X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

seems abit excessive lol :lol:

i am - but only beaucase i put on 3 stone with my son last time around and it was only afterwards it showed ! trying to be good because i know how i felt afterwards :(
Kumber, gas men get all finished? Forgot to aske yesterday!!
MT I'm so sorry, thinking of you and your family!
Lulu I haven't! Yes I'm eating fruit and veg etc but I've never in my life eaten as much as what I have during this pregnancy! Biscuits and crisps would've been a treat on the shopping list before and now they seem to be an essential buy! It's awful lol!
Not been on for a couple of days just been so exhausted. Sorry to hear most of us August mummies are suffering. This weather really is begging to take its toll. Not sure how I will cope if/when it gets any hotter. I feel like a whale.

Got to get a heart scan on Tuesday due to my breathlessness/palpitations and dizzy spells. My heart monitor showed I have an extremely fast heart rate so been asked to have a heart scan just to check things further. Good job I work in cardiology so I can jump the queue and get the results there and then.

So sorry to hear about your sister in law mystic teen. It's just devastating news. Sending your family my love.

Michelle x
Yes, they've finisned in the flat now Tmum! Only got our gas back at 11:30 yesterday morning so were over 24 hours with no gas! Got some compensation for the inconvenience though which sweetened it a little.

Just back from mw, he is breech! I sat in the car and cried, mw said that turning at this stage of pg can cause some women to be physically sick and now I'm terrified!

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Aww Kumber sorry to hear your little one is breech.
My Riley was breech from very early on and refused to change. We ended up getting an elective section at 38 weeks. I found the whole section procedure a lovely relaxed experience so it's not all bad. I know the thought of going for a possible section isn't for everyone but for me I really enjoyed it. So much so we are opting for it again.

Michelle x
If he doesn't turn by 36 weeks, we will opt for a section too. In some ways it's the best option - we know when he will be here and can plan in advance for Riley, get everything ready at home, etc. It's just a bit of a shock, 3 weeks ago he was head down and starting to engage! It explains the ridiculous rib pain I've had for the last week or so though!

Kumber- is the midwife sure he is breech? 2 girls in June tread were told their babies were breech both were scanned and babies were head down and all fine!

Sorry mystic teen, sending strength to your family, my friend who gave birth at 26 weeks had to say goodbye to her little man yesterday at 3 weeks and 3 days old, kind of puts everything into perspective of how precious these babies we are carrying are!

so glad my appointment went well today and hearing babys happy healthy heartbeat brought tears to my eyes! Measuring at 30cm so continuing on a nice curve. My midwife didn't say anything about babys position though, so I guess it is ok, says in my notes that they feel position at 36 weeks so I just guessed it was possible for them to be free and change position between now and then. Next appt in 3 weeks when she said we will do my birth plan so have to read up on options and pain relief! Xx
Yep, she said she was sure. She felt his head which he then promptly moved to the other side of the bump. Been having horrible pains in my right ribs which was where his head was when she first felt him. Me and hubs just had a prod too and felt what felt like a head and shoulder! :shock:

Glad your appt went well chuck :)

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Our little one is transverse with head on my right, bottom on my left and legs are down :)
Do you have a sausage shaped bump Lolie? I've always wondered

Nope, just an ordinary massive beach ball sized bump! :) When baby moves/kicks both sides of my tummy move though, I love watching it!
Gosh - what a lot of updates!

Mystic tean i'm so sorry for your family loss xx and kimmyrj for you freinds loss xx

Michelle - good luck for heart scan thingy- great you will get results quickly
Kumber - sorry your babies breach - plenty of time yet xx
Lulu - sorry your oc results went a little up, do you have to go in every other day!? Crikey !!
Tmum - wow that was quite some sleep!! I fall asleep early after bedrun and washing up but wake and then can't sleep fora few hours and when I do my naughty lo gets me up at 4 am ! Just not funny, it's been about 4-6 week I think now!

Lulu - 4 bowls of cereal!!! Gulps...
Dolly - great you don't have GD x

I actually have no idea which end is up in my baby ha - consultant on friday so maybee they will have a feel? Really looking forward to it now, as i will have paid the train ticket anyway ill stop off in the shops at another stop on way back and visit primark for bras and nightie!!
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I go in Tuesdays and Thursdays JJ. I'm supposed to go in if the itching worsens too. He's definitely had a spurt and because I'm still so tiny, I'm in so much pain. I can tell the weeks are going to drag now haha. Oh don't. I had gammon in orange and mango sauce, veg and new potatoes, I was starving after that so had 2 apples and some strawberries and I'm STILL hungry so gonna have tea and biscuits. I say I'll have a couple but I'm lying, I'll eat the whole pack xx
Hi girls.

Been so busy with work not been on much. 2 weeks left of work before I stop for maternity. Looking forward to it. Pregnancy is flying in, and can't believe I'm into single figure weeks :-o.

Been keeping well, getting uncomfortable at nights though, and for some reason keep going over on my ankle. Fell yesterday and skint my knee whilst still holding onto pram. Lol

K x
I think this little one is trying to stop me sleeping already!! The night before last I was up feeling sick and with s bad back. Last night I had some spotting... I haven't had any bleeding at all this pregnancy so scared me! Was bright red but not much and no pain. It's pretty much stopped now, only there when I go to the loo. Anyone else had this? I'm not concerned as everything I looked at says if it's not soaking a pad or painful it's ok.... X
Michelle, hope everything goes ok on Tues for you!!

Kumber glad they've finished up with the house! Not so good about baby being breech, little rascal! I had a look at spinning babies. I was also told if I washed my floor on my hands and knees it was good for it!!

JJ hope tomorrow goes well!!!!

LOL Lulu we went out for lunch yesterday in work and the portions were tiny, the girls were asking me if I had a lunch back in the office or I'd be starving, clearly my over indulging is noticeable LOL!!!

Mumsto2bubs, hope you're ok!!!! Sounds sore!!

ML I haven't experienced this, hope you're ok and if you're in any doubt give your midwife a wee ring!

Tried to ring our nurse in work to get BP check, I have spots in front of my eyes and it's the one thing my mum asked me about the other day. Don't want to say to anyone here or they'll all panic but just want it checked now eeekkkk! This weather seems to have a lot to answer for lol!!
Mum2bubs, I wondered where you'd gone! Glad you're all ok, bet you're looking forward to mat leave!

ml, boooo for bleeding! The only thing I can think of is that it's your cervix or top of your vagina bleeding from a small infection?

I just rang the midwife and as I have a low placenta they are a bit worried. They said if it's just when I wipe it's ok, but if I get any on a pad to go to the hospital... Silly placenta! X
Ohh my, we're all go today! Hope you're both ok girls


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