X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Aw that's rubbish dolly... Hate the way they got your hopes up :-(
Oh no sorry to hear that dolly, hope something great comes up very soon!

With the whooping jab I had a sore arm after for a few days but I didn't feel unwell and baby was fine. It's a personal choice so just gather as much info as you can and make your own choice. Not everyone has it, do what you feel is right.

We had some good news last week- we applied for permission to build an extension on our house and it just got approved. Contacted the builder straight away and he can't start for a month.. Which means we will be a month into building a two storey extension when the baby is due. We don't want to put it off as this time of year is good for building with the better weather but I am worried about coping with the baby, noise and mess in the daytimes... I can go to stay with family but would rather be at home! Pointless ramble really!
That's rubbish Dolly so sorry xx
Thanks girls they can't even say it was a reasonable offer cause it's not any they know that. Like my heart was the reason I had to move out of my last flat cause it was first floor and bringing shopping and taking bins out was causing me to have palpitations every day thankfully I have consultant letters to back wat I am saying. Just feel deflated after it xx
Oh sorry Dolly, what a silly one to offer you! Hope they find you something much more suitable soon xx
Hopefully by refusing it and the letters you have. Might make them consider a serious house for you xx
Oh no sorry to hear that dolly, hope something great comes up very soon!

With the whooping jab I had a sore arm after for a few days but I didn't feel unwell and baby was fine. It's a personal choice so just gather as much info as you can and make your own choice. Not everyone has it, do what you feel is right.

We had some good news last week- we applied for permission to build an extension on our house and it just got approved. Contacted the builder straight away and he can't start for a month.. Which means we will be a month into building a two storey extension when the baby is due. We don't want to put it off as this time of year is good for building with the better weather but I am worried about coping with the baby, noise and mess in the daytimes... I can go to stay with family but would rather be at home! Pointless ramble really!

SP, you're crazy! Best of luck with it, extensions are always stressful but totally worth it!

Having a bit of an emotional day today. I am just so exhausted, uncomfortable and extremely fed up. I can't remember to the last time I had a decent nights sleep.
Between working, looking after my little boy and being pregnant it's just all getting too much.
I love my little boy more than anything but god he is so tiring. He is on the go all day and I never get anytime to myself just to eat a proper meal or relax. My husband works night shifts so when he's not working he's sleeping. Along with that and living with my elderly father in law It's just getting too much. I just want to cry!!!
So pretty pointless post.

Michelle X
Big hugs michelle, it does sound like you have an awful lot on your plate at the moment! Being pregnant is hard enough without all those extras to be dealing with. Are you able to take a day or afternoons holiday from work just to relax for a few hours?
Huge, huge hugs Michelle :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I'm finding it hard with my Riley too, I can't imagine the added pressure of your FIL and work too. Can you take maternity leave a bit earlier? In terms of food, can you cook something for breakfast the night before and warm it up in tne morning? Same with lunch? So you're getting a decent meal without the added hassle of trying to cook it when Riley's up and about?

Wish I could take time off work but we are so short staffed at work. I was meant to start my maternity leave last Friday but I have been asked to work until 17th July as there is just no staff to cover.
I know I am incredibly bless to have my little boy and be pregnant again but sometimes it would just be nice to have time to myself to eat in peace have a nice relaxing bath and most of all get a really good night's sleep.
I actually cried this morning when my little boy woke up at 6am.

Michelle X
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Sorry to hear that a lot of you are struggling :(

Dolly what a crap offer, I hope you get sorted soon hun.

I managed to get 2 hours sleep last night. Have had period pains all weekend, and still going on. Will mention it today at the hospital. Bloody itching is horrific, I'm honestly fed up now, I really just want him out xx
Aw Michelle, it really sounds like you are having a rough time. Have you any family members that could help you out? Give you an hour or two to yourself? Sleep deprivation is a form of torture, remember that this is short term. Yes this will be a very long few weeks but remember things will get better. Sending you big hugs xx
My family help out when they can but they work or in my brother and sisters case they have their own children. It's just the relentless running about picking up after everyone else here at home. The house is a constant mess, if I am not feeding, changing or running about after my little boy I am tiding up or looking after my father in law or the dogs. or working myself.
Sorry it's beginning to sound like a pity party. I know I shouldn't complain but I have no one else to vent these feelings too.

Michelle x
You don't sound like a pity party hun, you've got so much on your plate that you're absolutely entitled to a vent!

Don't say sorry Michelle. That is what we are all here for, to listen and advise. We all have our bad days and our moans. Try to take a step back right now and remember that the house and mess is not the most important thing right now, your health and baba's is. Leave the housework or do a 'lick and a promise' as my mum would say, it really is not your priority right now. Can you talk to your hubby to ask him to help out a little more?
Thanks ladies, it really helps to know that I can talk to you all. You are all so supportive it means the world to me.

As for speaking to my hubby I have tried, it just goes in one ear and out the other. Men, they just don't get it sometimes. I know he works hard and crazy hours and he needs sleep but he just doesn't understand how much is left for me to do when he isn't here.

Michelle x
Michelle sorry to hear you are struggling at the moment :( not long til 17th July now!
Dolly that's rubbish on the house too! I hope you get it sorted soon.

August mummies really seem to be struggling at the mo :( I hope things pick up soon for everyone! Xxxx
I just want a decent nights sleep... that's my main problem at the moment. I am wrecked during the day, completely unproductive in work and then I can't sleep at night due to heat / restless legs / wakening up for the toilet.... Errrr....

Ok positive thoughts... Right we all have to think of something nice or positive to cheer us up and spur us on.

I will go first, although I did struggle to try to be positive lol...

1. It is only 42 days (roughly) until I meet my baba.
2. I passed my assessment I did in work a few weeks ago.
3. The sun is shining here in Belfast
Great idea on the positives:

1) enjoyed the kids sports day at school today.
2) last day at work is Saturday,
3) my little shih tzu is due at the dog groomers tomorrow', so he will come back looking and smelling fab!

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