X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Thank you purplecandy and JJ mum - I'll give those a try. We have some gel packs here so will try them out :)
It's so nice to hear from you ladies with babies. I hope all will be well for you JJ.

I feel for you Becky85, I was the same with my DD who was 1 week late and I am once again trying all I can without any success so far. I think this time I will be in the same situation... I am not overdue yet but I don't see having this baby early...

I have my fingers crossed for all of us still waiting. :) I just read a September mummy's birth story earlier, how crazy is that??
Im still here, 40+6 today but have just decided to completely relax and do nothing today in preparation for induction tomorrow, this baby isn't showing any signs of appearing without intervention and I have excepted that now.

Sorry to read that some of you are struggling with your babies I hope everyone is on the road to recovery very soon!

wonder if bubbles or ml have given birth as not seen posts from them for a few days.

Any way best of luck to everyone and hopefully I will be able to do my induction thread tomorrow :) Xx
Unfortunately I have not given birth! Induction booked for next week if he's not here by then! I've not been posting much as I've found it hard seeing all these beautiful babies and still waiting for mine! Congratulations to all those who have delivered, they are really beautiful!! So jealous!! X
I've read cabbage leaves over the nipple dry up your supply and is for ladies who don't want to breastfeed. So put around boobs not on your nipple.
Do you have an aptmnt to snip his tongue tie? My daughter got hers snipped & it really does make such a difference. Also lots of nipple cream and air time. When you finish pumping wipe a bit of milk/colostrum on your nipples and let them air dry. Also don't wear a bra if you can. Good luck. I've given up after I got mastitis a few days ago and my milk is practically non existent :(
Just popping in. Hopefully myself and Harley will be going home later today. He has to take medication home for his blood levels and come back in a week to have them checked. His jaundice levels are low and he's feeding better so that's good progress. He had a tongue tie which they snipped yesterday! Poor thing. He was weighed this morning and has only lost 3.5 lbs so that's not too bad.
Myself, after 2 blood transfusions and iv fluids for infection, feeling much better, up and about on my feet abit more now. Never thought I'd feel better a few days ago! Haven't had bowel movement yet, hoping that's soon! Tummy is sore!
Congratulations to colleen and wtt and hopefully bubbles. Jj good to see you popping on, hope griffin makes a speedy recovery. I have harleys hat and cardi from scbu they're so tiny and cute. Luckily he didn't have to stay there and has been with me under observation. Sorry the rest of you are fed up, I know it's tough. Your beautiful babies will be here soon. I'll have a better signal at home will try and have a good catch up x x
Just popping in. Hopefully myself and Harley will be going home later today. He has to take medication home for his blood levels and come back in a week to have them checked. His jaundice levels are low and he's feeding better so that's good progress. He had a tongue tie which they snipped yesterday! Poor thing. He was weighed this morning and has only lost 3.5 lbs so that's not too bad.
Myself, after 2 blood transfusions and iv fluids for infection, feeling much better, up and about on my feet abit more now. Never thought I'd feel better a few days ago! Haven't had bowel movement yet, hoping that's soon! Tummy is sore!
Congratulations to colleen and wtt and hopefully bubbles. Jj good to see you popping on, hope griffin makes a speedy recovery. I have harleys hat and cardi from scbu they're so tiny and cute. Luckily he didn't have to stay there and has been with me under observation. Sorry the rest of you are fed up, I know it's tough. Your beautiful babies will be here soon. I'll have a better signal at home will try and have a good catch up x x
Hi all, just a quick update, 41 weeks exactly today so midwife is coming within the hour to do a sweep. However I have had some light bleeding all day, brown colour (sorry tmi) so here's hoping already started and just didn't know lol! Come on baby!
Mystic teen - thank you for the advice, he has an appt for the tongue tie but not until 2nd sept unfortunately which makes me think it will be even harder after a few weeks of mainly bottle feeding. I'm offering him Nipple with a shield but it's pretty painful so I can't do it for long each time sadly!
Will bear that in mind about the leaves, defo don't want it drying up, my milk is pretty poor as it is!
SP when we had a breastfeeding session at our nct class the woman suggest expressing into a cup and then syringe feeding (using a syringe from a calpol bottle for example) or trying cup feeding - don't know how effective it would be over the long term but could give the boobs a rest at least if you didn't want to use a bottle? X
My lo has tongue tie and I have to go through the gp to get a referral to see if they will snip it. I've been told they can refuse so will look to go private if need be. Jealous of you ladies whose babies got it done straight away. She can't latch because of this and it really hurts me! I express and she has it from a bottle as well as having formula top ups.
Hi everyone, just popping in as Isaac is asleep and ive finally got 2 mins to myself!!
Showing promise - im breast feeding and had to get breast feeding support out this morning as Isaac wasn't latching properly but I was Baring the pain and he's getting feeds however my boobs are a mess, so swollen and My nips are killing but they've helped me out loads and there's already improvement! Apparently you should still breast feed with mastitis as that's the best thing to et rid of it, massage the boob as baby feeds!

Sugar - glad your ok sweety, sounds like you have had th same experience as me... I had transfusion and c section under ga, litres and litres of IV''s, are you all swollen everywhere?? I look like the frigin elephant man!!!! It's quite painful actually!!!

Ive not had chance to reaD through all the rest of the posts, but I hope your all doing well, good luck to all the August mummies with due dates coming up and immenent labours!

Hope your all well xxx
Thankyou Natalie, hopefully if I have to be induced it won't be too bad. Because I've been through natural labour twice I stupidly wasn't too nervous about this time round, but the first day I went overdue (Wednesday) I was suddenly like "Oh sh*t".
Sorry you're feeling fragile hun, I remember that from my second, hopefully if you just give it a day or two you should feel better xx

Hi hun.... Ive only just had chance to catch up but don't worry about induction, it's disheartening and I was so worried about it but being induced is totally
Fine, I got to 7cm after being induced and my labour only went wrong because I got an infection not because of the induction process, Id happily be indiced again without worry if I needed to be!! You will be totally fine and I wish you all the luck in the world xxx
Hi ladies, hope your all ok, nice to see your updates xx
Aw thankyou colleen, that's put me at ease a bit!
Well I had my sweep, MW said baby is really really low so she "won't have far to travel when labour starts" :eek: had a few on off pains since but nothing major. Fingers crossed this goes somewhere!!
Hey ladies, my beautiful baby girl was born on Saturday at 7.40pm weighing 7.11. Home now after a pretty horrendous birth but both of us is doing well and trying to get the hang of breastfeeding.

I have no idea who has had/having or about to have your babies but congrats to those who have, good luck to those waiting and ladies mommyhood is amazing :) :)

Lastly I just want to say a massive thank you to u all for your support over the past 9/10 months. I really don't know how u all coped with my stupid questions!!! We got there in the end. You all genuinely have got me to this point and thank you. When I find my feet in the next day or two I will catch up properly!! See u over in August babies threads xxxx
Well thats my wee dude offically Matthieu Philip Raymond Burt. He is doing well although think he was alittle constipated yesterday so had to give him some cooled water which thankfully worked. He has got me sussed already with getting mummy cuddles which I enjoy lol xx
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