Omg kumber that is absolutely disgusting, I would put a complaint in, imagine all the other women she makes feel like that, I bet it won't be the first complaint she's had against her!!! any of us in your situation would have gone in, I did the other day, I was feeling movements but reduced and not the same as usual, midwife said I was right to even if it's just to put my own mind at ease!! That awful midwife needs sacking the silly cow! It's made me really mad lol!! you poor thing !!
On another note.... TMI alert... I started having painful cramps about an hour ago, I honestly thought I had contractions and it turned out to be major poops (Bork) never had diarrhoea like it in my life!! I'm hoping its maybe my body gearing up to go into labour, if so this baby has about 20 hours to vacate the premesis on it's own before it's made to lol xxx