X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Aww Bubbles no way! I was trying to put diesil in the car last night and by the time I got back into the car I was soaked right through, my feet were all squishy in my pumps lol!! At least today is a little better and tomorrow is meant to be dry so fingers crossed!!
I remember that things were all over the place when I was pregnant with my lb. I was still living with mum and dad but mum wouldn't have anything in the house. I'm just wanting everything in its place this time so there's no running about trying to get organised once the bay arrives. Now I'm thinking it's maybe not such a great idea :eh:.

Sugar, Blake is a lovely name!!! Our friends lb is 2 weeks younger than Tyler and he is called Blake or it would def be on my list!

Yayyy JJ you're here! We've missed you!
I was also thinking of Charlotte the other day!

Jenbob, I am wrecked this week. Hubby and I had a sneaking take away last night, felt so rebellious being a Mon night lol but I did nothing and fell asleep really early but today I'm like a zombie!

Welcome MrsG, unfortunately no magic remedies here either but if you find any let me know!!

Lulu hope you weren't kept waiting too long!! xx
Aww no way Lulu that's awful!! Are you by yourself? Have you been able to get lunch or anything? What a nightmare!!! xx
Yeah by myself. Haven't eaten since 8am. I don't know about you girls, but I won't eat hospital food, it's so rank. They won't let me leave either! All they've said is that my bile acids were 13 when I was diagnosed, they dropped to 7 last week, now they're 18. Ridiculous jump in 5 days. Anything over 10 isn't good xx
Oh goodness Lulu that is quite a jump!! I hope they get you sorted! God I don't know how you're coping without food, I can't go an hour without having something stuffed in my face lol! I'm dreading getting on the scales haha!! xx
I have never been so hungry in my life. I had fruit in my bag but that's about it. Knowing there's a McDonald's and subway next door is driving me mad. I'm getting both when I leave haha! Just sitting here scratching myself to death, I don't know how I have any skin left xx
With it being such a jump is there anything they can give you or what happens?
God the itching sounds awful! xx
I THINK they just up the dosage of medication, but I'm not sure xx
Aw lulu that's rubbish. I hope everything is ok and you get fed soon!

Welcome over everyone! We are finally all here :)

I have put on 1.5 stones so far (but I am only 5ft 2) so I feel like a whale. Everyone says I'm all bump but I can see it everywhere. My face, arms, ass and legs. How long will it take to feel and look half normal after birth?

Also, feeling weird feelings today's. Like baby ticking/burning my foof... Really strange lol
Home finally!!! All they did was up my dosage. So every time my bile acids go up, they up the dosage, that's all they can do! Not long til he's here though and all this crap stops xx
What were you at the hospital for Lulu?

Glad to see you over here finally JJ :) xx
I have to go to hospital twice a week to monitor baby and take blood as I have obstetric cholestasis! But they kept me in today for 6 and a half hours, nightmare xx
Aww, Lulu, so sorry to read you're having such a rough time.

the past few days for me have been soooo uncomfortable. Baby keeps pressing herself out like she wants to rip my belly open and jump out and its so freaking annoying. Also having crappy nights as I am so uncomfortable and more cramps. Definitely feeling the 3rd trimester miseries and can't wait to have her here!

Also feeling a little jealous of my sister in law who was told she is expecting not one but two little boys in october! She has moaned her entire pregnancy and doesnt want more kids and just think that karma is such a bitch lol. Her and her husband are finding it so hard to accept. They already have a little boy and girl and didnt want anymore children.

I am yet to shop yet, too. I am waiting until I get to the uk on the 15 before I start shopping. I will probably pack my bag soon after too.
Well my work are being complete knobs and leaving me too it a full day in surgery to the point im coming home every night woth sore backs. So today I booked myself a physio appointment for next week my manager didny seem to happy but I dont care as she obviously doesnt care about my wellbeing so that's another app they need to accommodate. If they arnt going to have my best interests ill go n see ppl that do no matter how inconvenient for them! Sorry rant for today but just been getting so pissed off and stressed about it. Xx
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Jj welcome!!! So pleased to see us all here, eeeeeek!!

Final stretch now August mummies all together xx

Went for another appt today bump still only 25.5cm... Not grown since 25 weeks , hope growth scan shows her just hiding! Ha. She's wriggly al the time n I feel like in getting bigger .. Def x
Ah lulu that sounds horrible there's nothin worse than being kept waiting and not kept in the loop.

I should have mentioned my due date is August 28th but I'm having elcs so possibly be the week before consultant thinks.
Just out a nice hot bath hopefully sleep better tonight ☺️
I've just got out of the bath too. Sat down to watch a film but I'm wrecked so gonna crawl into my bed now haha xx
Morning everyone!
Just had a wee nosey at the June Mummies thread and it's getting very exciting over there!! This time 2 months and our thread will hopefully be as exciting with new arrivals :shock:! How scary is that?! :lol:
Hope everyone is feeling well today, the sun is out here ni Belfast so that heat wave might hit London after all tehe!! xx
It's lovely here in London Tmum, a little bit windy but the sun is shining. Waiting for this heat wave so I can wash all Henry's clothes and hang them out on the line xx
Gosh I remember this time last year, I was absolutely huge! On enforced bedrest due to elevated bp, absolutely dying from how warm it was! Now my lb is nearly 1! Cannot fathom how this year has gone so quickly, and now it's probably going to go even quicker with 2 :shock: roll on August, I need my squishy one here for newborn cuddles and snuggles!


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