X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

I have a question too please girls- I've realised that my next mw appt that was "in case you haven't had baby" is a whole week after my due date, so I'll be 41 weeks on the dot. I didn't think much of it at the time they booked it because Ive never gone over before, but reading this I've seen some ladies who are booked in for a sweep or induction like 3 days after their due date- am I being thick, or should I be seeing my mw sooner? Help, I have no experience of this![/QUOTE

I had my sweep at my 40 week appointment at 40+4, think it just depends when your appointment lands. The 1st one I had on Thursday was done by my sister who is a midwife, so an unofficial one.
Hey girls how's everyone doing?
Feel like I've abandoned you all since Cole arrived lol!
Are we going to have an August babies thread in the Baby section???
I've already got questions lol xx
Yes we do need an August thread in the baby section xx
I reckon one of you already-mums should start one, it'll not be much longer before we're all there at this rate!

I'm just monitoring things. Really don't want to go down, and face the embarrassment of it being discharge/wee! :/
Jenbob or jj mum - what did yours feel like??? As its been fairly recent for you!
Sorry there was no change for you Wtt, hopefully things progress for you soon! These August babies are stubborn! I think you and colleen are having boys! He he . :)

Oh and bexybun my app is next week at 39+4 and if I haven't gone im asking for a sweep. Otherwise I'll be 40+4 at my next one.

I think an August baby thread is a fab idea, we'll all be joining you soon enough! :) x x
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Sugar definitely go get checked! I had loads of waters. Leaked all over the bed, in the loo, three maternity pads and soaked through all my clothes and god knows what else. But they leaked slowly all day as I was contracting. really hope this is the start of something for you!
MT I haven't phoned , was just going to monitor things. I've had a few leaks but not like you've described, im thinking its possibly watery discharge , definitely didn't appear to be urine. Felt different too. Were your waters warm? (The things we go through at the end!!) haha. xx
Sugar for me it just felt like I was Weeing myself loads! It wasn't a massive gush yet wasn't a small trickle. I could be sat for a little while then be ok then stand up and feel a gush like I peed myself but it didn't soak through pads/clothes etc. however I did go through pads quite quick. Whenever I went for a wee I also leaked waters too. (Could just tell as id go for a wee bit then more liquid would still come out).
Oh and yes I think they were a little warm as it felt like pee. Mine are still leaking now lol doesn't seem to want to gush!! Xxx
Thanks jenbob that's really good to know. Maybe I should phone them then... I wish they were like bright blue or something then you'd know for sure!! Instead being so similar to everything else! X
My waters went in three stages. First was enough to wet my knickers, the second gushed in the car and soaked me and the car seat... The last was like niagra apparently and went all over the bed and puddled on the floor!
Thanks lollie. I've always had my waters broken in the active stage of labour and they've gushed then.

It's quiet in here tonight girls! :). x
I'm going to start the August mummies thread in the baby section. Can't wait til we're all over there xx
Hi ladies, hope your all progressing well. We had to stay in just as a precaution for him pooing inside me. But just been told I can take him home later today. I have to give myself a daily injection for blood clots for a a week :( I'm shattered as some of the others baby's on the ward didn't want to sleep. But there all gorgeous so it's fine cx
Aw jd great news. I'm sure you will be glad to get home.

Lulu great idea :) can't wait to join you x

Sugar how are things with you this morning?

Jenbob hope things are progressing for you or you are having cuddles by now!

How is everyone this morning? I'm in a better mood than yesterday morning lol! Still lying in bed and going to try to have a lazy day. Go for a long walk and might clean the car.

Anyone any niggles this morning?
really happy for you jd bet you can't wait to get home!
Great idea lulu, I mightt actually join you all one of these days haha!!
Bubbles - no niggles but my god I'm losing a lot of discharge (Bork) it's so watery, I'm worried it's waters but I ohoned delivery and they keep saying its discharge and its normal! Feel abit fobbed off but I'm being induced tomorrow so if they tell me it is my waters they will get a right telling off, I don't want to be at risk of infection!!

Colleen I'm the same. Went to the toilet and as soon as I sat down 'stuff' came out. I wiped it and it was clear and no smell. I then proceeded to have a wee which was clearly coloured and smelt of wee. First though was waters but it's only a little a few times a day. I have a hospital appointment tomorrow where they will scan baby so they will check waters too so gonna hold off until then. Do you think the sweeps are encouraging extra cm? I really hope things kick off for you today x

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