X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

My little girl was 9lb 6.5 oz, so as this one is off the charts. I'm expecting it to be 10lb plus xx
Hello ladies... Sugar and lulu I'm glad things went ok at the hospital for both of you. Good luck on your results today lulu. It's fun guessing the weights!! I'm hoping for a little one! I think 6-7lb would be great as neither me or my OH are huge!

I am feeling awful tonight! Hence the 4am message! Serious backache, Brixton hicks all night and I just threw up in my mouth and had to run to spit it out... Ugh! I just want to sleep now x
ML600 - Hope you feel better later today, will you be able to nap before bedtime tonight?

Good luck for oc blood results today lulu - must feel odd spending so much time at hosp during pregnancy, ive only been for my scans and one paperwork consult yet and that wasn't even in the hosp last time!
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Oh no ml, sounds awful. You feeling any better this morning?

It's a pain in the arse being there so much JJ, but I shouldn't complain because they're doing a fantastic job of looking after both of us. I'm just about to ring and get the results so I shall let you know.

The weather is absolutely beautiful in London today, not a single cloud in the sky xx
Bile acids have increased by 3. Nothing drastic but I'm p*ssed off they're increasing when I'm on a higher dose of medication. Midwife said not to worry and just come in tomorrow as normal xx
JJ you have been busy!!
Ml sounds awful and hope you're feeling better now!
Aww Lulu what a nightmare!! Hopefully tomorrow they'll be down again. How are you feeling? Has the itching got any worse or better?

I fell asleep last night at 7.30! With my swollen hands and feet and sore head I read my lb his bedtime story in my bed and hubby got him sorted...and I fell asleep. Hubby said he came up a couple of times and didn't know whether to wake me or not so he just woke me at 10.50 when he was coming to bed to see if I wanted anything brought up. I got a drink and went back to sleep until 5.30 this morning and up from 6.
Haven't put my rings on and I'm in a maxi dress and flip flops. I've brought wider flip flops with me also as I could feel the nice pretty ones being a little tighter than normal when I put them on yesterday lol!

I have a foot spa at home and was going to use it but then sis in law and I were talking last night and as soon as she said I remembered reading that it's not advised to use one during pregnancy. Does anyone know if this is still the case?

Thanks xx
Not feeling too bad Tmum. Itching has been very bad since Friday, hasn't increased. I'm sure the heat doesn't help. I just want him out so it goes away but as the midwives keep saying, it's still too early, so the days are literally dragging now.

You got a good sleep in. Not so good about the swollen hands and feet. I've seen women in the nail shops having spa pedicures. I was even planning on treating myself to one before labour. I wouldn't take my word on it being safe though just because of that. I'll be intruiged to see if anyone has the answer xx
Glad you're feeling ok! Not so good about the itching but at least it hasn't got any worse!
Lol I did! I couldn't believe it and even though I was tired I didn't that bad last night haha!! Yes the swelling is a new experience for me! Didn't have it last time and I've never had it before in general. I thought the foot spa would've been lovely but after talking about it and remembering that I'd read it was a no I decided against it last night!!
I was looking into a pedicure once I finish work, thought it would be a lovely treat also!!! xx
We're all having a right old time of recently girls!

ml, I hope you're feeling better today. Sending big hugs!

Lulu, booooo for increased levels!

Tmum, swelling is horrid. I had awful swelling last time so am scrutinising my ankles daily, hoping I don't have the same amount as lost time. Really feel for you chuck! As for foot spa, I haven't heard of them being a no no. I know spas in general (mostly saunas and hot tubs) are a no cus they raise your temp and lower your bp. I can't imagine a foot spa would do quite the same thing but not 100% sure.

Mw forme today for 31 week appt. Gonna see if we can go through my birth plan but am expecting to get a patronising "we don't do that yet, you've plenty of time". Don't get me wrong, she's nice but can be very patronisng and a bit rude.

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I have my 31 week mw appointment today as well, and am exactly 31 weeks so in single figure count down 9 weeks till due date :)

Only a week and half left at work, it's all getting a bit close!

Hope everyone is feeling better today and it's a more positive day all round! Xx
Good morning ladies sorry that some of you are having such a rough time of it.

Well I got my results this morning and I don't have GD so baba is just taking after her daddy lol xx
Thank you ladies. Feeling a bit better today but my back still really aches, think it's from being so tense all night. I think we should start a petition for our babies to give us a nice, easy weekend! No drama, no peeing our pants, no itching, no headaches.... Just a weekend of feeling normal! What do we all think? Think they will agree?? X
they drilled into me i was having a 9+ baby as i measured massive above the line all the way with my son! he was only 7lb 14 - im measuring spot on this time around so hoping it stays like that and i have a little bundle :)

my friend who had a scan said her baby was 8lb and came out 6lb 5.

I honestly dont think they can guess in any accurate form these days.
sorry guys haven't been around.. My sister in law gave birth via c section and her little boy passed away 12 hours later. It has been very emotional. the family just got back from the funeral that I had to miss due to being on strict bed rest. x
That's really interesting mummybexee. Saying that my mum was expecting a tiny baby when she had my brother, her bump was tiny, she'd only gained a stone or so, hospital said to expect around 7lb and he was 9lb 6 weeks early hahaha! I laugh now but the thought is traumatising xx
Devastating news MT! My thoughts are with you and your family. Such a shame you had to miss the funeral. God bless him :( xxx
How awful MT, thinking of you and your family :hugs:

Anyone keeping an eye on what they're eating? Since entering tri 3 I am eating everything in sight, there is no stopping me. I couldn't care less either. Getting plenty of good foods in me but eating a hell of a lot of junk too. I ate 4 bowls of cereal this morning and was still hungry after that. I mean, is 4 bowls of cereal really necessary haha xx

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