X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Glad everyone is starting to get there. A few ppl have mixed up the spelling haha its Matthieu. Doing well he is pretty content. Me im struggling a little with having the stitches trying to do stuff and getting nowhere fast lol soon as im healed it will be so much better xx
No that all went away. Got to love false labour!! I still get period pains and BH, but nothing unusual for this stage. Hoping for my first sweep on Monday. How are you getting on? I can't imagine how you must be feeling now! You can't have too much longer to wait! X
I've started to have quite regular tightening with period pains, every 5 mins, lasts 30 secs. But not getting my hopes up as I've seen so many people having false starts! Either way I'm in for induction on Sunday, would prefer to go naturally though, so I have more chance of getting water birth.
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Gosh, good luck Michelle. Hope everything runs smoothly from here!
My bump is also doing a lot of tightening, but not with the cramps since this morning. Maybe it's all the chores I've been trying to get on with.
I've learnt one thing today - I was not born for housework -_-
All consuming mess 1 - Louise 0
Hi all, my little blue bundle arrived this morning after a pretty nasty 33hr labour - will do a labour thread when we are home with pics of course! Head over heels with him already :)
Good luck Michelle :)

Sp, that's amazing, congratulations. Hope you are recovering well x

Wtt any more progress? I hope this is it for you, I really want us both to go naturally :)

Ml that false labour sounds horrendous, you really are going through it :-(

So still getting leakage all day. Really think I have a slow leak in my waters as mw only checked me visually yesterday and didn't do swab or scan. But anyway only 3 days until induction. Hope everyone is well, can't believe how quiet it is in here x
Hey bubbles, did they not do your sweep today?

Looks like I'm in early labour, having what seems like contractions every 5 mins, last about 40 seconds. Just had a bath and shower and they continued through it, so fingers crossed these are the real deal. Just waiting to see if they speed up. I'm very lucky having a midwife for a sister, so she's coming over in a bit to see if I've dilated since the sweep this morning.
Hey wtt no they couldn't do my sweep. I went over to the hospital last nite to check my waters and midwife hoked and poked at me. Said she would do a sweep when there but literately stool Her finger in and pulled it back out and didn't do one. So the midwife this morning said that she has to leave 48/72 hours between them so couldn't do one. Nightmare. To be honest though I'm fed up with it all. I have kind of resigned myself to induction on Monday...: u are so lucky having a sister as a midwife :) let us know what she says. I really hope this is it for you. Are you coping ok with the pain? Hope you are ok.
Oooh wtt, good luck! I hope this is the start for you.
I think I've resigned myself to the fact ill probably be last one in here! :eek:
Bubbles, your so close now! Sorry about the rubbish sweep. I hope you get a chance to go naturally but at least if not you don't have long to go! :)
I've had an awful night of BHs. At one point I was almost convinced it was the start of labour they were happening so frequently. Not to mention baby's head nudging painfully around in my pelvis.
Had an uncomfortable doze on the sofa and now relocated to bed where I also feel flipping huge and uncomfortable. Think the sooner I sleep the better because I can just feel the bad temper coursing.
Hope you ladies have a better night!
Awww bubbles, that's so rubbish. To be honest my community midwife was the same, she barely tickled me and wouldn't do a sweep this morning because I mentioned I'd had a leak, but when the leak didn't turn out to be anything my sister came and did the sweep for me. The ones my sister did were really uncomfortable and I know/trust she did a really good job, well the one she did today has done the trick! I'm now officially in early labour and 2.5 cm dilated :) contractions are between 5 and 6 mins apart, so just going to try and have a bit of a sleep / relax and see what happens :)

The pain is very manageable at the moment, it's like a really bad period pain x10, feels like someone is wringing out my uterus (sorry for being crass), but as they only last for 50ish seconds it's bearable at the moment!

So looks like I might be starting a labour thread in the morning with any luck :)

I've got fingers crossed for you that you start to see some progress xxxx
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Loulabelle fingers crossed your BH are pushing baby down into place, then turn into the real deal. X
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Aww good luck wtt!!! Hope things aren't too slow for you. Look forward to your labor thread :)
Aw wtt I'm delighted for you!!!! You owe your sister a massive drink ha ha! Aw really great news, hopefully you can relax a bit at the moment but I hope things go quick, smooth and relaxed for you. Aw I'm so excited to hear your updates xxx
Thanks ladies, turns out laying down in bed is by far THE most UNcomfortable thing to do! So don't think I'll get much rest. Just gunna sit here in the dark and quiet and then when I feel a contraction coming stand up to ride it out. Think I'm in for a long night!
Hey ladies, turns out I am not a hypochondriac, or going nuts. Came over to get the leak checked again and my waters went while they were examining me. Because they may have went yesterday morning they are keeping me in and I'm now going up to get a pessary in. Please god let this go smoothly and without complications.

Wtt and Michelle hope you are holding up ok xx
Good luck wtt and bubbles! Looks like we might have 2 new arrivals today x
Hi girls , tried to catch up but it's so difficult! Will someone tell me who's in Hospital/ had baby etc. Then I should be ok to keep up!! Hope you're all doing ok , I'm very sore this morning but did manage some sleep at last x x

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