X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Haha bubbles what a good idea, I was thinking this! We all need some positive thinking!

Ok so my 3...
1. Only 4 weeks till I finish work (yippe)
2. It's my birthday soon so have lots planned with friends and family
3. Got NCT course each week which is lovely to meet other people
And a cheeky 4.... Got growth scan on Friday so get to see our boy again :D xxxx

(Oh and the sun is not shining here! Boo). Xxxx
Aw xjdx I have a Malshi (shin tzu x Maltese). I love it when they are freshly cut and groomed! Xxx
I love this idea. Definitely need some positive thoughts.

1. I finish work In 24 days
2. We will find out the date for our section 3 weeks today.
3. I get paid tomorrow so going to treat myself to a trip to the hairdressers and buy myself something nice.

Michelle X
Aw xjdx I have a Malshi (shin tzu x Maltese). I love it when they are freshly cut and groomed! Xxx

Aaww, I really want another shih tzu, everywhere I go their in twos. But my husband won't let me yet :( I'm dreading Ralph's (dog) jealously of this baby because I treat him like one xx
Love these positives!

1) I've got my cousin amd her family coming round for a naughty takeaway tonight, her kids are the same age as Riley so they all love to play together
2) My cats are finally starting to settle down and get back to their old selves.
3) It's less than 2 months til my tiny squishy one arrives and I can't bloomin' wait!

Aaww, I really want another shih tzu, everywhere I go their in twos. But my husband won't let me yet :( I'm dreading Ralph's (dog) jealously of this baby because I treat him like one xx

I have 2 dogs the other is a cockapoo. It is nice to have 2 but twice the work sometimes! :) we treat ours like babies too though haha. I'm sure they will all be fine! Xxx
Positives for me -

1. got stuff for me for my hospital bag.
2. 4 weeks left of work
3. 7 weeks and my baby could be here.
4. Heard a good strong heartbeat from baby today at midwife app.
5. My carpets go down Thursday so can finally finish baby room and get it in order.
See positivity :) :)

Some lovely things happening in all our lives, kids, maternity leave, takeaways, pets. See we might be huge, hot, knackered and hormonal but we can still see the good things... Please remind me of this post late August when baba is crying, I'm crying and think I am the worst person on the plant ha ha ha!!!
Hey ladies!
How are we all!
Feel like I haven't been on in ages!! Have I missed anything?
We had my uncles wedding in South End over the weekend!! We had the most amazing weekend and our lb was fantastic! We got so many compliments on how he was a credit to us which was really lovely!
I'm hoping the pic will have attached lol xx


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Aww what a lovely photo!!

Hope everyone's ok, trying to catch up so sorry if I've missed a lot!!!

Feeling so uncomfortable today , lucky it's only just starting at 32 weeks I know but struggling! Breech baby is really hurting me now xxx could cry x
Your picture is gorgeous Tmum and your dress is fab xx
Tmum such a lovely picture! Dress is really nice too, I wore one similar recently to an event I went to.
Well only 2 days til growth scan and consultant appt!! Does anyone know what they actually do at this scan? Is it just measurements again etc to check he's all ok? Xxx
I have growth scans and they just check baby's measurements, the placenta and the amount of fluid on mine. It's lovely seeing baby regularly :)
Thanks lollie... Yea I can't wait to see him again! I think everything will be fine so just looking forward to seeing him more than anything xxx
Baby was transverse at our last scan so all we could see was their bottom so didn't get another pic. Baby is now breech so we probably won't see much next week either!
TMum, looking fab :)

Ladies does anyone else get a wierd tickling/ burning sensation now and again inside your lady bits? It kinda feels like baby is tickling me from the inside. It is sore and uncomfortable but only lasts a couple of seconds.
Hello ladies- how does everyone know what way their babies are lying? I just don't know ! Don 't even remember from 20 week scan- i was so busy taking it all in :) only been felt on a table once by a consultant, maybee she wrote it in my notes in code ha

Tmum lovely dress and family piccy, so nice when lo's behave when it counts too

Ive turned 30 weeks so that's all of us in last 9/10 weeks now :)
Ive only got 4 appointments left :) 34 week scan at a fetal anemia scanning clinic ( only because of antibodies to check baby). Then consultant at 37 , preop chks at 38 and section at 39 plus 1

It's flying too fast, and my house etc is not ready, got too many jobs to do first. !!!
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JJ mum, we know baby's position from the 28 week scan and then mw appt last week.

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