X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Congratulations Colleen and WTT. Those are two gorgeous little boys!
39 weeks tomorrow. I don't know why I'm hoping he'll come sooner. I just want to meet him now. I really don't want to go overdue but it's not my choice.
I've done nothing but clean the last two days and still nothing. I haven't even had any BH today. Short of of offering him early pocket money I'm out of coaxing out options.
I'm sure I'll be the last one standing, ladies :p
Agreed - all of our August bubbas are lush :)

Going to try and write my labour story tomorrow, mainly so I can keep it to look back on, so I don't want to leave it too late and forget bits!

Hope all the ladies waiting are ok, don't dispair if you aren't having any symptoms, I had nothing and went into established labour pretty quickly!
Aww colleen he is soooooo adorable!!! Hope you both get to come home soon!

WTT congratulations hun!!! He is gorgeous too :) glad you had a smooth and straightforward labor.

Most august babies are boys, aren't they? We've only had like two girls right?
Aww congratulations colleens and wtt!!! Absolutely gorgeous!!!!! So many August babies and it's only half way!! Eeeeek how many are left? Xxxx Michelle hope you doing ok in hospital , thinking of u xxx
Wow!!! These babies are sooooo lovely!!
Sugar Colleen and WTT seriously they are beautiful.
Congratulations everyone!!

Not long left for those that are waiting. Hope things are going well for you all!

Well I'm STILL in hospital - fingers crossed we will be home tomorrow. It's just because Kian was such a small birth weight (5lb 7) and on Friday he lost too much to be allowed home. We've been struggling with breastfeeding but now my milk is here omg he's a little piggy!! lol. So hopefully Should Be fine to go :) xxxxx
Omg ladies we really do make gorgeous babies!!!
Sugar, Coleen and WTT your babies are absolutely beautiful!! Congratulations xx
Gorgeous babbas girls!

Sorry I've been quite the last few days, a mix of being utterly fed up at almost a week overdue and house hunting (oh yes, we are moving out end of sept, stellar idea lol) meant I took a bit of a step back. However being up at 4am for no apparent reason seems as good a time as any to post a quick hello lol.

So how are we all? Still no signs from me I'm afraid, getting worried about possibly having to be induced after reading horror stories :/
Hey bexybun dont be scared if you need to get induced because some ppl have had bad experiences doesnt mean you will. I dont think I could do it again like that but because my experience was bad doesnt mean everyones will be. Feeling a little un comfortable with stitching and bruising hence the 5am post. Feeling a little emotional today after my labour on Monday and generally a bit sorry for myself haha. I hope everyones little bundle arrives soon and your labours go well xx
Isaac and Finlay are just perfect, congratulations girls xx
Thankyou Natalie, hopefully if I have to be induced it won't be too bad. Because I've been through natural labour twice I stupidly wasn't too nervous about this time round, but the first day I went overdue (Wednesday) I was suddenly like "Oh sh*t".
Sorry you're feeling fragile hun, I remember that from my second, hopefully if you just give it a day or two you should feel better xx
Congratulations on all the new August babies!! Beautiful photos!! Xx
Hey everyone, hope you're all well. What a whirlwind the last couple of days have been, adjusting to life as a mummy, loving it.

Any news on Bubbles?

Good luck to you all still waiting to meet your precious bundles!

To the FTM's try not to panic, I know there have been a few tricky labours on here recently, but it doesn't mean the same will happen to you. it's nothing to be scared of, my birthing experience was really positive and if you have faith in yourself and your body and go in with a positive mind set chances are you'll be fine!!
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Well it's D Day for me today! Can't believe we have actually made it I feel like Iv been counting down forever! Not quite done yet though as absolutely zero signs of any baby! Having a sweep later this morning so hope that might do something or at least give me more of an idea if anything has started happening that I'm unaware of (wishful thinking),

Does anyone have any tips for how to make sweeps more effective? E.g anything you can do after that might increase chances of it working?

Thanks for your post wtt - that's reassuring to know that you had a good experience. hope you and your little one are doing wel x
Good luck Becky, hope the sweep goes well and gets things going!

No advice as I didnt get that far (had one booked for tomorrow!) but try and relax - perhaps your mw can suggest things to make it super effective.
Well it's finally my section day, yippee. Just getting all the paperwork done and then it's a case of waiting for them to come and take me to theatre. There are 4 of us on the list so I just have to wait my turn. Will update as and when I can.

Michelle x

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