X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

What's the reason behind your section again? I don't remember!! X

We were offered a section since we had to have one with my little boy who was breech and had low fluid and reduced movements.

Michelle x
Morning ladies, how's everyone getting on?

Great news for Sugar, congratulations!
Still routing for Colleen, fingers crossed she's having cuddles as we speak.
Bubbles - how you getting on? Another sweep today?

I've been having tightenings all through the night, got midwife appointment for 4th sweep this morning, so fingers crossed they have done some good and we'll see some progress.
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Oh my goodness what a catchup im having!!

Huge congratulations to

Ldj401 - on the birth of Toby ( fabulous name, im biased having a Toby myself ;) ) sorry it was so hard for you but time really helps xx

Natalie Reid - on the birth of Matteiu. ( i'm really sorry I know that's not the right spelling!) - enjoy you little boy x

Jenbob - yayy on the birth of another tiny one Kian , enjoy your little man x

Sugar - so sorry it ended in section but congrats on your little boy

Can't wait to see piccys of all these boys!!

Good luck a the rest Colleen I hope, kumber, ml600, Wtt, bubbles, Michelle, and everyone else, so exciting all these babies

I have had one day at home now, and omg my husband has trashed my house!! The boys were filthy ( no baths in 5 days!!) and the milk in the fridge was dated the 8th!!!
Have elephant swollen feet suddenly so having a slow recovery day today and hospital kindly sending someone to test Griffins bloods at home to save me the trains so waiting in for that anyway.

Going to check out our august baby and toddler group now - good luck ladies xx
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YHi ladies, looks like there is only a few of us left in here :-(

So yesterday went over to get checked and the gush I had was just cm like I thought. The midwife was a butcher and actually upset me a bit. Hurt me with the speculum,asked did I want another sweep, stuck her hand in and pulled it back out. Didn't feel like she done a sweep at all. She then asked me did I ever have any procedures on my cervix as its so tight. I was like no. I'm now freaking out as I am afraid it wont ripen at all even with chemical induction :-( oh was with me and he couldnt believe how rough she was with me. But anyway, we all have off days so not letting her annoy me.

Yes 4th and final sweep at 10am (not counting yesterday's). Not expecting any change but have accepted that induction is happening on Monday!

How are you getting on wtt? I tried hand expressing last nite. One lob was fine but the other was really sore and I iuld hardly get anything out. Not a pain, ache or tightening afterwards lol!

How's u Michelle? Are you feeling any better this morning. I hope things look a bit better today :)

So off to wash my bits for mw. Just had another gush when I stoodup. Wearing a maternity thin pad and it's fairly wet. Wtf??? Is anyone else getting this?
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in a bid to get things moving I had a warm bath last night with some clary sage, jasmine and lavender oils which was nice - a couple of hours later I had what I can only imagine were really quite strong contractions - I think they were caused by the oils as Iv read that's what it can do but they lasted for about an hour quite close together and then stopped so don't think it's leading to anything. Didn't sleep great and the cramps Iv been having feel a bit worse and my tummy feels harder kind of like a permanent braxton hicks so not sure if this means anything or not - probably not - have got a pregnancy massage later so hoping that will either relax me enough for the cramps to ease off or relax me enough for something more interesting to start happening.

Hope everyone else is ok - have to say it's mornings like this when I am glad to stay in bed and listen to the rain rather than go off to work ;)

Here is Griffin having a stretch ! Ha

He only lost 2 oz by day five so is currently 5 lb 3 oz so im really pleased with that :)


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Oh he is just an angel JJ! Beautiful. Congratulations (can't remember if I already said it haha) xx
Awwww JJ what a little cutie :) x

Becky hopefully your tightenings will help push baby down if nothing else!

Bubbles so sorry to hear about your bad experience yesterday, the sweeps I've had have been sooo painful too, things it's cos the cervix hasn't really been ready for it.

I've had a random leak this morning too. Stood up from bed and a very small trickle came out and ran all the way down my leg to my foot, so don't think it was a pee leak. I wiped it up and kept the tissue to show the midwife when she arrives, currently bouncing on the ball with a pad on hoping more comes before she arrives.
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He is such a little cutie! Glad you are home Jen, loads of luck to those of you still waiting xx
Awww, JJ. He's beautiful. You must be so chuffed.
They really don't do any manual birth aiding over here so I'm on my own for this one. I know I have a couple days over a week left but I'm just so tired now.
Was getting BH a lot last night and decided it was time to dtd. Well, it didn't change much :p
Anyway, whiney, whiney, whiney :p so happy for sugar, she's done so well.
Routing for Colleen now and good luck on your sweep bubbles.
Hope the signs lead to baby, beck :)

X x
Hope things get moving for everybody soon and that we have some more August babies over the weekend xx
JJ what a cutie. He really is adorable. Love the pic of him stretching.

Bubbles hope today's appointment is more successful.

Loulabelle hope those BH turn into something more exciting soon.

WTT hope this is it for you. Keep bouncing on that ball.

Hope everyone else is OK.

I am currently at the hospital getting my last scan and monitor before our section on Wednesday. Babies movement have been a bit sporadic the last day or so and scan this morning showed hardly any fluid around baby so also got to see a Dr to see what they say. This is exactly what happened with my little boy.

Michelle x
Oh Jen he is beautiful! So tiny and perfect! How are the rest of the family with him? Bet your kids are so in love with the new additon. Can't help but laugh at your OH, they really can not function without us women can they!

Congratulations to Sugar and really hope Colleen is enjoying cuddles, for everyone else I'll keep stalking for your babies arrivals, good luck xxxx
Michelle fingers crossed everything is ok with fluid levels, keep us updated, so we know you're ok.

My sweep hopefully went well, she managed to get through and separate the membranes, so fingers crossed it kicks things off. I've not had any more water leakage so may have been pee :S
Quick update.
I am being admitted. They are concerned about babies heart rate as it keeps dropping on the monitor and that with lack of fluid they want baby out as soon as possible. They want to monitor me more while they see what the theatre list is like. Baby should be here tonight or tomorrow at the latest.

Michelle x
Good luck Michelle, hope they don't keep you waiting too long. Yey baby cuddles for you soon!! Xx
Ideally they would like me fasted for 6hrs but just had some toast while I was on the monitor so we will see what they say. Got to wait to see an anaesthetist and Consultant.

Michelle x
Wow August babies are coming thick and fast now! Good luck Michelle, looking forward to pics of your baby girl xxx
Good luck Michelle! Looking forward to photos and updates!!

Just one question.... WHERE IS MY BABY?!?

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