X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Omg just been around our local birthing centre. I had my own little tour. It's like a hotel, pools with twinkly LED lights above them, help yourself kitchen, separate rooms with double beds for over night stays with your partner, mama and papa swinging cribs for baby, en-suite bathrooms to. Bloody brill xx
Omg just been around our local birthing centre. I had my own little tour. It's like a hotel, pools with twinkly LED lights above them, help yourself kitchen, separate rooms with double beds for over night stays with your partner, mama and papa swinging cribs for baby, en-suite bathrooms to. Bloody brill xx

Omg, that's sounds amazing, I bet you can't wait to go into labour now. Which hospital is this?

Michelle x
It's royal Preston hospital, it's brill. The labour ward and theatre is above so if there's any complications you go straight up there in a lift xx
MT, so pleased to hear from you! So glad your contractions stopped, it was a bit too soon for bubs to be saying hello wasn't it! Utterly pants that you're away from hubby - me amd hubby were in different countries at the beginning of previous pg and that was horrid so my heart goes out to you, it must be really hard. Yay for seeing bubs again soon though!

Bubbles, could it be baby engaging and punching your bladder? I can't remember what position your LO is but it's the only other thing I can think of.

xjdx, I wanna be in your hospital! That sounds amazing!! You're a lucky lady!

I'm feeling so sorry for myself today, was just in Asda and my hip kept twinging and on two occasions completely gave way underneath me. I'm fed up of being in pain almost constantly, I'm scared to go out the flat on my own because I can't get Riley down the stairs on my own. No point to this really, not looking for any sympathy or anything, just needed to have a wee vent so I don't end up screaming. Just being a drama queem as per!

Aww Kumber sending you lots of squeezy hugs, this stage of pregnancy is just awful. I feel your pain :hugs::hugs::hugs:

Michelle x
Is anyone else getting hot flushes and dizzy spells?

Michelle x

Yes I am, I think it's just the weather... Too warm! If I sit with some food and a pint of squash it usually sorts me out.
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I don't remember getting hot flushes when I was pregnant before. The weather is horrible here been cold and raining all day so it has to be pregnancy related. I really don't have any control over anything my body is doing just now. I am so fed up. Is it wrong to just want this baby out now. I am so so so fed up!!!

Michelle x
Definitely not wrong to feel like that Michelle. I'm the same, I've loved having the privilege of being pregnant but I'm so over this pregnancy business. When is your next mw appt hun? Might be worth getting BP checked?

I don't see a midwife until the 14th July when I will be 34 weeks. I am also seeing the Consultant then when we should get a date for our elective section. I have never felt so tired, uncomfortable and fed up. I should be enjoying this stage of pregnancy as we are not planning on having anymore children but omg I just want my little girl here now.

Michelle x
So thats my carpet down and got a suticase for me and babies stuff. ....Exciting xxx my ankles and feet are so swollen its disgusting lol anyone else the same xx
I don't see a midwife until the 14th July when I will be 34 weeks. I am also seeing the Consultant then when we should get a date for our elective section. I have never felt so tired, uncomfortable and fed up. I should be enjoying this stage of pregnancy as we are not planning on having anymore children but omg I just want my little girl here now.

Michelle x

Big hugs Michelle, you're having a tough time of it :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

So thats my carpet down and got a suticase for me and babies stuff. ....Exciting xxx my ankles and feet are so swollen its disgusting lol anyone else the same xx

I've so far avoided swollen ankles but I don't think it'll be long before they arrive!

Hugs michelle, its the tiring stage now isn 't it. Hope you get your date soon to look forward too x

Natalie, i'm actually lucky in that's not one of my sideeffects of pregnancy, pop those feet up in a bubble bath xx

What do I do if I'm struggling to cope, prob these awful hormones
I think i should class myself as depressed, all I do is shout, get stressed and im swinging from normal to low just like that....
I am happy , this is an exciting time, i just seem to have a grey cloud over things and I just moan all day, and can't motivate myself :( anyone else had this?
Hi ladies, I hope you're all well.

So unlike me to be quiet, I just haven't been with it at all this week. A little update, my bile acids have increased again. I begged the midwives to get him out of me today but they said they want to get me to 36 weeks at least. 2 more weeks. I'm struggling with not sleeping and the ridiculous itching. The days are dragging, I feel like all I do is cry. This is the time we should be able to relax and sleep but I'm getting between 2-4 hours per night, I feel like a crazy person. I've been contracting every 10 minutes, all day. Midwife said to come straight in if the come closer together, if I lose any water or plug, but nothing has progressed. Stressed is an understatement xx
Had to get up at half 12 lastnight and run my feet under cold water last night lol x
Sorry to hear some of you are having a tough time :( xx
Aww ladies sorry to hear some are having a rough time!!!!
We had a scan yesterday to make sure baby is growing! It's amazing to see how big baby has got! On the plotting graph it looks like baby is weighing 4lb 4oz atm. The Dr that baby is a little below average but still growing a lot better than the little man did!
I've been referred to the Physio for my pelvis! Has anyone else been having trouble with theirs?
Aw ladies I'm sorry to hear everyone is having a hard time, hope today is a little better for you all x
It's a bit of a rough old time in August mummies recently :( big huhs all round ladies, I know I wanna punch people that say this but we are on the home straight. We can totally do this!

Tmum, yes I'm having problems with mine, I start physio next Tuesday. I rolled over last night to get out of bed and my pubic bone clunked, it felt like it moved about an inch! So gross!

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