X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Aw lull, don't worry. I think we all feel like that, it's such a life changing event that I don't think we could ever feel that we have done enough to ready ourselves.
did a very unconventional wedding here

We got married with 24 close family and our best friends on the friday. Had a lovely meal which was really intimate etc.

Then on the saturday evening we had the biggest party known to man. me and my friends did all the buffet ourselves on the saturday. and on the evening i got to put my dress back on etc and have my hair done etc.

The party was - to this day the best party any of our friends have ever been to. We had 120 guests - all our friends.family. Live music, mood lighting - glow in the dark/illuminated centre peices.

our wedding cost us 5k. :)

ive been to weddings that cost 30k and they were so bloody boring haha! 5k well spent and no stress about money either - we had an awesome honeymoon off everyone from money contributions which was great.

depends what wedding you want really. To me having fun and doing what suits us best - was what we did- id always wanted a white wedding growing up- but reality is that i dont want to spend 15-20k doing it :lol: so rather than a cheap white wedding we did an expensive 'not the usual' one :) x
I agree with Bubbles! You're absolutely ready sweets, you're gonna be an epic momma!

Eeek Lolie! Can I PM you please?

Love you girls - why are you not all here to hold my hands haha xx
Mummybexee, that sounds like a great wedding, I love unusual stuff like that!

Lulu, virtual hand holding... Or in my case you would all give me a good slap for all my wee freak outs lol!
Ps ladies had my 31/32 week midwife appointment this afternoon. She's not sure if baby has turned again from breech position but she thinks it might have woo hoo... tummy measuring 30cm which puts baby around the 4lb mark. Bruiser...

Always feel a slight sense of achievement after these appointments knowing baby is growing and all is well... Apaet from breech, but will deal with that closer to 40weeks lol!
I miss planning my wedding, to think this time last year I was doing all the planning. From getting engaged to getting married was 15 months for us. Was very lucky had my perfect day on my favourite beach on a Greek island, had a wedding planner which made it all so easy then had a big party when we got back with extended family and friends and I wore my dress again. :) such happy memories!

Spent today with my mummy friends and had cuddles with a 4 month old and an 18 day old bubba makes it all so real Xx
Brilliant news bubbles, you have a bruiser like me. Can't wait to find out his weight at my growth scan.

So jealous of your baba cuddles Kimmy, I bet you were in your element.

Have you girls got a kiddicare near you? Just bought some bits online, some lovely stuff and so cheap xx
Great news Bubbles, so reassuring knowing bubba is growing big and strong.

Michelle x
Hi lAdies!!

Hope everyone's ok, maternity feels so close for lots of us it's crazy! I'm
Working till 6th August! Due date the 18th.. Hoping I can last.

So had my growth scan today and cervix scan, been signed off with my cervix so so happy!

The little lady is perfect, snug as a bug. She is 2lbs 1 or there abouts, so quite small but best thing is she's within the charts 6th centile and she could have a growth spurt any day as strong heart beat, chord and placenta all fab! Bump is still 26cm..... Grown 1/2 cm in 2 weeks which is fab.

She's breech and due to small bump they've said unlikely to turn ( she's been that way since week 14) appt booked mid July if still breech then c section they've said but to be discussed. I have every faith she'll turn!!! Deffo!

Glad everyone's doing ok and lulu you are so brave! U get to meet little man soon eeeeek x first August mummy do we think? X
Hi everyone. Sorry for the lack of contact lately, been busy!! After starting maternity leave this week, I've decided to go back part time! I took early leave due to the nature of my job but still feel able to do it, just not 60 hours a week! Most people think I'm mad but id like to be independent for as long as poss! Had my 30week appointment yesterday. All is perfect and bump is measuring bang on so pretty happy. Is anyone else getting a really sore back now? I find that by mid afternoon I'm so Uncomfy!! Xx
Jess - that's brilliant news that you've been signed off and great scan. Fingers crossed she turns, little monkey. Who knows whether I will be, I reckon there will be quite a few of us that pop in July haha xx

Ml - good for you going back part time if that's what suits you. I miss work but I'm not physically able to walk far let alone dance haha! As for the back pain I'm totally with you. This little monkey got himself into a right comfy position last night, all over on my right side, my bump was the oddest shape, and the pain in my back was horrible. I get back pain even sitting down on the sofa, so I have to lay down xx
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Oh I'm so excited for you :cheer: !!!!!
It'll be so lovely to have something to plan while you're on maternity also!!!
Our lb was almost 3 when we got married at Galgorm in Ballymena and I absolutely loved that he had such a part to play in our special day!!!!

The Galgorm is absolutely beautiful, I would love to do it there but so expensive! I will need to get a more recent quote though, I was looking at summer prices before.

I had got brochures from so many places but I kept telling my mum that I'd know the right venue when I saw it. When I got Galgorm's through I fell in love. Think mum and dad nearly had a meltdown :lol:! Took my mum and MIL to see it and completely fell in love then took mum and dad a separate day. We looked at all the different packages and because you get so much them it didn't work out to bad. In all honesty we have never counted up the complete total of the wedding lol but it saved a lot of hassle with looking at everything individually if that makes sense?!
Aww Lulu at least they are keeping an eye and going to do what is best for you and Henry!! I'm sure it's a bit daunting though! When I was at the hospital every week for growth scans and I went in on the 17th June for what I thought would just be a usual check up, turned out they decided enough was enough and wanted me in that evening for induction, worked out with beds that I was brought in the next morning. This was just a week before my due date and I was petrified. Don't know if I thought he would stay in my tummy forever but I didn't feel ready. Once he arrived the first few days were just so magical! You'll be wondering what you ever did without him!! So it's completely normal to feel apprehensive! I think no matter when baby comes we all have that feeling that we're not ready but in reality we have been waiting and been ready for 9 months for this little bundle to arrive!

Bubbles so glad you apt went well!!!

Aww Jess so great that you got signed off and that baby is doing well!! Fingers crossed that she'll turn! I've been having a look at the Spinning Babies website and a few others via google about turning baby as my little rascal was also breech for a wee while!

ML that's fab that all is well with baby and measuring great! Go you for going back to work. I'm currently having the maternity debate with myself and work have emailed this morning to confirm the date I'm hoping to finish. I think I'll wait on Monday to reply though because I'm so wrecked this week I don't think I'd give them the correct answer lol!! xx
Aw Tmum, thank you for that. Reading that really put my mind at ease. I keep thinking I'm not ready when in reality I am. There are a few things I still need to buy, but aren't necessities, more so just things I want, not things that he needs xx
Hehe no problem, writing it actually got me a little excited lol!
Aww I've still necessities to buy but keep buying things I want, typical! I actually found an all you will need list on here yesterday that I took screen shots of. I'm going to change and delete items and then work from that list for the next couple of months lol!! xx
I've got a massive list that one of the mummies sent to me. It's all you will need for the first year haha, a bit daunting xx

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