X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Wow August mummies you all have produced gorgeous baby's!! Hope you're all recovering well and adjusting to life as a mummy!

Bexy hope your sweep will be the start of things! Lots of walking and bouncing after. X

Michelle hope it all goes well. Good luck. can't wait to hear some news x

I agree with wtt. I had an amazing labor too & I am a ftm. Was sad to read a couple traumatic labours but hopefully all goes smoothly for the rest of you x
Thanks MT am bouncing on my ball as we speak. Not sure if sweep will have done anything - the midwife did say that it has 'naff all' chance of working for FTMs but thought I'd give it a go anyway - and boy did she have a good rummage around - she did reach cervix which she said was a good sign and that it was 'favourable' and 1cm dilated so that's better than nothing? So I'll carry on walking and bouncing and hope for the best :) x
Fingers crossed things progress for you quickly now Becky xxxx
Ah good luck! I went into labor less than 24 hours after my second sweep. I was 1-2cms. Ftm too :)
Ftm here too and my labour was very straight forward. Only 5 hours from first contraction to birth and all I had was gas and air. Good luck to all the ladies still awaiting their turn.
I got induced and a first time mum. 1 sweep and 1 tablet and within 30 mins I was in agony. I was started at about half 3 and Matthieu was born by 9.01pm xx
Oooh these stories are making me hopeful, got my sweep tomorrow :eek: Not a ftm, third baby- does that make it more likely to work then??
Just catching up, im so behind!!

Huge congratulations to sugar , WTT, and Colleen - such beautiful boys, loving the photos x
Good luck to the few ladies left on your births - can't wait to see your news x

We had Griffin on the 7th, after going througth special care unit, transitional care we got home on day 5, we only had 2 days at home and ended up straight back in special care on saturday! We did a full night and day in scbu again and and a sunday to today in transitional care and althougth his jaundice numbers spiked back up we were allowed home again earlier today!
Scbu have lost his first tiny cardi ( the only one that fits him) and his first hat :(

Were back in the morning for more bloods, need to take an overnight bag again just incase but sooo hope we don't have to stay , he's 11 days old today and hubbys only seen him for 2.5 days of his 2 weeks paternity leave!
Oh JJ mum what a lot for you guys to be going through, hope his appt tomorrow goes well and he can stay at home.

We went to a bf clinic today as he won't latch on and I was so impressed with the ladies there, it was so helpful. We have got some ideas to try to help and it looks like he will need to have his tongue tie snipped which should help too. They have leant us a fab elec pump too which works so well, so even if he doesn't latch he can still have my milk.

Does anyone have any advice on soothing very sore boobs? I express as much as I can but they are still quite hot and hard which is painful. Have tried hit/ cold flannels and a nice warm shower as well as massaging them, is there anything else I can try?
Just to update. Sasha Liddle arrived safe and sound on Monday 17th at 12.56pm weighing 6lbs 1oz. So in love with her she is just perfect.

Michelle x
Congratulations Michelle and welcome baby Sasha!

Hope you are feeling ok and baby girl is doing well :)
Congratulations Michelle!
ShowingPromise - I've been advised cold wet cabbage leaf on boobs to help x
Showing promise, what a shame you have a tougne tie, i think the savoy cabbage leaves works as I did it with numb 2 and 3, ( bottle fed ) but I think they contain something that drys up milk tho so chk with someone as your wanting to keep milk for expressing. Chase them up on tougne tie, a lady was having it done who was with me in transitional care the last few days, baby only a week old and after seeing hosp breastfeeding specialist was getting it done a couple of days after she left.

Sainsburys did gel packs specially for boobs (cold and hot ) that you shove down bra they were fab and great before expressing to get more milk off. They cost about £10, ( not sains own make tho) kept mine and found they had perished after 4 yrs so will be looking for some more as scbu made me express and now my boobs look like man pecks and join in the middle! Grrr
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Man pecks lol Jen you make me laugh. Sorry to hear you are still in and out of hospital with little one, fingers crossed this will be the last time for you xx
Good to hear from you JJ. Sorry to hear things have been less than smooth for you and the LO. Wish you all the best for a speedy recovery.
Overdue ladies, you guys are my heroes. Though I've got over being mildly miffed, I'm approaching a sense of docile acceptance. 5 days to DD and a panic is beginning to grow I think. I've lost my bravado. I don't know why but I have an irrational fear of being over due. At least I know it's irrational and I can get over it :)
I really hope everyone is doing well, those still waiting and those with babies. I will think positive thoughts for us all.
Huge congratulations Michelle! Can't believe it's my little ladies due date today and she's nearly 3 weeks old! Time flys!!

How many of us are left? Such an amazing exciting thread .... August mummies has just been fab x thank u ladies
I am unfortunately still waiting. Back up the hospital tomorrow for another growth scan.

I'm still left :( 1 day overdue now and no signs of anything happening - Iv tried a sweep, curry, pineapple, raspberry leaf tea, essential oils, walking, swimming, cleaning the floors, keeping active, relaxing, bouncing on ball, sex...aaaaand nada - think we'll be here for a bit longer yet! :) x

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