X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Hope all you yummy August mums are doing better today- can't believe it's July next week.. The end is almost in sight ladies!
so the weatehr forecast for next week is literally...late 20's.

im taking emergancy unpaid annual leave for a day next week t spend it by the outside swimming pool and splash pad by us with hubby and our son ( and some friends )

im going to sit in the pool like a beached whale all day!

so far no swelling- 31 weeks nearly and still have my wedding rings on! hurray!
Kumber it's awful. That clunk sounds painful!! I have had an underlying pain for a few weeks but I think the walking in South End last weekend and 2 events in work this week has caused it to flair. I wake every time I move in bed and I'm walking around like a gorilla. Hubby and I are laughing about it but really I'm getting annoyed because I'm finding it hard to do things grrrr! Little man's birthday party tomorrow but thankfully I've lots of help with it!
Hi ladies!

So I've had an eventful night and day, contractions all last night... Stopped. Then started again this morning! Had to go to maternity assessment where they monitored me , every ten minutes showing up. Had an exam and cervix dilated just 1cm.

Luckily they have stopped again!! Little miss still breech so at the moment they've said low risk of her coming any time soon, but to just monitor.. They think she will come early , but with her being breech hope she will put no pressure on cervix now and just stay put as long as possible!!

Really brought it home for us!! Our babies will be here so soon!!

Hope everyone else is ok n we start all getting an easier ride July xxx
Omg Jess that is an eventful day. Fx your little lady gets the memo and stays put for a few more weeks.

Surely July will be nice, quiet and relaxed for us all

Michelle x
Well once all the chaos settled down n contractions stopped they weren't concerned at all... They said could be a sign she's on her way, or you could have this now until the end at a slow rate! Which is interesting! Can't fault hospital tho they were brilliant, just one month left at work so I hope as u say Michelle July will be nice and quiet ha x
Works shuts tomorrow :(
Which means it's my last day at work :) 5 weeks on holiday until my due date week, who hoo!!
No work until next May xx
Works shuts tomorrow :(
Which means it's my last day at work :) 5 weeks on holiday until my due date week, who hoo!!
No work until next May xx

Enjoy your holiday huni, have you got anything nice planned to pass the weeks before bubba arrives?

Michelle x
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:whistle:Thanks Hun, we are half way through redecorating the front room. I've just picked our bedroom wallpaper. So I've got plenty of plans for my husband :whistle: xx
Sounds like your hubby is going to be very busy!!! That will certainly pass the weeks before baby arrives.

Michelle x
God Jess I'm sure it was scary!
Jd it'll be an emotional one I'm sure!! Xx
I will be a mess tomorrow. Fingers crossed we all manage to stay in touch as planned xx
All good here having fun watching little miss trying to kick the kindle off my bump lol all while I try to spend money lol :lol:

Hope everyone else is well xx
Same here Dolly but with my tablet rather than a kindle! A real little dancer we have!
I love watching baby wriggle inside, going to miss that when they are on the outside, although I still have no idea which way they are lying as I get kicks all over my belly

Michelle x
At the 28 week scan we were told baby was transverse, the mw last week said baby was breech (not sure of the difference) so I'm getting movement and wriggles right across my tummy! I have a scan next week so will see where baby is lying now though I don't think they have moved position.
At my 28 week appointment baby was transverse too (lying across the way) but during the day I am getting kicks in my lady bits and at night I feel movement above both hips it's very strange. Very rarely feel anything above my belly button

Michelle x
Evening ladies, hope you are all enjoying a relaxing Saturday night. Had a nice wee day with hubby and now getting ready for bed, we are so rock and roll these days lol!

I have no idea where baby is lying either. At 30 weeks he was breech. I get kicks all over the place, usually above left hip bone, some just above belly button and some under my ribs. Although I'm near sure it's a head or bum under my ribs as its a big ball lol. I'll find out Wednesday at my 35 week scan, can't wait to see buba again :)

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