X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Aw JJ im so sorry you are going through a rough time. I genuinely think you are so unbelievably strong (even though I only know you from the forum) so you both will get through this in no time!

Happy due date bexybun x

Michelle not long now :) glad your apt went well. By the looks of things we could be in hospital at the same time. How do you want to go about our labour threads then?

was thinking about that too huni. I still really want to do your labour thread. When is your next appointment?

Michelle X
Hey Michelle, I have a consultant appointment in the morning where I am expecting them to do my final sweep and book me in for induction on Sunday. That would mean I would get home Tuesday / Wednesday from hospital. I really want to do yours too but I'm afraid that I will not do it justice if I am still in hospital. Can any of the ladies who have given birth shed any light on this? I'm prob overanalysing and worrying over nothing though (like always) I just don't want to let you down :-( let's hope I can go naturally in the next day or two then we will have nothing to worry about :)
It's okay. It doesn't look like my little one is going to appear before next Wednesday as she has went from 1/5th engaged to head being completely free so I'm not going anywhere soon.
I won't have much of an exciting labour thread anyway if it's a section.

Michelle X
It's okay. It doesn't look like my little one is going to appear before next Wednesday as she has went from 1/5th engaged to head being completely free so I'm not going anywhere soon.
I won't have much of an exciting labour thread anyway if it's a section.

Michelle X

All labour threads are exciting :) :) cool beans then. We will be sorted and stick to the plan :)

I'm hoping I go before Sunday but I'm thinking it is becoming less and less likely :-(
Happy due date bexybun.
Glad your app went well Michelle.
Thank for posting jj , you didn't have to I know you're having a rough time. It's good to know how it might feel as im so unsure! Mystic teen thanks too, it's so hard to tell sometimes I think. Our bodies have so much going on! I haven't phoned I wanted to see how today went. And I've had a couple more leaks and also period pains and awful number 2's. So I'm going to ring them soon, I think I'd rather check than leave it and risk infection. If could be like colleen said and be watery discharge, and they'll probably make all sorts of jokes about it being number 4 and I should really know so I'll have wasted their time but never mind!
Colleen exciting that your induction is tomorrow! Oh ml just saw your thread, hope this is it for you! I'm sure the plug is just never ending!! :) sounds promising! Hope everyone is ok! X x
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Thanks sugar. If they don't tell me I have progressed I'm really goning to crack up! Hope you get sorted with the hospital and everything is ok x
JJ sorry to hear your still in hosp and having a hard time, fingers crossed for a speedy recovery for you both.

Jenbob congrats, can't wait to hear more and see pics x
Wow lots of people popping now. I've just brought my nameless little man home today xx
Poor little buggar having no name hahaha.... Have you got any ideas what you wana call him?? bet your so happy to be home sweet xxx
JJ, sorry you're not doing great. Hope you're better soon, you really are an amazing woman!

I'm just back from hospital for reduced movement, he is fine but the mw was vile. She asked me if I could feel him and I said a little but nowhere near what he's normally like on the trace and she said well the trace is fine so he's obviously moving. She made me feel so stupid. Told her about my contractions and she laughed and said it was probably bh. I looked pointedly at ds who was with us and said I know what contractions feel like. She shut up pretty quickly then.

Had to have another growth scan as I should have seen doctor after previous scan and didn't. Doctor wanted bloods done for GTT despite previous ones coming back clear, the mw has absolutely mauled me. Both arms are bruised and one is covered in blood cus she was crap at getting a vein and she took it out my wrist which is now completely swollen and in so much pain.

I'm tempted to put in a complaint about her, she leant on my legs when I was in agony from him pushing his head down, she sent hubby and ds away because they stopped me feeling baby apparently so I was left on my own and not able to move the bed up - hips were in agony cus I was lying too flat. She refused to help me get up after the scan in case I hurt her back (!!!!!) so I was nearly crying in pain trying to get up as hubby and ds had been sent away again.

Just want to sit and sob, I genuinely thought he would be here by now. If I haven't had him by next Wednesday, I'm to go into the antenatal clinic at hospital and he will be measured again to see if we need to discuss an induction due to his size. So I have 8 days to get him out and get my water birth!

Oh kumber, I'm sorry you e had such a rubbish day! Just cling on to the fact that baby is ok, that's the most important thing - I know that's easy to say when I'm not in your shoes! I would put in a complaint if I'd been made to feel like that!! X
Sorry you had a bad experience Kumber, that midwife sounds vile. I think you should put in a complaint, no need to make you feel that way when your already anxious x
Thanks girls, I'm definitely thankful that he is ok. She gave no explanation as to why I couldn't feel much and kept referring to him as 'it' rather than 'baby' which I found upsetting. I felt like saying he's a he, not an it! She also said baby was engaged but said she couldn't tell how much? Not really sure how that works?

I have my mw tomorrow so hopefully she'll be able to tell me. Hopefully he comes himself this week!

Oh my word kumber! Some people in that profession absolutely shock me!! Lives are at stake it's not just pregnant women being silly , they are looking out for their unborn baby, and themselves. I believe whenever you are concerned you should always be welcomed. Too many things are missed at the end of pregnancy and its a shame. :( hope you put a complaint in, and at least back home and comfy and baby is ok. You will be holding him soon. Xx

So who is our next mummy?? Colleen, Bubbles, Wtt? One of you guys I think. Colleen you deserve your chunky monkey tomorrow :) jd hope you're baby boy is settled at home and has a name soon, bless him xx
Aww Kumber, so sorry you had a horrible experience at the hospital today, absolutely put in a complaint you should not be made to feel like that she definitely didn't do her job right and she needs to be made aware of how she treated you.

How is everyone else doing tonight?

Michelle x
Aw kumber that sounds horrendous, that midwife doesn't deserve the privilege of a job. I would put a complaint in. Hope you have your feet up and getting spoilt by OH.

Was out for a walk there and had a load of cm which freaked me out. Had to turn back and come home. This part of pregnancy is so bloody glam haha! Also raging that I only done 1.5 miles rather than my usual 2/3 miles :-(
Oh no bubbles :/ that's not good! But could be a positive sign.

Well I've been down the hospital to check on the 'leaks' and she said she couldnt see any fluid but lots of discharge and explained at the end of pregnancy the discharge goes watery. So that's good news. Well, I suppose it is as im not contracting yet!

Also my cervix is closed. Which I felt really disappointed about. Not sure why, but Just felt like everything ive been feeling is just for nothing. Like my body is just failing!
Means the tightenings have all been BH, but have felt so painful. Makes me realise im just clueless really!! So until I feel some agonising pains or the urge to push, I'll do nothing! I actually think tonight im going lay on the sofa and eat rubbish with a film. Usually rock on the ball all night, thinking I was helping. (although it's the comfiest position to be honest)

Sorry to moan and groan!! Feel like I shouldn't be really!

On a positive, single figures tomorrow until due date! X
Aww, Sugar how frustrating. I really thought baby was finally beginning to make an appearance. Sending you lots of hugs huni.
Can't believe how stubborn our babies are being, at this rate those of us left are all going to have our babies on the same day!!!

Michelle x

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