X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Apart for us all feeling shattered after getting a rubbish nights sleep how is everyone doing? Can't believe we are nearly at their end of June. The days and weeks are just passing insanely fast.

Michelle X
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Morning ladies :wave: I feel pants this morning, I am officially the mummy of a toddler :( Riley's birthday and party were yesterday, I stressed myself out so much and was running around everywhere, an hour into the party and my hips felt like they'd snapped! I was in so much pain, it'll teach me for being such a stresshead! Start physio next week though so hopefully that'll help. It's crazy how the weeks are flying now, August babies will start arriving in the next few weeks! Eeek!

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Morning ladies sorry to hear that u aren't sleeping so well.

I am up a few times a night now but I am so glad to be on holidays so it means I can nap if I need it.

Oh and if anyone wants to use mam dummies tesco are doing them for less than £4 in a sterilising box xx
Thanks for that dolly, I'm gonna grab those as I need a dummy case thingy haha.

Sorry I've been quiet ladies, had a stressful weekend. I hope you're all ok? I had terrible Braxton hicks all day yesterday :( xx
Morning ladies. I can't believe how time is flying, 44 days until my due date... Crazy!!!

One and a half weeks until I'm off work, woo hoo!

Two random questions. If I intend to BF should I bother with buying dummies? I read somewhere that I shouldn't introduce them for a few weeks but think they could be a lifesaver or should I say boobsaver at times lol.

Also if I should buy dummies what brand is everyone going for? Cheers x
Yes, you can still use dummies when bfing. I'm a firm believer in introducing things as early as possible to get them used to it immediately. We did so with riley and no nipple confusion :) we use Tommee Tippee orthodontic ones, we tried the cherry ones but he refused point blank.

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I intend to breastfeed and was very anti dummies but I have been advised to buy a two packet and keep them in the cupboard just in case. We have the tommee tipped closer to nature ones I think (haven't looked at them since we got them!)

I'm another one who is awake between 3-4 every morning. I'm on mat leave now though so luckily I can go back to bed for a nap when needed.
I intend to bf as well but my sister advised me to get a couple of dummies just encase and she recommended the mam ones xx
Was just at my first parent craft class. Was not bad done am hour talking about start of labour and then an hour with the physio. Feeling tired tpday as not sleeping well but heading to work so need to perk myself up lol x
I have my whooping cough jab in a bit, hope it doesn't hurt too much!
Good luck with it Lolie :)

I've just had to speak to the community mws as I had what I'm fairly sure was a show this morning and loads of quite painful braxton hicks. Apparently it's normal for second babies and onwards to lose some or all of your plug at this stage, so a heads up for stms onwards who didn't know!

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Omg omg omg as some of you know we have major issues with the house that we are in at the mo with damp etc but we received a housing offer woohoo :dance:
Argh, I've cancelled my jab appt, I just didn't feel ready! I know I must have it but my head and heart are conflicting! The ladies who have already had it, did you suffer any side affects? Did it affect your baby's movements?
Hi lollie... I had mine at 28 weeks and the only things that happened was a slightly sore arm for a couple of days. Baby was totally unaffected and even if it makes you feel a bit groggy (which it can), in my opinion it's better than bubba potentially getting whooping cough.... X
Thanks ml600. I'm very pro vaccine (usually) but I just can't come to a decision. I know its for the best and the consequences are awful if I don't have it... My head is in a right mess.
Omg omg omg as some of you know we have major issues with the house that we are in at the mo with damp etc but we received a housing offer woohoo :dance:

Amazing news, hope it's nice xx
Hi ladies thanks for the advice about dummies. They are now on my list :) think o might go for the mam ones as I like the look of their bottles :)

lollie had mine about 4 weeks ago and completely forgot about it as soon as I left gp. No side affects, no pain, nothing. Although everyone is different. Good luck for next time getting it though.

Dollie great news about the house, delighted for you. I'm sure that's a big weight lifted from your shoulders :)

Kumber hope everything is ok. Supposedly the plug can repair itself every 24/48 hours so hopefully bubs hangs on for another couple of weeks.
Good luck with the house dolly. Kumber I lost my plug at 25 weeks, and it was a lot but they don't seem concerned now as I haven't laboured, so hopefully all is well and baby stays put abit longer. But yes I agree that time is flying , love looking at the 'days' left till due date. I remember when it was over 100! June is almost over I think once were in July it'll really kick in for us! Eeeek. :) weathers not great at the moment, but I've found my feet are still really hot and swollen no matter what I do! It's horrible! Also, I spent yesterday feeling really off, barely ate, and then pretty much spent all night in tears -at really petty stuff and couldn't seem to snap out of it. So woke up so tired this morning. :/ anyone else had a hormonal spurt like this? :( xx
Well went for a look at it from the outside and it's a straight out no as its a first floor flat and with my heart and the baby and the dog it's just not an option :( xx
Ohh no dolly, how crap!

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