Michelle, hope everything goes ok on Tues for you!!
Kumber glad they've finished up with the house! Not so good about baby being breech, little rascal! I had a look at spinning babies. I was also told if I washed my floor on my hands and knees it was good for it!!
JJ hope tomorrow goes well!!!!
LOL Lulu we went out for lunch yesterday in work and the portions were tiny, the girls were asking me if I had a lunch back in the office or I'd be starving, clearly my over indulging is noticeable LOL!!!
Mumsto2bubs, hope you're ok!!!! Sounds sore!!
ML I haven't experienced this, hope you're ok and if you're in any doubt give your midwife a wee ring!
Tried to ring our nurse in work to get BP check, I have spots in front of my eyes and it's the one thing my mum asked me about the other day. Don't want to say to anyone here or they'll all panic but just want it checked now eeekkkk! This weather seems to have a lot to answer for lol!!