X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

I don't know hun, ive read that it's normal for cm to increase in the later stages because the cervix is softening etc.. I feel clueless to be honest! I don't have any pains or anything just this cm, it's happened a lot past few days so when they examine me tomorrow I'll know more, maybe it is my cervix thinning! it's got to be something, I'm bloody 10 days over haha xxx
Morning all! No news here, I've pretty much just accepted my fate that this baby is going to have to be evicted on Sunday and there's not much I can do about it. So carrying on as normal.

Eeeek Colleen exciting your going for induction tomorrow, I think that last night before I go in will feel really weird, knowing your going in as 1 and coming out as 2!!
Morning all ladies.

Good luck to Colleen today, hope baby doesn't make you wait too long for cuddles.
Hope everyone is feeling fine. Well as fine as you can be at this stage.

I am on my way to hospital for my weekly monitoring. Thank god. Baby feels like she is trying to tunnel her way out. So much pain and pressure Inn pelvis. Can't stop peeing. Every time I stand up a keep expecting a gush of waster to come out. So uncomfortable but I guess we are all feeling like this.

Michelle X
Morning everyone!
Sugar how's the water/ niggles today?
Lulu I can't wait to join the mummies thread!! Will be great to stay in contact with everyone!
Jen I hope you're having cuddles soon!
Coleen all the best for tomorrow. I can't imagine how you're feeling now!
Michelle good luck with monitoring today, hope bubba is ok!!
Bubbles hopefully your scan will show waters still there!! Although if not you get to meet baby sooner... Every cloud ;)

Nothing to report from me. Lost a good sized load of plug this morning which always excites me but never leads to anything... OH is 2 hours away from me today so my legs are crossed until he gets home anyway xxx
Oh fab Lulu thanks! I'm on this on my phone and couldn't copy and paste the front page with all the dates to sort them out so was hunting for the laptop lol. See you over there ladies!!
Anyone due inductions or sections today? Xx

Aw, thankyou sweetheart!

Well I've got not one bloody sign or niggle to greet me ony due date.
Gah. Not feeling cheerful today, feeling thoroughly fed up.
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Morning ladies, sorry Sugar ive not been well so not great at getting on.

My waters sounded similar to Jenbob, i always thought waters went like on tv, gush and theres a lake at your feet!
I was walking and wearing a really light daily pantyliner as normal, and said to my freind I feel really wet, im going to need to but tena lady next and thought why didn't I go to the loo before I left for home, with my bladder !
I kept walking and every 5 mins or so a bit more wet would happen. By the time Id walked the 30-40 mins home this long thin panty liner and my pants were soaked, but trousers ok ( luckily black).
I changed to a heavy lockaway core style pad and then wasn't convinced tbh, then id get a gush and i was non its got to be .
Managed to walk 20 mins to train station and catch 2 trains over 1.5 hours and walk to 15 min to hosp with large baby rucksack bag so it could be your waters. I did soak througth that huge pad by the loos at second of three stns with i saved in a nappy bag for inspection, it was very heavy- hope that helps
Congrats on reaching 40 full weeks Bexybun- not many of you in that club- well done you guys xx
Sugar they were really warm I guess like pee. Mine too would stop and I thought that was it as I had lost so much but they kept coming back on the way to hospital they soaked through all my clothes lol. Did you call or anything?
Morning everyone,

Happy due date Bexybun!

Another feeling fed up-per over here, 39+4 today and ds was here by now so this baby is officially late in my head. I'm trying to figure out if I had reduced movement yesterday or not. He's much lower so I'm not sure if that would effect what I can feel. He is moving but I normally feel a huge movement once a day from him rolling and I'm not sure I got that yesterday. Been getting really bad period cramps too, like iI'm gonna start a really heavy flow. Very confused by it all.

Kumber I had this sweet... I went in as baby had stopped moving the same as usual, it was moving just not like normal but everything was fine, I'm glad I went in though because it put my mind at ease and I wouldn't have settled if I hadn't gone in! Then as usual bay started moving a lot again day after lol! Gone quiet again now, small movements which isn't normal but ive used my dopplar and heart beat is fine so I'm just leaving it this time xxx
Thanks Colleen :) gonna keep an eye on it today, see how it goes.

Happy Due Date Bexybun X

That's me home from the hospital. Baby all good. Back on Friday for another scan and CTG then next Tuesday it's pre op bloods before section next Wednesday. Can't believe I only have 8 days at the most before my little girl is here.

Hope we have a lot more baby arrivals before then. There is a lot of us just hovering in the background! !!

Michelle X
Hope you do get home today JD, nothing beats going home x

I really got my hopes up for going home and were staying longer now!

I was trapsing backwards and forwards to scbu from the morning after birth and that was taking its toll every 2 hours.
Then i got him back on the sunday night , only to take a turn for the worse, and ended up completely out of it on morphine with a paralysed Ileus ( intestines). Apparently with any abdo surgery its a risk. When you touch a intestine it will freeze and mine stayed like it !! So it's day 4 today and im slowly allowed food again! Been on a drip since the issue and muscle relaxants and antibiotics.. Im now due my last lot in a min but Griffins billirubins been sneeking back up and needs a bit of biliblanket today and tommorroclbx
Oh no JJMum sorry to hear you are having a bad time, hope you are on the mend and they let you both home soon!
Hi all.
Baby Kian arrived at 5.53am weighing 5lb 7oz.
Will update more later and post pics.
Hope everyone is well xxx
Aw JJ im so sorry you are going through a rough time. I genuinely think you are so unbelievably strong (even though I only know you from the forum) so you both will get through this in no time!

Happy due date bexybun x

Michelle not long now :) glad your apt went well. By the looks of things we could be in hospital at the same time. How do you want to go about our labour threads then?

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