X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

I had my 34 appointment yesterday. Apparently the baby is head down, back on my right hand side and all its bits to the left xx
At my app n tuesday midwife says baby was head down when she felt my stomach xx
Jj mum how exciting, we are all in the last 9/10 weeks! Yeay!

I Only know baby's position because she's not moved since 16 weeks, head under my rib and feet down low kicking, confirmed at my 31 week appt too.

I would feel her turn and still get jabs low down .. Can u tell where your baby's kicks are? Xx
Eeeep I can't believe we're all in the last stages! The June mummies are almost done, the July mummies must be popping all over the show by now! Maddenss!

I was told his position at 30 week appt and been feeling my tummy multiple times a day to figure out where he is. He still hasn't moved so I'm focusing on the chances being tnwt he won't move so that if he doesn't, I'm in a positive mind frame about an elective. Determined not to feel disappointed no matter what way he comes out as long as he gets out! Got 33 week appt next weekl she's going through my birth plan then which is exciting!

For those of you with toddlers amd upwards, have any of you used an anywayup cup or a doidy cup? I saw them online last night and thought they looked great but wanted to get reviews from people I trust.

Hey lovely ladies well miss Amy is lying transverse at the mo she was in that position yesterday at her fetal medicine scan. And I am proud to say my baby girls heart is healthy and nothing could be seen on the scan so I can now finally enjoy the rest of my pregnancy :)
Brilliant news dolly, what a relief! Did you ever put that complaint in in the end?

Oh yes kumber I did cause It wasn't fair wat they did xx
Good for you! It was disgraceful the way you were treated!

We use doidy cups at work Kumber. I think they're great so will buy one for my little one.

Lovely news Dolly!
What age of children do you work with Lolie? Do you find they take to them easily?

They usually start on the doidy cups at around 6 months ish. They seem to pick it up pretty quickly and there is definitely less spillage!
I might move him straight onto one then, he's forever flinging his sippy cup around and covering himself in water. Drives me bonkers, he ends up absolutely drenched!

Great news Dolly :) So pleased that everything is ok!

My baba was breech at 30 weeks, I think he may be transverse now though. Have my 35 week scan next Wednesday so I will then know for sure.

Also does anyone have the burning / tickling sensation I mentioned earlier? Sorry to go on but it is really uncomfortable at times!
I have a tickling sensation but it doesn't have a burny sensation with it

I wouldn't say it's uncomfortable, but it's not comfortable either. It's more just weird. Like his toes are wiggling on my bladder. Sometimes I will get a foot in the bladder though and that hurts but I wouldn't say tne tickling feeling is on the same level. It could be uncomfortable due to a possible urine infection maybe?

Hey everyone! Soooo sorry it's taken me forever to reply on here...

Lulu, I am so sorry to read you are having such a hard time but so glad bubba gets to stay in there longer. Really thinking of you :(

My contractions have stopped & I got home safe but missing the hubby loads :( it's hard being away from him at such an exciting time but oh well. I registered with the midwife who is absolutely lovely. I am measuring a week & 3 days ahead. She sent me to hospital for a scan and for a general check up after my 29 week contractions drama. So waiting for my appointment and secretly happy I get another scan as even though I have all my old scans the nhs like to have their own and I am not complaining. I see midwife again in two weeks unless my bloods come back abnormal then I will go in earlier.

Was wondering how many rompers And vests a new baby needs in 0-3? Mum told me at least six ideally more but wanted other opinions.
I wouldn't say it's uncomfortable, but it's not comfortable either. It's more just weird. Like his toes are wiggling on my bladder. Sometimes I will get a foot in the bladder though and that hurts but I wouldn't say tne tickling feeling is on the same level. It could be uncomfortable due to a possible urine infection maybe?

No Kumber I have had urine checked at every appointment and it has always been clear. Unusual I know. Its probably nothing but I just wanted to see if anyone else had experienced it lol... Thanks x

Also this is much lower down than bladder. Literally feels like the inside of my lady bits lol
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Mysticteen glad you're doing ok!!
Dolly that's great news!! Glad you put in a complaint also!
Bubbles, I don't have that feeling! I have a feeling a May have thrush or a urine infection! At the hospital now for growth scan so we'll see what the urine sample says. I'm so uncomfortable though!
Sitting in the waiting room and there's a girl asking that if she wants a side room and wants to stay longer can she pay?! Sounds like she's booking a hotel for a holiday tehe!!
Wee man and I had the dentist this morning! A check up and clean and polish, absolute agony!!
Bubbles, I feel like I get a foot in my bladder and bits sometimes which is uncomfortable and nearly makes me wee, but nothing that burns.

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