X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Aww jj he is beautiful! I have lots of small clothes I could have sent u but they are all pink! Ha. So pleased he's home and doing well.

Hope everyone else is ok, and excited at the possibility of 2 new arrivals!!! Eeeeeeeek xxx

Here's my little Harley Louis 6lb 2oz x x
Awww he is so cute Sugar, congrats hun. Sorry you had a really tough time of it xxx
Congratulations on all the new arrivals!

There's 9 of us left to pop, 3 going today and 6 of us waiting.

No change from me, still getting bh, period pains, blobs of goo about the size of a 10p piece periodically. Ankles and wrists are swelling up significantly but BP is stable which is good. Fed up the heat now, and my size. Can't fit into any maternity bits as bump is so huge. Can't wait to get back into normal clothes.

Hope everyone still waiting for their bubs is faring better than me, not a fan of this overdue malarky!

Oh my god are there only 6 of us left without imminent babies? I will defo be the last one standing araghhhhh
Still no baby for me yet. I am on the theatre waiting list and as it's the weekend and reduced staff I just have to wait my turn. So baby could come anytime between today and Monday! !!

Michelle x
I think I'll be one of the last here too...having frequent BH but nothing at all else, no twinges, no show, nothing! X
Nope me neither Rainbow - due date is Monday but will defo go late - just hope it's not too late, want to go to birth centre and won't be able to do that if end up being induced - still lots of time before that though - hopefully we'll be the lucky ones who just don't have many/any signs beforehand - fingers crossed! X
Getting fed up with this overdue malarkey too Kumber! had false labour yesterday was convinced it was the real deal then it all just stopped! Just had the midwife come out and check my bp which was very high for me so had yet more bloods taken and I'm just waiting the results to see if I have to go in tonight if not she will check me again in the morning and might have to be induced earlier than Wednesday :(

Hope Michelle, bubbles and wtt are all getting cuddles soon and everyone else is holding out ok! Xx
Aww fingers crossed you'll get to go to the birth centre Becky. I'm not even 39 weeks yet so ive still got a bit to go. Just hoping I don't go the full way over then end up getting induced, that would be into September!! X
Rainbow I hope you pop sooner than that, but if not us sept mummies would be delighted for you to join us xx
I'd like you all to meet my beautiful little boy Isaac, he's so perfect and worth every bit of pain... We're still in hospital but hopefully going home Monday! Not had a chane to catch up with what's going on with all you lovely ladies yet but I will when I get chance! hope your all ok xxx

Hi everyone, meet my gorgeous little man Finlay, born at 7am this morning, weighing 6lbs. Was quite a speedy birth, was 10cm dilated when I got to hospital and he was born after 50 mins of pushing with just gas and air. Thank god he was only a 6 pounder. He's doing really well, passed all his observations, so bringing him home now. We're so in love with him.

Will have a proper catch up on the the thread tomorrow, all been a bit manic today!

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