X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Oh and yes I love the rants this morning!! Must be something about today!! Im the same ml feels like I was pregnant forever and I found out I was pregnant on 8th December ! It was super early, and it was by chance as I was at a hosp app and didn't even suspect I would be! So it does feel like a lifetime ago! My due date is pretty accurate so I can't complain, but just wish he would arrive now! Feel like I will be the last one :( :(
It's a busy week this week, colleen , natalie , bubbles, jenbob.. Is that everyone so far? As jd has hers :) :) yay! X x
Congratulations jd, what a chunk! Sorry about your water birth but yay for newborn snuggles!

Aw brilliant news jd :) massive congratulations.

I'm Joining the rants this morning. Just had my second sweep and there has been no change since Thursday. To say I am gutted is an understatement. I really thought something would have progressed. I have 7 days left to get this baby out then induction. I really don't want to be induced. Going to do a few messages then home to bed for a good cry and snooze :-( :-(
Oh jd congratulations!! As others have said, sorry about the water birth but yay for everything else going smoothly! :) xxxx
Ohhhh congrays JD looks like I won't be able to have water birth either then :( never mind it can't be helped! can't wait to see a pic of your little man!!!

I have my induction booked weds 7pm!

I know bex that's exactly how I feel, we might just be crazy hormonal pregnant ladies but who cares, it's so friggin annoying when people are negative!! xxx
Huge congratulations jd!!! You must be over the moon!! Enjoy him xxx
Awwww bubbles I'm gutted for you. Especially as I have my sweep this afternoon after my one on Thursday and I will feel exactly the same if nothing has changed. Fingers crossed you'll be a spontaneous labour!!

JD congratulations, you make it sound so easy which is music to our ears :)

Nothing new for me to report, sweep booked at 3pm this aft so will update then.

I can trump you all so far, got my BFP on 26th Nov, I have now been pregnant FOREVER!!!
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Congratulations JD!

Oh dear, today is going to be a very moody day for some of us lol!!
So thats me up to get organised woke feeling crampy and needing the toilet think this little bundle knows its eviction day! Hope yoh are all well xx
Congratulations JD! :)
Also good luck to Jenbob!
I don't even have a right to complain, I'm still 2 weeks away from due date but I just can't stop. I feel like a grumpy, useless whale of a woman right now. Poor little bab, he's all comfortable inside and all his mummy wants is her body back! Though, since he is so fond of wriggling so much, I have tried telling him there's way, waaay more space for that on the ouside ;)
I got my BFP on 24th November... And you all are overtaking me! It's so unfair... But at the same time I'm so happy your all getting cuddles with your beautiful little bundles xxx
Definitely a moody day for me. I'm really struggling with all these false starts, my lb is glued to his daddy and refuses to cuddle me so my emotions are all over place and I'm so angry and fed up with this pregnancy lark. I love that everyone's popping, I'm so happy for all our mummies. I'm extremely grateful to be having another baby, I think I'm just reaching the end of my tether a bit. Doesn't help everything has ground to a halt, yet again. No more plug, contractions, not even bh. I could cry.

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Congratulations JD!!!

Ladies I hope everything starts moving for,you all soon. August mummies are doing amazing so far!!! I'm due 5th September and already want her here haha xxxx
Wtt I really, really, really need you to have progressed to give me hope lol. In all honesty I hope you go in and they tell you you are in labour but didn't realise lol! This is torture. Good luck for your appointment, keep us posted :)

Natalie good luck today x

Kumber we can cry together :-(

Right the next august mummy has to be someone who is overdue!!! Does all them wee late babies hear that lol ;-)
Morning ladies- just been trying to read througth and catchup

Huge congratulations LD on your baby boy , you made it sound really lovely and easy, what a lovely weight too - enjoy him xx
Jenbob -eeeek another queue jumper like me.. Funny feeling isn't it waters to be going but you know it just cant be pee !
Good luck today at hosp

Goodluck WTT I think it was having sweeps later and sugar were you having something too?
Colleen I can't believe your still here, your little baby wanted to make a grand entrance with audience that's all, good luck wed hun, it will be fab xx

Feel for all you ladies desperately waiting , big hugs xx
Hey jj good to hear from you! How are you and little griffin? No I don't have any procedures this week, just seeing the consultant Thursday. Was hoping not to make that app! Think it's natalie , colleen, wtt and bubbles this week, oh and jenbob now too! :) little queue jumper. But we're all only jealous ! Haha. I've never had my waters break so I've no idea what feels like, I'd most likely go in just to be told i wee'd myself!
Looking forward to more babies soon :) we all just want cuddles!! Xx
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Hi jj, so lovely to hear your well.... I'm so jealous your getting baby cuddles with your little one but so happy for you too! can't wait til it's my turn! xxx

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