my bump is getting in the way lol wish my feet would go down its disgusting looking lol xx
Thank u, it could be her knees I guess I'm thinking the distance is just too big for her to be scrunched up but as my bump is so far behind n she's normal sized it makes total sense! I bet it's her knees!

I'm not breast feeding at all, really don't want to. I do feel bad but I have a large chest for my frame , currently obv even larger n the thought of it just isn't for me.

My oh is of the same opinion so I'm
Pleased he agrees.

I think it's amazing people do it tho and have nothing but praise as I've read and seen how hard it can be x
I think it's really great you're so honest with how you want to feed Jess, I think so many mums are made to feel awful for not trying bfing but it really is what you're happy with and what you think you can physically do. Baby is always going to fed so no point forcing yourself into doing something that makes you unhappy - happy momma = happy baby! I'm glad hubby is supporting you too!

Evening ladies hope you are all well.

Well I was at a family bbq tonight with ohs lot and it took a lot of strength not to punch his aunt who took great pleasure in telling me I looked massive :shock: what a cow at least I have a reason for my weight unlike her. She should try being 5ft4 and carry a baby who is on the 95th centile. Sorry for the rant but she really had a nerve considering she hadn't seen me in 2yrs.
Has anyone got a list of essentials I will need for my hospital bag. I got some stuff tonight but want to check ive not forgot anything important x
Dolly that's not nice about your OHs aunt!! You should have asked when she is due!! Haha!!

My baby shower was lovely!! Weather was gorgeous and had my feet in the paddling pool my sister had put out for the kiddies! Noah got truly spoilt!! He even got a Noah's ark themed playmat! So adorable! Now I get to spend the morning putting it all away!!

What's everyone's plans for today? I'm going for lunch with my OH and MIL before he leaves tonight for work training in reading... Get the bed to myself!! X
Morning ladies,

Came into hospital yesterday at 4pm as waters were leaking and was having strong contractions. Gradually got worse and by 10pm I caved and took some codrydamol - I'm a trooper ;)

Doctor did a spectrum - waters hadn't gone
Doctor examined me - not dilating

Contractions stopped altogether around 5am, devastated to say the least.

All the doctor has said is that they're treating it as he has an infection, this is why things have started on their own, so if he comes in the next couple of days, he will be kept here for 48 hours.

Monitoring this morning just showed loads of tightenings! Not allowed to go home, just waiting for a doctor and as it's Sunday I'm sure I'll be waiting hours. Boo hoo xx
Kumber there's so much pressure isn't there! Midwife is bullying me into it so I've just told her I'm breast feeding , she doesn't need to know and at hospital I will tell them to get formula for baby! Well that's my plan!

Oh lulu , gosh you do have it tough, fingers crossed all goes ok!!! Are you coming up to 36 weeks now??? When were u getting induced? X

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