X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Hope you get sorted ml.

Well I have been awake from half 4 so not happy between hunger and heartburn. Thank goodness for headphones and bbc I player xx
I don't know what this baby is doing but I'm getting stabbing pains I'm having to breathe through in my right hip/pelvis, it's one of those pains that makes you feel sick. My right leg is sore and it's gradually going down my leg. I just don't feel right at all, iykwim? No idea what's going on but keeping an eye, hoping it's not him trying to arrive and is just him trying to turn!

Hi ladies lots to catch up on!! And can't even write to everyone individually as there was too much! But hope all the appointments go ok! And mi600 glad you rang and go in to be checked if needed! Kumber hope baby is just turning from breech, and going to your previous worry - he does still have time my nephew was breech up until about 37 weeks..
I'm off work at the moment, not feeling good. Having lots of pains and othe rconcerns just sitting on my ball as its he only comfortable - ish place, will be phoning hospital if continues. Just don't want to worry about it just yet! :) least the weather is nice and sunny for everyone hopefully! I have caught up on loads of washing! Everything is in place for baby, and house is ok at the moment only thing that needs doing is the grass cutting! :/ hopefully that will get done this week! Better for kids playing out! :) x x
Aww Suguar please keep us updated, your little one really is being a rascal. Hope you feel better soon and baby stays put

Michelle x
Aww Sugar! Hope you're feeling better asap!!! Xx
Are any August mummies dealing with low levels of fluid? I went for my 32 week placenta scan today as it's low and they discovered I have too little fluid. I read in my notes it says 24mm. I had to have a steroid injection (OUCH) and go back tomorrow for another incase my baby boy has to come early to fast track his lung development. Then I have to go back every other day to have his heartbeat and movement monitored. Then next week another fluid scan and week after a growth scan. In the mean time I have to rest more and drink more fluid.

Naturally I came home and went on google which has made me feel a little more worried but I'm trying not to panic and just think it may just have been a one off... Still concerning though!

Has anyone else been in a similar situation?
Steroid injections are vile hun, feel for you having them! No experience but sendings hugs for the worry and the steroids! Stay away from Dr Google!

Hi ladies, we have some very naughty babies today, I hope you are all ok and babies stay put until fully cooked.

Weather s lovely here, sat out for an hour yesterday and got roasted, so note to us all, our skin takes the sun easier in pregnancy... Buy sun block lol x
Oh sugar... These babies are rascals! I hope you get done relief soon. Maybe try a nice warm bath to smooth the aches... Even if it's just temporary relief. I am feeling just dreadful this evening. I feel like my back is breaking and my ribs are going to pop open! The bleeding has stopped but I just feel so crappy. It doesn't help that my OH is in Spain until Sunday so I've got the house, the two messy, uncontrollable house bunnies and his marine fish to take care of. Family and friends live an hour away so I feel very isolated now x
Ohh lord, I thought cats were bad but house bunnies must eat through EVERYTHING!! Adorable little nibblers! Ohhhhhh I need pics! I love bunnies.

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They do eat everything! They are currently cuddled up on my bed together, looking like butter wouldn't melt!! X
If you want to send me your email I can send them to you x
Nooooooo! Gutted. Ohh well, I send nose wuffles anyways :) (I am a bit of an animal freak, sorry)

EDIT omg, yes please!

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Haha! My bunnies are my original babies and me and my OH refer to ourselves as their mama and papa... Crazy bunny lady here!!
Ohhhh ml, you're a woman after my own heart.

Happy Friday ladies!!!

Emotional wreck today lol! Cried over a t-shirt...I kid you not!
My lb is 2 weeks away from finishing P1 and he tells me this morning that he is the only one not to have a PE t-shirt. I thought he was exaggerating but asked my mum to ask the school when she dropped him off. In the meantime I checked their website and it did seem like he was the only one in his class not to have one. I got upset about it, can't believe he's gone the whole year and nothing was said. I have ordered him one for next year and thought they were new!
Phoned mum who told me the secretary said he was fine in his polo shirt by this stage I'm in tears down the phone to my mum!
I'll ring the school when I know I'll not cry about it to see about getting him 1 for sports day next week and then his will be here in time for next year!
Oh these emotions hahahaha!!!
Getting BP checked by the nurse in work this morning too as she wasn't around yesterday! I think it'll be grand but just want t get it checked to be sure!
Hope everyone's loving the weather and keeping well!! xx
Ohh Tmum! I'm so sorry but I admit I did giggle a little. I hope you're ok! These hormones are awful, everything seems a much bigger deal than what it really is! :hugs:

I need some help with my haaaaaair! Getting it cut tonight for a photo shoot tomorrow and no idea what to do with it! Heeeeelp!

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