X-x-X-x- August 2015 mummies -x-X-x-X

Eek! Sneaking a peep from Sept mummies. Good luck Jenbob! Exciting x
Congratulations dolly! Amy is gorgeous... Jen bob how exciting! Please keep us posted!

It's getting very exciting on here, such a shame I can't keep up but it's only because I'm looking after my little lady , she's suffering as doesn't know how to poop properly yet, still temperature issues so every second is spent on her.. Love her lots.

Sending u all lots of good luck incase I miss anything and I can't wait to hear of more baby news xxx
Well I'm not mad... It's defo my waters!!! :D
So I have until 4pm tomorrow to start contracting or I'm going in be induced (although she said it's not a proper induction it's just what they do to get things going.. Can't really remember what she said as I was tired lol).
So fingers crossed things start themselves!
.. And here I was planning on doing food shopping tomorrow lol xxx
An how exciting!!! :) I say if you haven't started contracting srill go do the food shopping! If you leak some more im sure they do some sort of deal!! Or is this a myth! :) ha ha. Wow another baby is on their way, very exciting in here this week! X
Very exciting in August mummies!!!!! Can't wait for updates me and my little lady are thinking of u all xx
Haha sugar! I'll go somewhere really expensive lol apparently m&s was the place to go back in the day lol. Xxx
Happy Monday, hope everyone is feeling ok today and managed to get a decent nights sleep.
its the start of a new week and hopefully a busy week full of newborn baby arrivals.

Michelle X
Didn't sleep well , as usual... :/ my hips and back are always killing from being in same position! I don't know why but feel really disappointed every morning that I haven't started labour. Don't know what it is about these last weeks, emotional! :/

We should have a busy week in here this week anyway, with the indictions/sweeps/due dates etc.. :) :)

It's naff weather but going to try and get out the house and do something. x x
Morning ladies!

STILL nothing to report here, due on Sunday this week and he is making no attempts for freedom whatsoever. Really hope something happens so that I can have or at least try a water birth. The way he is going it looks like an induction could be on the cards. Hoping I'm just one of those ladies that has nothing, then wham, labour starts. I'm not usually that lucky though!!

Hope all the ladies with niggles are doing ok and all of our already arrives August bubs are thriving :)
Morning all!

Well I noticed last night that at some point yesterday my bump has dropped considerably, however theres been no other signs. Realised I've never been this close to my due date (due tomorrow) and got to say, not happy about it lol.
Side note, when you're not too worried about labour, why do people insist that you will be screaming / panicking or it will be the worst thing ever when it happens? Its like people cannot accept that you may be calm about it! Ive had two quick labours with just gas and air, and yes I'm well aware it could all go to pot this time and I could have a 3 day labour that's horrendous lol, it what's the point in me worrying about it? And other people trying to scare me?! Grrr!
Bex I agree... Everyone seems to put a negative spin on everything! I'm surprised half these people have children they make out its so awful! Ive said to a few people "can't wait to feel normal again" for example be able to put my socks on, walk more than a minute without being in pain, lay on my front in bed lol and everyone always says " you will never feel normal again" errrrrm I'll feel a damn site better than this and that's all I care about! or people always say are you ready for sleepless nights and horrible nappies? I feel like saying well I don't sleep now and I'm a nurse so I reckon baby nappies are better than adult nappies haha! just seems like everyone has to put a downer on everything! it's the most amazing thing in the world to have a baby and im grateful that I get to go through all this misery that people make out having babies is!!

Wow nice rant for a Monday morning haha xxx
EXACTLY Colleen! If I say I'm fed up being pregnant they go "you won't be saying that when you have a screaming baby" Yes I will actually, because I revel in the baby stage but hate being pregnant, so er, shut up lol.
Morning everybody!!
I'm enjoying the rants this morning!! Seems like we all well and truly have had enough. What's the schedule this week?? Coleen has a sweep Wednesday? Jd would have had a sweep today but has decided to try au natural? Jen is in hospital this afternoon?? Anything else??
I just depressed myself even more by working out that I got my bfp 36 weeks and 3 days ago... Such a long time lol.
Today is my original due date... Miserable is an understatement! Get out baby!! GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!! X
Morning everybody!!
I'm enjoying the rants this morning!! Seems like we all well and truly have had enough. What's the schedule this week?? Coleen has a sweep Wednesday? Jd would have had a sweep today but has decided to try au natural? Jen is in hospital this afternoon?? Anything else??
I just depressed myself even more by working out that I got my bfp 36 weeks and 3 days ago... Such a long time lol.
Today is my original due date... Miserable is an understatement! Get out baby!! GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT, GET OUT!! X
Morning, I am currently holding my little man. :) came into the birth centre fully dilated but waters hadn't gone. Couldn't have a water birth because of this water problem in my area. They popped my waters but it had baby poo in them. So up to delivery suite and had him. Really easy, he's 9lb 0.5oz. Looks like my eldest :) xx
Oh wow jd that's fab news!! :) shame about the birth pool but least you're holding your little (Ish!) man. Hehe.. :) :)

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