X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Morning all. Having a wee down day over weight (again). Feel huge. I can cope with bump but it's my face I can't look at. Feel disgusting. How shallow am I eh? Should be counting my lucky stars.. I just keep obsessing with this since getting pregnant... Need to cop on!!

Anyways how are we all?

No wet feet today so far! Let's hope rain stays away!
Just back from our 28 week scan. Baby is growing well but couldn't get a PIC as baby is transverse.

Estimated weight at 28+1 is 2lb 10oz!
That's a great weight Lolie.

Yay for good weather and yay for a good scan Lolie!

Lollie lovely news on your scan!

Bubbles I feel the same. My face and arms seem to have had a few extra pounds on and I hate it. I keep telling myself it's all normal and when he is here hopefully it should go back to normal. Think I read it's all extra water weight and just fat storage ready for breastfeeding. You're not shallow though it's normal. I have really bad down days about my weight if I don't feel i look right. I'm sure when baby is here though you won't care and it will all have been worth it! Xxxxx
Thanks jenbob, glad I'm not on my own... I know I should focus on the positives but it's really difficult sometimes. I'm hoping that it is extra fluid but either way hopefully I should shed the weight before the end of my maternity leave!

Lollie glad your scan went well x
Lollie great news on scan and lovely weight.. I also feel like I'm all puffy all over, it happens towards the end with me , lots of water retention and it does disappear shortly after baby is born. It's all for a good cause :) :) he he x x
Oh and I've decided to work to mid July as originally planned, so I've got 6 weeks to go! :( but it works out better for me next year. More time off with baby which means less money spent on nursery too. I guess it's better having time off with baby anyway :) im quite 'damp' down there, aswel as my usual daily discharge which is usually fine with a sanitary towel, anybody else? I've had a few 'gushes' and have been gross and smelt it (tmi sorry!) and it doesn't smell like diacharge or wee. It smells fruity actually haha!! Im not itching, so doubt its an infection but may ring midwife tomorrow and see if I can bring urine sample in. I doubt its waters, as my babies heads are usually too big which means my waters have never actually gone on their own! And this head doesn't appear to be any different! Ha. How is everyone? The June mummies is getting exciting!! ive also been keeping eye on it! Soon be us! Xx
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Lulu what alot of waiting about at hosp!!
Maybe they thought your bile acid level would go down if they made you sit there starving for long enougth!!
Glad theve upped your meds to sort it out x

Bubbles, i haven't this time as bad but normally i always have a treble chin in pregnancy!! Still time for me yet to grow one :) yourll loose loads at birth, I always am left with about half my weight straight after birth, hosp don 't feed you portions to keep you fed just alive ( yummy but wouldn't feed a sparrow) so when you come home yourll feel much more you xx

Brought 3 new vests in tesco today for just £1.50 each, littlebig as 0-3 was smallest size , one I might use for my bounty photo in hosp unless baby is much smaller, it's minty/aqua green sea shells! They are being washed later and after bed run and washing up im breaking out the iron for my washed baby clothesand packing my bags!!
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JJ I'm absolutely fuming, went to pick up my prescription and it's the exact same dose I've been on for 3 weeks. I think it's a bloody joke that they've slipped up like that when it's a life threatening condition for the baby. I'm back in tomorrow and I'm sorry to say, whoever I see will be getting the head bitten off them.

Sugar - I've noticed a hell of a lot more wetness/discharge. I'll get off the toilet, put a new pad on and it'll be soaked in a matter of minutes xx
Oh Lulu what a joke!! After all that time spent in the hospital! Can't believe it! :/ you have a right to be angry and hope whoever you see tomorrow sorts it all out. I know what is the ' dampness ' all about!! It's gross!! :) haha. Jj mum baby vest shopping is cute! Love how small they are !! :) xx
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Thank god I'm not the only one experiencing "wetness" I was beginning to get worried. Don't remember having this issue with my last pregnancy.

Michelle x
I've only just started to notice it. Beforehand was just regular discharge. And I only 'leaked' occasionally if I actually needed a wee. This seems to just happen at the moment! Maybe a hormone surge I don't know! Just running a bath, i really want an early night tonight but still so much to do..! :/ x x
Bit damp here too! Everything else seems normal so haven't thought about it too much, assumed it's one of those things!

Sorry you're having such a rough time lulu , it must be stressful enough for you without cock ups on the dose, hope you get it sorted very soon.
Lulu that is just not good enough, I would crack up tomorrow with them.

Sugar I have noticed more discharge but not exactly a wetness. Supposedly waters smell a bit like sperm (tmi lol)... I was tri hopping ages ago and read it and it has stuck in my head ever since lol

JJ I have never spent any time in hospital before so this will be an interesting experience for me lol x
Good morning ladies well I am in fabulous mood today as its my LAST day in work til April eeek sooo happy at 1.45 I am a lady of leisure
Ooo it's so exciting isn't it dolly!!

I've felt sick all night and still feel sick now! Is it normal for nausea to return in tri 3? xx
I think it can do hun but not limited 100% sure!


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