X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Kumber what a nasty cow! If she couldn't help you up alone then she should have got some help, what about your well being?? You did the right thing going and should go as often as you feel that you need to.
Ohh Sugar, I feel your pain! How crap for you, I'm sorry you aren't as close as you had thought :( these August bubbas are so naughty! Get your feet up and grump the evening out, sometimes you just need to!

Thanks girls, you're all so great at cheering me up :) loads of really low down movement now, how typical! Little monkey.

Sugar that is exactly how I felt after my 2nd sweep. Had so many aches, pains and tightenings that I was sure there would be progress. Was so disappointed that it amounted to nothing. I felt like I had suffered for nothing and that my body was tricking me. The only good thing it has done though is stopped me looking for signs (bit late in the day though haha).

Glad it was nothing though and baby and you are safe and sound. That also must explain my watery feeling lol ;-)
Oh Kumber, what a horrible experience! Silly cow. When she had a run in with someone my mum always used to say "I hope she goes home and stubs her toe" lol. So I hope, for you Kumber, that that MW goes home and stubs her toe :lol:

Well my due date passed with a big fat nothing. Although we had some good news today with regards to moving to a bigger house, so it took my mind off it thankfully. Just can't actually believe I am actually going to go overdue- I also honestly thought baby would be here by now! Sigh. I need chocolate lol.
Well I treated myself to a film, some chips, and currently eating a chocolate Orange!! :)
Cheered myself right up!! Ha ha x

Baby has also been wild for over an hour, really painful movements! Wish he'd just come out to play! :/

Thanks girls you do make me feel better about things. I know I'm not even at my due date , not sure why I'm all worked up this time. Don't remember feeling this any other time. Xx
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Sorry not been on been a mad few days.....our gorgeous little blue bundle arrived in theatre with forceps lastnight at 9.01pm weighing 7lbs14oz. His name is Matthieu Philip Raymond Burt and he is so cute and has loads of hair....he is so well behaved and content. As for Labour lets just say this will be my last. Hope you are all well x
Omg kumber that is absolutely disgusting, I would put a complaint in, imagine all the other women she makes feel like that, I bet it won't be the first complaint she's had against her!!! any of us in your situation would have gone in, I did the other day, I was feeling movements but reduced and not the same as usual, midwife said I was right to even if it's just to put my own mind at ease!! That awful midwife needs sacking the silly cow! It's made me really mad lol!! you poor thing !!

On another note.... TMI alert... I started having painful cramps about an hour ago, I honestly thought I had contractions and it turned out to be major poops (Bork) never had diarrhoea like it in my life!! I'm hoping its maybe my body gearing up to go into labour, if so this baby has about 20 hours to vacate the premesis on it's own before it's made to lol xxx
Congrats natalie.... I'll wait until the weekend to read your birth story then haha xxx
Jeepers Kumber, you'd really wonder about some people! I'd actually be close to telling her where to go. Hopefully he arrives before next Wednesday!

Congratulations Natalie :) I'm sure you'll forget what labour was like soon enough!
Congratulations Natalie. Hope you forget your labour very quickly :) well done x

Oh Colleen may baby was waiting for the very last minute to make an appearance on its own :)
Number I hope your ok! Def put in a complaint , we did at our last hospital and really pleased I did!u should never be made to feel like that!

I hope everyone else is ok, so many babies and everyone's so close to meeting your gorgeous little bundles! Eeeek. I'm exhausted can't believe my teeeeeny little lady is 2 weeks old tommorow! Crazy. Natalie congrats! So exciting x
Congratulations Natalie our babies have the same birthday :) xx
I'm counting down my days till next Thursday for my scheduled c section (8/20). I'm so excited and nervous all in one. I had a c section 10 years ago with my son but 10 years ago seem like forever ago. Just patiently waiting
Hi girls,
Sorry for being so quiet. We had our baby Toby on 6.8.15 at 7:23am after being induced on Monday 3rd August. The labour was extremely traumatic (forceps delivery with failed epidural) & I lost 2 litres of blood so needed a blood transfusion:-( this will be my first and last baby as I'm now struggling to forget about the birth.x
Aw Ljd sounds exhausting and traumatic. It WILL get easier and transfusions can make you feel abit groggy and you'll have so many mixed emotions right now with baby just being born. But you'll be able to think abit better further down the line . I've had transfusions and bad PPH's in 2 of my labours and it's not nice at all. It does make you anxious going through it all again, but somehow you find the strength to. Enjoy your newborn cuddles and focus on all the good now, you're both here. Thanks for updating us all. We were thinking of you. If you're home now, then that will help, don't get much rest in hospitals x x
Congratulations Natalie and Ljd, wonderful news both bubs are ok but I'm sory to hear about your bad labour experiences :( I hope you both recover quickly, sending you both lots of gentle hugs.

Really struggling with sleep tonight, normally I'm gone when my head touches the pillow but not so tonight. Mw this afternoon, could be my last one, eeek! Would it be totally wrong of me to have ham sarnies at 5:30am?!

Go for the sarnie, kumber! Sorry you had a crappy hospital experience:/

Congratulations Natalie & ljd!! Sorry to read you both had traumatic labours though :/ here's to an easy & quick recovery and healthy babies x

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