X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Ladies I have the cure for all of our bad moods today.... Dancing! I kid you not, I've had cheesy music blaring all morning, wiggling around all over the place!! I look like a crazy lady!! I got some crazy BH and cramps while doing it, but I just got loads of energy from Somewhere so used it wisely lol. Give it a go!! Cheered me up no end x
Thanks Bubbles an hour till I need to be at the hospital so nervous! Hope everyone else is doing ok and babies arrive soon xx
Oh my just seen that three of us had babies on friday!
Dolly, me and lollie! How odd all on the same day !!

Ive said congrats to Dolly , but Huge congrats to you too Lollie on the birth of your daughter - enjoy her xx

Good luck Natalie xxx
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Hope all the new mummies are well and those still waiting are hanging in there!

Could my lo's DOB be changed on the first page please? She arrived on the 6th.

Having a few issues with feeding but aside from that all is well and we can't take our eyes off her!
Ml- I'll give anything a try atm lol!
Natalie, good luck today!
Colleen, oh bless you- I just wondered because you've had so long since your bfp. Poor thing! Think I need to get over myself as I'm not even due til tomorrow! I really hope you get going soon! X
Wow another busy day on here again. Just catching up on all the news,

Good luck to Natalie and Jenbob.

Colleen, really hoping all the CM/discharge turns into something more exciting

Michelle x
Well I've just got back from my stretch and sweep and the is no change since the one on Thursday :( (bubbles I'm feeling your pain, sorry I couldn't offer any hope) very disappointed. Been booked in for induction on Sunday. Feels weird knowing I have a date booked now and I'll be going in on Sunday and coming home with a baby (even if it is a few days later!!)
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That's great WTT, things could happen before then but at least Sunday at the latest things will 100% get going for you. So exciting! Xxxxx
Aw wtt, I'm gutted for you but at least you now have a date and can plan everything for Sunday. You never know the sweep today could work and you have lots of time to go on your own. I'll probably be booked in for Sunday too so if you don't go before then we can be induction buddies :) :). Random question but have you had any bleeding after any of your sweeps? X
Right I need to ask one of the most stupid questions ever !! And I know it sound silly being my 4th! But ive no experience of waters breaking.

Leaned over the bath this morning to put shower on and felt a warm leak! Like I had wee'd myself but didn't feel the urge to go or that I could stop it. Anyway carried on with the shower assuming id just released some wee with the position! Nothing else all day, then 4 o'clock it happens again, I'm only standing in my sons room, and instantly tried to clench and get to the the loo. I didn't feel the need for a wee. Then when bending down to change trousers, had lots of sharp pings and some more. I've got a pad on and obviously i know there's only one way to know for sure. But my question is, can waters that are leaking stop and start? My mum said hers broke with all of us but was just a leak like she'd wee'd herself , and then didn't have any more or any contractions until 24 hours later. It's so confusing. I realise how silly this sounds!! :/
Aww wtt I feel your pain, there's still time though hun!

Bubbles - I lost my plug on the first one which was jelly blood tinged mucus, then the rest of them ive had pink tinged mucus, no fresh red blood though xxx
I have a question too please girls- I've realised that my next mw appt that was "in case you haven't had baby" is a whole week after my due date, so I'll be 41 weeks on the dot. I didn't think much of it at the time they booked it because Ive never gone over before, but reading this I've seen some ladies who are booked in for a sweep or induction like 3 days after their due date- am I being thick, or should I be seeing my mw sooner? Help, I have no experience of this!
Sugar I have absolutely no idea but I bloody hope so!! Need to do a labour thread so go get yourself checked out!! X
Sugar that's whst ive been having all day but it's just discharge for me :( white watery discharge and when it comes I feel like I'm weeing a bit! Apparently it's normal at the end of pregnancy, but if you think it's waters phone your midwife and check xxx
Thanks Colleen. I've had cm with blood in it all day. Mostly just after wing. Some of it brown but some red too. I have read though it's common after a sweep and it doesn't mean anything :-( trying not to take it as a sign lol!

Sugar I would go and get checked to be on the safe side x
Aw wtt, I'm gutted for you but at least you now have a date and can plan everything for Sunday. You never know the sweep today could work and you have lots of time to go on your own. I'll probably be booked in for Sunday too so if you don't go before then we can be induction buddies :) :). Random question but have you had any bleeding after any of your sweeps? X

Hey bubbles, yeah I had a bit of spotting for 3 days after. It was just old dark brown blood, so I wasn't concerned, the midwife did say it would prob happen.

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