X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

LOL Kumber, I have calmed down now and feel silly for crying over it but I'm still a bit annoyed. Haven't plucked up the courage to ring the school yet in the fear I'll cry again!
The joys of pregnancy hahahaha!
BP checked and all good so the swelling seems to be down to the weather thankfully!
My lovely lb told me this morning that my flowery dress looked like a tent, a flowery tent, then continued to ask, is that not nice haha!!!
Ooohhh Kumber what are you getting done? Love getting my hair done tehe!! Got my nails done last week as a wee pick me up, they usually last me 4 weeks but they are growing so fast I might have to et them done next week before we go to the wedding lol!!
Thank goodness the swelling was down to the weather! It's far too stuffy. Your lb sounds like a scream, kids say the funniest things! How is he doing wuth school now, I remember you saying there was some sort if problem? Beyond the t-sh8rt debacle obvs :lol:

Just getting a trim but need to do something wih my fringe.

He really is bless him, I wish I'd written down all the things he has said, he'd be famous lol! My mum is taking him to school now so the morning tears are a thing of the past thankfully and his incident of cutting his hair and another little boys hair the other week is all in the past too thankfully! Don't know what got into him but I think after his telling off and a few beloved things banned for a couple of days he has seen that that behaviour is not the way forward! Little boys eh lol?!
Hehe still haven't had the courage to ring the school! Think it will have to wait until Monday lol! My crying has really drained me, how sad is that lol?!

Are you wanting something different with your fringe?
Ohh bless you, that's hilarious! You sound absolutely traumatised, keep your chin up! Glad he's back to normal, sometimes just a stern talking to is all it takes isn't it!

Want to keep it the same style - side swept - but I'm just not sure what style. Less than 3 hours to decide, pressure is on!

Hope all you ladies are well! Had a giggle over the rabbit part! Oh no mum hope the tshirt issue is sorted ! These hormones of ours! Kumber hope hair appt went well!
I feel ever so silly! Went to the hospital yesterday, I've been in agony with lots of sharp pains and pressure and cramps in lower back etc, and also all this leaking was a concern. I was checked over baby was going wild on the monitor they had to keep me on it until he calmed down! Also registered a few minor contractions which had no rhythm and we're just braxton hicks. I was so sure my body was starting! Had swabs done and told im not leaking amniotic fluid and that its just discharge, no sign of infection either. So it's good news. But now i feel silly for not knowing! They were lovely though and said even if I think that things are 'just because its my 4th' , always come in and be checked. I know if i was full term I wouldnt have bothered them and just waited it out. Was only because I am 30 weeks I thought I best get checked. I'm now so embarrassed that I can be so 'wet' down there and it not be my waters!! :/ the midwife I saw first said baby's head has started to engage, would explain the recent pains in lower back and pelvis. But didn't have any concerns about it meaning labout would be soon, It will be because he can still Bob in and out and be free because he's not my first. Maybe at my midwife Tuesday she'll say more! :) not worried about that though just means I'm even more uncomfortable! Haha.
Anyway ladies, I've reached the final 10week countdown and feeling so excited now. June will soon be over and we will see July and some August babies :) !!! X x
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Very sorry for the long post! Oh and I will add as much as I love this sunshine :) I dislike it at work!! :/ haha xx
Oh you're not silly at all Sugar. My discharge has increased a hell of a lot, there's literally so much of it sometimes. I can sympathise with your back pain too.

So crazy to think our babies are going to be here soon. I see my consultant on the 30th, that's when I find out my definite induction date. So anxious. I wonder if anyone will go before me xx
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Thanks , Its just more pregnancy delights!! :) I know its always best to be checked, and they have never made me feel like in wasting time! So that's good. Can't believe how far down his head is, think he's abit keen! Haha.
Oooo exciting Lulu, wonder what date it is! Bet I'm still working when you have your baby! I guess any of the early August mummies could likely be July so it's an exciting time coming up! Still feels like we have loads of time, but we really dont! I see midwife Tuesday, and then consultant on July 9th.. More bloods , keeping an eye on my levels as labour approaches :) X x
It's so good that you've made you feel like you can go to them with all your concerns. I know some people really aren't happy with their hospitals/midwives. Mine are fab too.
I keep making the midwife check he's still head down and when she checked yesterday he was so low, I nearly pee'd myself when she checked.
Ugh I've got bloods again Tuesday. Sick of being jabbed now. I look like I've been beaten up I have so many bruises xx
Yea I have bloods done a lot too because off my previous blood history! i don't usually bruise, do you bruise easily? Or are they just being too rough!!:/ haha if your baby is in prime position maybe induction won't take too long for you! Eek could be 5 weeks wow Lulu these weeks are starting to fly I think. I've always found that 30 - 37 weeks it tends to go quickly then it starts to drag.. But you won't have that! It's so exciting! I wouldn't mind baby coming at 38weeks to be honest! I'm due the day after my sons birthday so would be nice to have baby already here and settled! Xx
That's great everything's ok Sugar! Never feel silly about going in, always better to be safe than sorry.

Just catching up on today's posts. I've missed so much. So glad everything is okay Sugar. As everyone else has said best to get these things checked out. Can't be too careful.

Can I ask does everyone else feel like their little ones are constantly moving and kicking. I feel like I am being battered on their inside. Baby hadn't stopped moving all day. It's insane.

Michelle X
Funnily enough I've only started bruising the past couple of weeks. Now they take my blood so often, my veins seem to hide and they find it so hard to get blood. Getting it taken from my hands now.
Flying isn't it? I've literally only a few things to get and they aren't necessities so I guess I can say I'm ready for his arrival.
That would be lovely if he made an early appearance. Better get jiggy with your oh nearer the time. 5 times a day I'm recommending haha xx
I'm with you there Michelle, he doesn't stop. If he's not moving, he has the hiccups. I don't get a minutes peace haha. Might as well wave goodbye to my peace and quiet as of now xx
I have absolutely no idea which way this baby is lying as I am feeling kicks and movements all over my belly. When they move my whole belly shakes it's their weirdest feeling. I love it just wish they would take it easy on me every now and then.

Michelle X
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Woah woah woah.....

Just had my weekly pregnancy update email, 32 weeks and baby is at his maximum length??? No way. So from now he's just gaining fat? So crazy xx
I feel your pain Michelle, literally! I've get a head shoving into my ribs and it's soooooo painful!

Hi ladies!

Just popping in for a quick hello! Hope everyone is doing ok. Sugar glad to hear all is ok!

I wonder how my baby is lying too as I feel tiny limbs/feet/elbows against my belly all the time, I can almost feel them rubbing against eachother, I wish I had a window to have a look ha ha he literally doesn't stop moving!

I've my 30 week appt on Monday so hoping the mw can tell me how he's lying.

Anyone even getting leg cramps? I've been getting them so badly in my left leg mainly at night and the pain wakes me up screaming, its awful :(

Just think in 7ish weeks some of our babies will be here, scary!!!!!!!!!
Yes I get leg cramps/restless legs at night when I am trying to sleep. It's driving me nuts. How do you get rid of them?

Michelle X
Glad it's not just me Michelle! I've no idea how your meant to stop them, I just normally wait it out and grit my teeth :(

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